Scientologist, with two balls.
Me and my peculiar sense of humor. There's nothing funnier than watching people worship something, whether the president of a political party or a wooden statue. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that something is wrong when hundreds of thousands of people clapping in unison to a politician. You just have to ask questions. But today the world is not to ask questions. Today you just have to buy clothes, watch TV and believe that you are happy. Some are not very happy, that's true. Others believe they will be happier in the afterlife (if any), that promise almost all religions. The good thing about most religions is that they can basically remove a series of right questions, those questions left to wonder in a mental catacroquer, while the foundations of their beliefs fall apart at times. The religion of fashion today is Christianity. The fans and especially their bosses think they are in possession of truth and absolute certainty. Damn! Egyptians also believed they were in possession of the truth abosluta with those rolls Ra, Set, Anubis ... and look at them now, all dead.
The funniest event of "religion" is incorrectly called, Scientology, because science has very little, depending how you look. If you look on the side of, science and coconut ream someone for you to get out the dough as happily ... the ad says, not magic, it is science. Let's talk a bit about Scientology.
English Family ...
What always intrigued me SIEDO religions have their origin. Tenino always mysterious and mystical things, with angels down from heaven to deliver scripts etc etc. It is not the case before us today. Scientology basically began as a bet. He said the founder of this supposed religion. The balls have not found a religion and live on it? Unfortunately it did. Its founder, named Lafayette Ronald Hubbard better known as L. Ron (chief) Hubbard, was a writer of science fiction novels mediocre one day he got to write self help books. Little can be said of his life, except he was born in Iowa, he was orphaned by little, he was adopted and was in the U.S. Navy until 1946. The rest is pure history.
To begin, we all know that Scientology is not a religion, it is more than clear. The reason is very simple, and that Scientology is considered a sect in many countries and in others as potentially dangerous to eat when coconuts. It is right that the USA is regarded as a religion. But I have thought that if there yeah but not here ... is that something went wrong, not if I understand.
M. L. Ron (Chief) Hubbard.
Then there is the matter of the questions. This "organization" gets a little nervous when asked about why the faithful have to spend a fortune at the time of joining. I have a theory that if a religion was founded with the to help others ... should not be tremendously millionaire, or fucking ostentatious. You need only look at the venue they have in Madrid, the building must have cost him his. Moreover, they say they are not a religion, but it is a series of tips for becoming a better person ... because they have a cross symbol tuned?
Questions, questions and more questions. On how they are organized is a topic that could take two or three books. These people are their own and do not like people to know how they are organized. And what is the reason? If both want to help people ... why not let us know how are they organized? What is the problem? Why hide? Ahhh ... mystery! There are tons of desencatantados Scientologists that they left the "organization" began to tell their most juicy secrets and the "organization" took legal action against them, right? Mystery. The thing is, apparently, when you enter the "organization" on payment of a "paltry" sum of money, you say a few things to plan, "Look, you say this is part of the great truth that we got to know our great master L. Ron (Chief) Hubbard, if you want to know more about this great truth, give us more money.
And some dumb (see Tom Cruise) gives it to be told the real truth. The big bitch is that if you live at least a few questions and realize that an absolute truth ... no there, I know that absolute truth that there is an absolute truth, which leads to a paradox, but that's the world we live in but a great paradox?.
That's the great truth is a closely guarded secret. The big guys do not want spread. The reason? Damn ... when you read it you may a very large mental catacroquer. Refrain from reading fans of Tom Cruise.
Supposedly, long long ago, there were few planets in the galaxy that were united into a federation or so, and its supreme leader a bug named Xenu. One problem besetting the federation, which was none other than overpopulation. There were planets that were full of people. So Xenu did nothing to catch a few billion inhabitants of all planets and put them in their spacecraft with a DC8 aircraft. Attentive to this detail ok? can not have forms of flying saucers or anything, must be Douglas DC8 aircraft. So far so clear no? I would remind you again that all this was invented SCIENCE FICTION WRITER.
An enemy in the guise of the terrifying Scientology Xenu.
right, with the DC8 aircraft, Xenu transported (he is not going to herniate) to the poor inhabitants of our planet. There are versions that say they deposited all people around the volcanoes of Hawaii and bombarded with hydrogen bombs, and others threw the poor people directly into the volcanoes. Then, the souls of the poor people, they wandered until, at the dawn of man, joined the hominids who inhabited the earth, causing it to evolve, but at the cost of all problems and sorrows of man, are given by the violent death of those souls ... May I remind again that the one who invented all this stuff was a mediocre writer of science fiction, if you remembered.
The magnificent Douglas DC8.
doctirnas Like all crooks, the operator is flawless and extremely good. But apparently FBI arrested him for living on a boat with a bunch of young guys. This is part of the rumor mill is still on the figure of the father and founder of Scientology, a mountain of rumors all fun in which everyone can participate in inventing one.
I must say that while writing these lines, I've been doing the Oxford Capacity test (sounds so good that it qu be true) which is provided free (thank goodness) on page of Scientology in Spain. There are 200 questions each deconcertante more, I will invite you to take a vistazillo to the first questions to stay with a poker face. You only have to click here . Then
comes to my head many your questions, especially with people who blindly believes this. Take the case of Tom Cruise, a guy who is an actor. I've always thought that many actors are educated people who understand the culture and in many areas ... but I see no. We can say that Tom Cruise is basically a bit silly. I hope none of you ever believe this crap. I have the sad certainty that almost all religions (I'm not very familiar with Buddhism) tend to take advantage of the weak personality to take over their minds and have them service. There is nothing more than to see people worship the pope or the stone of the Kaaba ... is a very sad thought. As the great Carl Sagan said "The first major man's virtue was doubt, the first default, the faith. "What a great thought. It's so hard to be good person ... it is very complicated. It is not structural errors of Scientology believe man is good by nature . just need to go out and observe people to see that maybe this is not true at all. Well, I happened to talk of electropsychometer, a device invented (or not) to measure the large Hubbard's thoughts people or something. But you better not explain what I explain to you what the kids of South Park, Series I highly recommend people not just for the tacos, but for its curious way of seeing reality. Well, all is said and done, I hope you have enjoyed and no one will eat the coconut eh? I said!
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