Sunday, December 27, 2009

Best Marriage Congratulations Messages

The Christmas Truce!

All joy and happiness.

As predicted a couple of entries, we encontrmaos now mired in a very intimate dates where I get an angry because everyone seems too polite and friendly, much more than the rest of the year and I can not help but ask because they are not the rest of the year. Anyway, this Sunday morning I'm in a good mood. Last night the power went out in my poky old town and left a light pollution free sky and I could take the telescope and camera and flip properly. They say money can not buy happiness .... it is a highly questionable statement. I bought my telescope, with MY money ... and with my telescope I'm happy. I'm happy with most things, but the telescope is the most ... chachi? I do not know. After this brief intro I will go to raise the issue today. A story that I personally love that proves the theory that not all people are loved horrible, selfish and devoid of feelings. Today we talk about war, its low value and its supreme folly. Today we will talk about the Christmas Truce.

good it is in a trench.

First of all is a trip back in time. Specifically we go to the December 24, 1914, the eve of Christmas on the Western Front in the First World War. Then you need to get in position. We are at war. Gunfire, explosions, screams, mud, smoke, death. British against Germans, Germans against British. Human against human.
Little or no people know about the First World War, but more essential is that it was a painful war, and especially of trenches. Thousands of people crouched in the trenches waiting for a chance to get the hell out of there. And more the day they were, were on the eve of Christmas. The British had received orders from high command to remain vigilant, as they suspected that the enemy would make a surprise attack on Christmas Eve or New Year. The Germans however had received some gifts from the Kaiser (the German boss), specifically sent to the front so that decorate fir trees, extra rations of bread, sausages, spirits and all sorts of things to boost the morale of the troops.
As memory was born the day and night, the silence was coming over the place. He must be very strange to be in silence after months of continuous noise, was an unreal silence.
The Germans, however, wasted no time and fir trees decorated with candles as tradition, and placed in the trenches. Hundreds of feet beyond the other side of no man's land, watched the British mental corrupting as strange lights lit up the enemy trenches. Soon realized that it was Christmas trees. Were even more surprised when enemies, those beings without hearts or feelings that they had painted their officers and generals, began to sing a Christmas carol known to all, Stille Natch (Silent Night). The British were obviously surprised, overwhelmed by the spirit of the season, broke into applause at the end of the carol and began another.

Agusta has to be tirade in the snow.

The truly magical moment was when one brave German soldier came out of his trench with a small fir tree decorated. He addressed the enemy trenches. A British soldier came to him and shook hands as if they know of life, as if they were brothers, not two different nations soldiers fighting for, surely, some bullshit. Hundreds of black silhouettes came to no man's land, to know, to embrace, to be human. Many Germans knew English and who had been working in England before the war, so did the translators for their mates.
modest gifts were exchanged, such as a bit of liquor, snuff, some food, buttons of their uniforms. Many photos of your family taught enemies who were to be killed, and the enemy will teach your photos. Photos of their children, their parents, women, girlfriends. People who wanted to see but could not by the desire egosita few.

The perfect gift for Vanity.

The thing that was done during this truce was to bury the fallen comrades. No man's land, that vast space between the trenches was filled with bodies of soldiers from both sides that took days, even months in the open, requiring burial. Soldiers from both sides helped each other to bury the bodies of their friends, their peers, giving them burial with a few words in his memory.
Perhaps the most legendary event is a football practice match between the men of the Scottish Seaforth Highlanders and soldiers Saxons. According to the testimony of Niemann German officer of the 133 Regiment of Saxony, the party was held in the field of Frelinghein-Houplines near Armentieres. She says, then exchanged cigarettes, a Scottish soldier appeared with a soccer ball, and within minutes is the amount a party, each side made their goals with their hats. The terrain was suitable for play, and that due to the mud was cold and the ground was frozen hard. Niemann recalls that made them very funny (or horror) to see the Scots with their skirts and they could not help laughing to discover that beneath them were not wearing underwear, that is, he had more balls in play. The match lasted only an hour until one of the commanders became aware of the fact and stop the match command. Apparently The Germans won by 3 to 2.
Similar episodes occurred throughout the western front, some even reaching last February. But in many places the truce ended as it began, almost by mutual agreement. As Stockwell has Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers of, "It was very cold. At 8.30 am, fired three shots into the air and throw a flag was inscribed" Merry Christmas ", jumped from the parapet. The German captain took out a shirt where was written "Thank You" and jumped off the parapet, respectively greet us and we jumped into our trenches, so he fired two shots into the air and the war continued. "
The High Command, never approved saw nor approve of such acts. Were acts of treason when they came to the ears of the mandarins, were severely punished. Funny how human behavior is punished in the War turns everything upside down. It normally awards the punishment and vice versa.

