large. Being
Malpensa is its slight advantages and disadvantages. One of the very clear advantage is that almost everything has its grace because of the sexual connotations that one can give you everything from how to hold a broom stick to the way of eating a tropical Pirulo. Of course, like everything else, has its drawbacks. Like when you realize that all you can get a sexual content and thinks of himself that he is a sexual pervert, we are all more or less well.
It may even think that this quiet and captivating activity only part of a stratum of society rather vulgar. Nothing is further from reality, since we are all human and therefore, we fail to try not to be ordinary people. A happens to priests not to accept sexuality as a part of being human, of course, that is repressed and repressed into a bitter little ball that comes out just when the children go to catechism and then if it is bundled.
fervent worship.
is quite normal, because the anatomy of our good brain still retains some traces of past performance that triggers reactions "animals" to see a copy of our escpecie who is good looking (! Ay oma que rico / a !). But it is very nice to see that this behavior reaches the highest levels of human thought where pure reason guides the steps of the man who is doing his job, and puts a name to a plant .... funny.
Nothing else see the photo around the world have thought the same, often with connotations of giant Palitroques enormous penis. Not that anyone has the dirty light or dark mind, it's just logic. Then leave the issue of size comparison, lest you start a war of inches.
The plant in question we are talking about is the clever name of Amorphophallus titanum, which to those skilled in Latin is all a joke of humor fine, but fine. The less skilled in half inut dead language can more or less that is thing, but basically the moniker in question means "phallus amorphous Titanic" or, in ordinary language, without any form giant penis. It could also be called as the cock of your friend so and so, but let's not go there, it would be very easy.
Doing calculations perhaps?
This herbaceous (ie has no woody tissue), is native to the jungles of Sumatra, around Indonesia, the country that everyone is able to pinpoint on a map. In addition to calling his name, is also the largest plant in the world capable of producing a flower with a kind of tuber that is capable of reaching the three meters tall.
already missing, a plant, penis-shaped measuring about 3 feet tall. But another characteristic that has this beautiful plant is its curious name smell. Like any plant, have to smell, but not all have to smell good. Beautiful verses have been written by the fragrance of roses or orchids, but I'm sure there are not many dedicated to the smell of the famous penis-shaped plant.
Look how happy she is.
The peneplanta is accustomed to emanate a smell of death that pulls Patras, for this genuine and characteristic odor has earned the nickname "corpse flower" and now some say that Tim Burton is after her to make a movie. The smell is so intense that you can smell from some distance and makes it impossible to spend much time near the plant, causing the appearance of arcaditas and sore throat after breakfast because the ground. But the wisdom of nature does not do things just because, as the smell serves as an advertisement for pollinators that make it possible to reproduce the peneplantas their own way, of course.
Its flowering time is a whole d ela plant life, as it only does 3 or 4 times throughout its nearly 40 years. And most importantly, the giant phallus, once born, is able to grow at a rate of up to 10 cm per day, reaching an average of 2.5 m tall, 1 m in diameter and about 75 kg. All of a heavyweight.
man's face on the left.
can breed in captivity and several nurseries in the world compete against each other to see who is bigger, and no, not a joke. The record is in the Botanical Gardens of Bonn in Germany, where he gave a magnificent specimen of 2.74 m high and around the world celebrating the phallus which had more giant amorphous giant of all time, a whole party and celebration, yes sir. Now we just have to wait for someone to come who want to joke and you put a inecto something that has to do with some stupid famosete the tabloids and I shall be fully satisfied.