Sunday, May 23, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco Episoade Live

monkeys and humans!

But look how cute! That

like da back! Have been a couple of weeks a bit crazy, in which the death of a PC makes a weekend, and my brief stint another weekend at the emergency department, have made me reconsider the fact that to me things are going well. Asthma, allergy (not forth this joy), the exámanes and especially humans. Those living things that sometimes make you feel good and sometimes you feel like strangling them like a little bastard bastard.
humans, this breed of monkeys coming to believe more is better than any other animal and plant species. It is curious to see how many humans are irritated when compared with their closest relatives, the apes. It is easy to understand why the church does not make no fucking grace the theory of evolution. The reason is that it is compatible to a god (with a lowercase d) has powerful form of mono. There is no reason so momentous and raised to heaven, is as earthy as the bologna sandwich with olives and tranchetes breakfast I sometimes in the morning.
seems that much contempt comes from fear. We dread to think that we come from monkeys because we have "so much" (if you call that company so much ...) it is impossible that the monkeys are relatives of ours. I particularly do not bother me much, even more, I like to know because that answers many questions about my behavior. After all, we are simply civilized monkeys using a knife and fork to eat (it is no spoon.) OK this is simple and complicated at the same time, but once done, you take off a load off.
Many scientists have studied the apes. I feel particularly special for the orangutans, are so nice and I good-naturedly about whether you have one cousin or brother, I would not doubt for a second.
Anyway, long ago I heard about an experiment done on monkeys that also comes in handy these days of economic crisis. The economic crisis is to make an entire blog dedicated to it, because it shows once again, as governments are subject to the plans of banks and that sort of riffraff. Anyway, let's talk a little experiment that my good friend Keith Chen.

Who is Mr Keith Chen?

Keith Chen is like you and me, a man who has dedicated himself to what he likes and is professor of economics at Yale. While the long hot dog, heard around a statement of one Adam Smith, who apparently is the founder of classical economics. This assertion came to say the following. "Nobody has seen a dog make a fair and deliberate exchange of one bone for another with another dog." Touch your balls, remove your dog a bone to see that it does.
Then our good friend Chen began to eat the jar to see if I could do that with animals to see if they were able to understand what money is and all that.'d have to do with animals look a bit like humans, just emerging option monkeys. Among many species of primates, our colleague Chen chose to lso famous capuchin monkeys, known for starring in the movie "Outbreak."

So we were left? Mono or cute?

They went to a lab and a few cappuccinos chosen at random, male and female, baptizing them with names of James Bond movies. Then there was the issue of pasta. They were introduced as a small circle metal coin with a hole in the middle.
He then had to teach the monkeys that these circles holes were good for something more than games. It taught the monkey a treat, and only gave the monkey when the researcher gave the "money." Many months later, the monkeys learned that if given a coin to the investigator, would receive a juicy tidbit. It got
that each monkey had a budget of 12 coins to buy what he wanted. The time came in which were planted a couple of researchers, each with "good" different. One for example had Sugus and another an orange. The monkey was paying for the goods he wanted, pure and simple.
Dr. Chen was that out of the skin, so it was time for changes in the monetary system MONIL. If, for example, gave him a coin 3 sugus the monkey, now gave him 2. The monkey, corrupted realized what had happened and began to save, as any little person. But if, for example, came the day that for a coin returned to give 3 sugus, monkeys bought more! Muuucho more human behavior.

This was the monkey named Goldeneye by sugus bad.

to advance further in the topic the researchers introduced a couple of games. The first game was to teach the monkey a grape. Then he threw a coin, and the way come out was given a grape reward. Come on, at least it had a grape and a maximum of 2. The other game was
in which two grapes are taught the monkey throws a coin and as such fall since they took away the monkey a grape. Earned at most 2 and at least 1. But come on, they always had grapes.
But the trick is that the pimer game was where you could potentially earn, and the second was where you could potentially lose.
The reaction of the really cute capuchin monkeys before this game was overwhelmingly human. They preferred the researcher who first taught a grape and gave them another as a reward, because he taught two quitava a grape that is what psychologists call "loss aversion." We, the monkeys had a very hard knowing they could lose a grape ls 2 was at stake. Basically the monkeys a grape enjoyed winning as any of us, no?

I won a grape! Bieeenn!

All this is quite human and quite extrapolated to the world of finance, where the sages of the bag will always gain secure and not to the loss.
Some time later, he began to notice strange behavior among monkeys.
One of many was when a monkey went into the chamber where they were taking a few coins and their fellow apes tirándoselas as if it were a robbery. Investigators, trying to recover the coins had to bribe with candy apes to recover ... I fuck.
Another behavior, the more disturbing is when a male monkey, gave a coin to a female for this purchase sweets ... that really cute? It may be nice at this point, and who then, both monkeys were plunged into a very hectic simiesta intercourse. A case of monoprostitución? Monal during heat before the pasta? Who sable, but the fact is that the facts are there and then not remove anyone. For your peace of mind, I will say that the monkey took the money and went immediately to buy a candy bar.

is a monkey? Is a human? Who knows ...

