All joy and happiness.
As predicted a couple of entries, we encontrmaos now mired in a very intimate dates where I get an angry because everyone seems too polite and friendly, much more than the rest of the year and I can not help but ask because they are not the rest of the year. Anyway, this Sunday morning I'm in a good mood. Last night the power went out in my poky old town and left a light pollution free sky and I could take the telescope and camera and flip properly. They say money can not buy happiness .... it is a highly questionable statement. I bought my telescope, with MY money ... and with my telescope I'm happy. I'm happy with most things, but the telescope is the most ... chachi? I do not know. After this brief intro I will go to raise the issue today. A story that I personally love that proves the theory that not all people are loved horrible, selfish and devoid of feelings. Today we talk about war, its low value and its supreme folly. Today we will talk about the Christmas Truce.
good it is in a trench.
First of all is a trip back in time. Specifically we go to the December 24, 1914, the eve of Christmas on the Western Front in the First World War. Then you need to get in position. We are at war. Gunfire, explosions, screams, mud, smoke, death. British against Germans, Germans against British. Human against human.
Little or no people know about the First World War, but more essential is that it was a painful war, and especially of trenches. Thousands of people crouched in the trenches waiting for a chance to get the hell out of there. And more the day they were, were on the eve of Christmas. The British had received orders from high command to remain vigilant, as they suspected that the enemy would make a surprise attack on Christmas Eve or New Year. The Germans however had received some gifts from the Kaiser (the German boss), specifically sent to the front so that decorate fir trees, extra rations of bread, sausages, spirits and all sorts of things to boost the morale of the troops.
As memory was born the day and night, the silence was coming over the place. He must be very strange to be in silence after months of continuous noise, was an unreal silence.
The Germans, however, wasted no time and fir trees decorated with candles as tradition, and placed in the trenches. Hundreds of feet beyond the other side of no man's land, watched the British mental corrupting as strange lights lit up the enemy trenches. Soon realized that it was Christmas trees. Were even more surprised when enemies, those beings without hearts or feelings that they had painted their officers and generals, began to sing a Christmas carol known to all, Stille Natch (Silent Night). The British were obviously surprised, overwhelmed by the spirit of the season, broke into applause at the end of the carol and began another.
Agusta has to be tirade in the snow.
modest gifts were exchanged, such as a bit of liquor, snuff, some food, buttons of their uniforms. Many photos of your family taught enemies who were to be killed, and the enemy will teach your photos. Photos of their children, their parents, women, girlfriends. People who wanted to see but could not by the desire egosita few.
The perfect gift for Vanity.
The thing that was done during this truce was to bury the fallen comrades. No man's land, that vast space between the trenches was filled with bodies of soldiers from both sides that took days, even months in the open, requiring burial. Soldiers from both sides helped each other to bury the bodies of their friends, their peers, giving them burial with a few words in his memory.
Perhaps the most legendary event is a football practice match between the men of the Scottish Seaforth Highlanders and soldiers Saxons. According to the testimony of Niemann German officer of the 133 Regiment of Saxony, the party was held in the field of Frelinghein-Houplines near Armentieres. She says, then exchanged cigarettes, a Scottish soldier appeared with a soccer ball, and within minutes is the amount a party, each side made their goals with their hats. The terrain was suitable for play, and that due to the mud was cold and the ground was frozen hard. Niemann recalls that made them very funny (or horror) to see the Scots with their skirts and they could not help laughing to discover that beneath them were not wearing underwear, that is, he had more balls in play. The match lasted only an hour until one of the commanders became aware of the fact and stop the match command. Apparently The Germans won by 3 to 2.
Similar episodes occurred throughout the western front, some even reaching last February. But in many places the truce ended as it began, almost by mutual agreement. As Stockwell has Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers of, "It was very cold. At 8.30 am, fired three shots into the air and throw a flag was inscribed" Merry Christmas ", jumped from the parapet. The German captain took out a shirt where was written "Thank You" and jumped off the parapet, respectively greet us and we jumped into our trenches, so he fired two shots into the air and the war continued. "
The High Command, never approved saw nor approve of such acts. Were acts of treason when they came to the ears of the mandarins, were severely punished. Funny how human behavior is punished in the War turns everything upside down. It normally awards the punishment and vice versa.
A cross, left near Ypres in Belgium in 1999 to commemorate the site of the Christmas truce of 1914. The text says
1914 Christmas Truce of 1999
Khaki Chum
85 years
not forget. Personally
this story inspires me too many feelings. It is the story of a bunch of men who were free for a few hours, were people. Were people who forgot a time were subject to the power of decision of a few who had decided that the Germans were the enemy. It proves once again that war is not about the people, nor do the people, the war is decided by a few, who, curiously never die on the battlefield. I think it's a story to think long and hard, so to think! I said!