The cocaine professionals always in style!
Today is one of those Sundays in which I have no desire to do anything. Neither study, to play, not even to write. Then I remember the rush that I get to see someone has commented and I get a little bit of desire, however, a server is low morale at the moment. Anyway, I think today's topic can be fun, since when cocaine and by extension, the drugs are not fun? I still remember when I was a little lad, Mr Don Police who came to give talks about drugs and stuff. The truth is that the man he was right, because I've lived near and drugs (not cocaine) eats a person's life. That was an episode of my life now I laugh, because if not ... I tended to give head butts. Anyway, I am a strong advocate of the idea, "If you take drugs you asshole." More than anything because it is widely known the many evil effects and sinful as any kind of drugs, from heroin to snuff on our beloved and sexy body. Anyway as many have guessed, today we speak of cocaine, a drug known to many and used by many more, from your favorite singer, until that athlete as chachi that gets so many points or goals. So let's talk about the curiosities of cocaine.
First, cocaine is not just that white powder you know your uncle is in the drawer and says you are talcum powder. That's for starters. Then you comment on the reasons why they only saw once that "uncle" on top of you and hurt you in the bum. But that later. First things first, from where the cocaine and how many forms arises.
Cocaine comes from coca leaves (Erythroxylum Coca), a shrub native to the Andes. A coca leaves, are subjected to complex chemical processes that you spend to get the pure cocaine. Clearly then cut with other substances to get more amount and win more money.
As we all know, cocaine is almost always presented in the form of fine white powder appears harmless, that no jumps, no death, no you take the egg. This is just one of the most common ways in which cocaine is presented. Basically cocaine, crystallizes (as salt). You can leave these crystals large right, put them in a glass pipe and will Crack. You can also grind those crystals and present the powder cocaine as famosete we all know to feel the rush snorting and unique. And finally you can dissolve in water to inyectártela directly into the bloodstream ... we all benefit.
But back to the leaves. Coca leaves are widely used and mostly chewed for matters less malignant. Chewing coca leaves are removed simply makes the effects of altitude sickness (the mareillos and that). It also reduces hunger, regulates the heartbeat, etc etc. Peeeeeero, not all benefits, masticar hojas de coca hace que tus dientes se resientan y que tengas que comprar cukident pro si las masticas durante mucho tiempo. De todas formas, puedes comprar bolsas de hojas de coca en cualquier país andino para evitar eso de los males de altura sin ningún tipo de problema.
Históricamente la cocaína tiene ya un largo camino hecho. Los primeros arbustos de coca llegaron a Europa sobre el 1750. Ya en 1859 se aisló por primera vez gracias a Albert Niemann. Mas adelante se usaría la cocaína para tratar la dependencia de la morfina. Es curioso, quitamos una dependencia para sustituirla por otra. Se descubrió que la cocaína sirve como agente anestésico local, sobre todo oftalmológicamente hablando. De hecho hoy en día Continued use of cocaine as local anesthetic in countries like the United Kingdom.
addition, many of that era used it as Sigmund Freud, who wrote a short treatise on cocaine entitled "Über Coca" (On the cocaine in our language), postulating that is very good and is in no way harmful. While an article on cocaine "Contribution to the knowledge of the effects of cocaine," commented well above where it was chachi.
gave it to prove to his friends until one gave him a severe chungo wrote "Notes on craving for cocaine and cocaine fear" recanting some of his words.
and that would be a post of cocaine if you do not speak of the Coca-Cola, the drink that is drunk in cold blood and that many refreshes. It is curious that this soft drink Coca take the word in its name ... but interesting that the original formula was about 10 milligrams of cocaine per glass of Coca-Cola. The story is that the pharmacist John S. Pemberton developed a refreshing drink to try to stop her addiction to morphine. For that is plucked from the Coca-Cola, which originally was a green drink such as coca leaves. Managed to leave but fell into morphine addiction this drink made from extracts of the coca leaf. When he discovers the addictive substance, cocaine replaced by caffeine content, looking for the same purpose. Funny how the Coca-Cola in its history does not mention the use of extracts of coca in its official website. Even today it continues to import tons of coca leaves for the preparation of their.
It is also known to cause this drug addiction, and basically you fry your brain with feelings that you think are good. After the buzz often comes with depression cocaine that the effects have passed, so often, the user returns to take a capella without considering the consequences and hence the addiction in its many forms.
And like all drugs, has its risks. Cocaine increases the risk of thrombosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, accelerated atherosclerosis, causes transient paranoia in most addicts. Your continued use via sniffing can cause nasal congestion, ulceration of the mucous membrane, to the famous nasal septal perforations. While cocaine makes you more sexy, you can leave the dreaded impotent or cause you erectile dysfunction. Cocaine can cause cardiovascular complications in the arteries of heart and brain, which can cause heart attack. It can also cause lung problems, respiratory, gastrointestinal and brain (stroke have never sounded good).
But if we, who know all this, for the first time in history we know and what is more important, we understand the risks and dangers of drugs, whether they are thugs, whether cocaine. Information we have right and left, not our friend Freud had limited resources. Still ... the man is still taking drugs and only cascoporro question arises ... why? That answer I leave it to you.
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