A cross, left near Ypres in Belgium in 1999 to commemorate the site of the Christmas truce of 1914. The text says
1914 Christmas Truce of 1999
Khaki Chum
85 years
not forget. Personally

this story inspires me too many feelings. It is the story of a bunch of men who were free for a few hours, were people. Were people who forgot a time were subject to the power of decision of a few who had decided that the Germans were the enemy. It proves once again that war is not about the people, nor do the people, the war is decided by a few, who, curiously never die on the battlefield. I think it's a story to think long and hard, so to think! I said!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

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mudflows Modeling

commented on the modeling natural rivers flow and the peculiarity of representing a watercourse and flow "Newtonian", ie where the shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of deformation of the fluid, a river is right for such approximation. If we refer to the behavior of a stream and geodynamic conditions typical in river canyon in the Andes, sediment transport and rheology of the sediments, requires the application of fluids "non-Newtonian." One of the packages that allow such representation at FLO 2D, which was applied to the stream Paihuén (Matucana-Lima), one of the most difficult to handle broken on the issue of debris flow and currently broken system continue to affect surrounding one of the most important transportation corridors in Peru such as the Central road and rail concerned. Attached presentation by Mr. Leonardo Castillo, who graciously offered on the 1st Symposium on Floods and landslides, conducted in March 2007 (Lima-Peru) organized by the Institute for the Mitigation of the effects of El Niño (IMEF - UNI) .

Fig 1. FLO 2D model application and determination of hazard maps.
More information on debris flows in the blog: Water Engineering and Research.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Letter Of Community Service Completion Example


a few years ago, research on climate change reached certain theories that in many cases go unnoticed by decision makers. A theory that is taking them and very hard is the Global Dimming and almost direct relationship with a consistent phenomenon like global warming. For more details herein a series of videos from the Discovery Channel where the documentary of this phenomenon is really interesting and impressive.

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Modelation Unidimensional and Bidimensional flow in natural channels

numerical modeling applied to traffic flow in a river or natural watercourse, has many years of research, every day being analyzed by researchers to include many more cases and features peculiar to their models. With the development of sophisticated computer systems and hardware capable of supporting a large amount of memory in data processing, there are still many gaps in the understanding and resolution of equations of complex systems that try to represent the flow in its most real as possible. This development made possible the commercialization of software that may be appropriate management the only almost standard tools in the engineering market. We talked about the HEC RAS \u200b\u200band FESWMS., Models with broad international management for one-dimensional and two-dimensional modeling of flow in rivers respectively. The application of the comparison of results of both advantages and disadvantages others was examined in an investigation into a river as the river Majes intertwined in the Arequipa region, province of Castilla, Uraca district in southern Peru.

Fig 1. Sector analysis and the effect of flow in the closure of one arm in a braided river.

A summary of research in my article is published with the Institute for the mitigation of the effects of El Niño de la Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria - Lima - Peru and can be downloaded from this link: article1
Related Links:
- HEC RAS \u200b\u200bSoftware 4 (free)
Other details contact the mail.

I Just Want To See Vuginnas

Contour + Autocad Civil 3D 2008 + Google Earth

Below carried out, a detailed explanation of obtaining contours from Google Earth using the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008. Are some simple steps and is really a useful tool for those who are dedicated to sciences related to cartography. Before starting I recommend reading these restrictions of the method.
- It is true that we can get contours at each meter from Google Earth, but never this approximation by interpolating triangular topography resembled a field.

- You can use in studies at the profile or in obtaining results where the metro areas and lengths are expressed in large scales (km or km2).

- adjustment and correction of the curves obtained depends largely on the knowledge in the field, recommended compared with topographic surveys conducted in the field near the project area.
- Better to use it in areas of rugged canyon and mountainous topography. In flat areas or other outlets, the curves require a tighter fit even to be unrealistic

Let's begin:

1. The image of Google Earth should have a maximum height of 8 to 10 km, this can be seen at the bottom right.

2.The 3D Autocad 2008, open the template NCSLDT (Metric), once you open the template is saved as a "dwg" in any version.