And after that, which we thought left? Well, basically we are not as cool as we believe and we should adopt a slightly more humble to the world around us, and above all, care for it as if it were a child of ours. I'll never understand who throws paper on the floor, or leaving a glass bottle in a forest, no longer an unconscious of the world around him. There is so much beauty around us because we do not see that we do not strive to look ... to see if you look a bit more! I said!
Source: Genciencia

South Park Music Same As Heroes Might Magic


Strangled by the vision of the phone cord
asked your maximum inclement language. I asked
alcohol in the pit without suture
surf at the bottom of the abyss.
More of the same, no. But you were not. My fingers
the urgency
detectives collected flowers drugged,
peaks for climbers, the shadow of an intrepid scuba
Everything was dripping and color.
With colors rubbed my face and back. My mouth
woman sipping the cliff.
A caramel
unhinged son is the baby's mouth with crayons,
with fruit, feathers and gifts
shower water still, off and apart, clean and pushes

Photo: Irving Penn.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Honda Accord 98 P1739


was the dissolution of time.
One clings to stay.
to go, too. The
folds of the sheets
exceeded the folds of cloths
Baroque. They were wet.
Your index finger was all she needed to survive

Photo: Irving Penn, 1950.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What Can I Do In Tampa For My Anniversary


A tattoo?! NO! is the guide of Phrenology!

Today is one of those rare Sundays. One of those where the light looks different and does not appear particularly boring. Still, as more than half of mortals, I hate Sundays. Especially after the semicatacroker yesterday when I gave my my hard drive with all my photos disappeared. Luckily with the help and patience I managed to recover much of my library, but too bad you missed my photos posing for playboy ... cachis.
And now that it gets hot, crowded on all examinations and boredom, you better talk about some interesting gristle, either as a person spends 25 € on a bracelet powebalance (if a colleague of yours has it and says it works, tell him he's stupid on my part), or de como era cualquier ciencia de hace un par de siglos. El primer tema sería un tema muy fácil. No hace falta ser un Pitágoras para desmontar rápidamente los milagritos pulseriles. El segundo tema...tiene mas encanto, como cualquier cosa pasada. Mi madre, muy sabia ella, me dijo una vez que cualquier cosa pasada fue mejor. Tiene razón en parte ya que ahora no se hacen las cosas como antes. No hay buenas series infantiles (menos Pocoyó, alabado sea), los chicles con sabor valen 3 euros, no hay flás (o poloflash) como los de antes..ahora es todo mas mierdoso. Además, se evidencia una gran falta de creatividad cuando te das cuenta que la ropa que está ahora de moda es la que llevaba tu madre hace 30 añ algo que da thought. And if you do not believe, ask questions, to ask is what makes us smart, believe everything is what makes us fools. But mistakes makes us more intelligent, at least some. Therefore, the failed Phrenology was a science, which became the germ of other modern sciences, so let's discuss it a bit.

Madam, your son is a violadol.

First things first, Phrenology has nothing to do with the brakes, unless you have a Toyota (you get it?). Well, that's for starters. Now returning to my usual seriousness the topic that touches us, say that Phrenology was an ancient theory that held that it could discern or know the main features of your personality by the shape of your skull, as simple as that.
The founder of this science was doomed to catacroker Franz Joseph Gall, German anatomist and physiologist who had a special predilection for the brain. It was the first identified gray matter as the active part of the brain (neurons come on) and white matter, as the conductive part of the brain.
S Since late eighteenth early nineteenth centuries, some sciences took shape and others were in diapers. The Phrenology was born as the thought of a man who believed he was right.
phrenology today is but a small chistecillo, which to us looked like science with some affection, as when we remember when we were small and did not do stupid things or crazy now and still smile. However, its principles were not at all fanciful. It was established that the brain was the organ of mind. The mind, with their different powers, such as speech, vision, thought, are handled by different brain regions or areas.
So far so good. Today we know that this is more or less well. There are areas in the brain that you can talk, others do not forget to breathe and one that you remember to buy your sister a birthday gift that you saw so cute pijadas store in the mall.

if not a man or a woman, and I am not referring to the skull.

Mr. Franz Joseph Gall was going well until he started to freak out and postulated that the development of certain brain regions are manifested in the shape of the skull. That is, if we supposedly had a more developed region of the brain than normal, percetptible had a lump on his head and just for that you were a bloody murderer!
The Phrenology was very popular in the nineteenth stupid even to our country, with Mariano Cubi making such a big fish phrenological studies (as Count Eusebio Güell Bacigalupi) Catalan lands back.
was very popular in the USA and some European countries and like any science, was used to fuck by people who had no fucking idea. Specifically, Phrenology was used as a rational argument of racism, that is, because the blacks, Chinese and wombats have a different head than whites, they are inferior because it says Phrenology. It's like going on today in this land, which according to the RH genes or blood, but the Basques are the English Chachi. This argument is easily removable, and it's stupid to assume that one is better than another when there is always someone better than you. So complicated is to admit that we are all human beings? It seems to be yes.

elite Phrenology!

The Phrenology got a fucking party when Paul Broca localized the speech center in the brain, confirming the assumption that the brain has regions that are responsible for certain tasks.
Something fucked up happened to the Phrenology is when it was shown that the skull thickness varies considerably, therefore, could have a pretty bultaco being noticed in the head but ... only have 2 mm of bone that does not mean there nothing.
But as I said before, we must see the Phrenology as a toddler taking his first steps, you are wrong and awkward, until she becomes something of benefit, such as neurology.

Funny how not too many pseudo-sciences have been intruded into our lives. The trouble today is that pseudoscience use one of the most valuable commodities there today, stupidity. Use the stupidity of people to sell products that do nothing, see homeopathy or those who speak bracelets holograms and electromagnetic fields. The best way to defend all these bullshit is quietly smile and ask, why? Asking what makes human beings human. That question led to our friend Gall to formulate a theory that seemed correct, but it was not. Served as a seed for something much bigger and we discover the mysteries of the brain. So you know, to ask why!!