3. In Google Earth, located approximately in the center of the image the coordinates of reference point, of course, before doing this you should check the configuration of the UTM and geographic area in Google Earth. Here we work with the WGS 84 Zone 18SUR. Take note of that because that will serve to coordinate the insertion of the image in Autocad.

4. The 3D Autocad 2008, go to File - Import - Image / Surface

5. Enter the coordinates, we note, indicate a rotation of zero degrees and go! create the surface containing the DEM and other properties of the image extracted from Google Earth.

6. To obtain the level of interpolation of the curves, just enter: Surfaces - Utilities - Extract Objects from Surface. In this case we work with curves to each elevation 2m

7. Final result of the area to work. For other editions of these curves can be grouped in blocks and so able to georeference, giving scale values \u200b\u200bbased on any survey in this area you have.

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Rio Rimac 395 years of evolution and other imbalances

The differences that arise in the daily evolution of a river, generally go unnoticed by anyone, but is the main source of natural water in the city of Lima (capital of Peru) and talking about the second desert city's largest world after Cairo (capital of Egypt), the Rimac river practically made possible urban empowerment of the valley with slopes as the basin water limitations. In a matter of infrastructure is true that Lima need and need room to grow and unfortunately over the last centuries most of the banks and natural flood plains of the river Rimac, were invaded, causing a rash of city living - the river and punishment respective non-conservation and deprotection, used for many centuries almost the only collector of debris from the big city (there are many places that receive input from waste, as well some parts restored). This team: city - rio ( Rocha, "Introduction to fluvial hydraulics", 1998 ) should now be interpreted in the best shape possible for managers to assume governmental responsibilities and support us unconditionally.
395 years of difference reflected the larger photographs of the year 1613 when Lima was a dozen blocks to the stone bridge a connection with Rimac area.

Fig 1. Plano de Lima 1613.

Fig 2. Satellite view of Lima, December 2006 Google Earth.
With a rapid appreciation, the avenues Zarumilla Beltway around and around housing estates would floodplain of the river Rimac and a balance fluviomorphological slope and width (according to the theory of Lane and balance in rivers, 1955), considering that in 1613 it had a width of 320 m river today is 40 m on average. the river has increased its depth (eroded), due to narrowing along its path (at gunpoint), which is currently seen in the erosion near the bridge down from Dueñas and as far as the bridge of the Army, the latter with an infrastructure of protection for the bridge is not literally hanging by regressive erosion.

Fig 3. Rio Rimac, at gunpoint and plan view of the bridge gap with the Army and waterfall.
This is the result of 395 years of urban desplanificacion and attempts to stop the erosion down:
Fig 4. Waterfall, climb of approximately 15 meters, Rimac River - Bridge of the Army.
To this let us add the problem of sedimentation that is generated downstream from the bridge Faucett, due to severe narrowing occurred upstream, reflecting a very interesting case of evolution fluviomorphological to quantify with scientific research
other hand

In these last years have restored two major sections of the river on the basis of slope compensation works, these are works cross in a section of river (ties), generating small sections with sufficient features for the conservation of species and the accurate assessment of the erosion and sedimentation. Another section restored for landscaping was found between the bridges of Abancay Avenue and Santa Rosa Avenue.
After this brief account, it is logical to think that will continue to make important and much needed work for us, the beneficiary population, bridges, desilting of channels,, river defenses or playgrounds, but left in doubt whether such strictures conceived in the design are enough to contain a historic avenue Rimac River, this is a separate issue, see you soon!
Fig 5. Traviesa - Rio Rimac, section parallel to the highway restored Priale Ramiro.
"Many of the works and / or projects mentioned in this post, develop as work items in the National Engineering University in the class of" Introduction to Hydraulic river "of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
"The theory of the phenomenon of degradation and aggradation of the river Rimac river in the section presented, was raised by Dr. Rocha Felices past decades.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Diffrent Ways To Masterbate In The Shower

Greetings all are welcome to this blog, where I will be publishing issues related to water resources in a global context, issues of engineering, research, management and other hobbies, these will be shared freely. We will have news, all the computational tools that can support advanced engineery this complex issue in Peru. Waiting for your participation, suggestions and comments to the blog, I say goodbye to a new posting. Greetings!