METATRON, article about physical issues.
This article is several years, now preparing a workshop, I found in my files, and it seemed very appropriate and revise it out again because we're at it, some of these symptoms or somatic, are present in our environment or have gone through it, share it with gratitude and I already comentareis, good morning to everyone.
ASCEND Foundation is a worldwide organization of nonprofit service guided by the Inner Plane Ascended Masters who lovingly provide service in the world today through global meditations, messages teachers and healing programs. All services are conducted on a voluntary basis, so please be patient. We ask that you not send personal messages, since we can not answer questions of this nature because of our commitment to keep services running. We appreciate all your blessings and offer our own in this way. Our website can be found in
We are based in Australia and we are a small group of people who care deeply for all beings on this planet. To be added to our list of subscribers to our free email service with messages like these, please send an email to with "subscribe" in the subject line.
This is a channeled writing, written by and copyright of Phoenix Serenia Qala, 2002 © for the ASCEND Foundation. May be distributed or translated with the condition that the original source and the ASCEND Foundation is recognized and not alter any of its content.
We ask all those who work with this level of the program that invoked the Archangel Metatron Metatron and asked to be placed in your healing program. For this call, receive assistance with changing your light body.
This is the first level of the program. To receive the introduction to this or the next levels, need to subscribe to the program through Metatron with "Metatron" in the subject line (our free mail service) or find (at a later date will be available) through the web site of ASCEND in
If you are translating it into another language, we bless and thank as many are truly grateful for the time you devote. Please be careful with language, because you can lose a lot of accuracy in translation as has happened in some previous. We apologize for the extension, but this detail was necessary and we ask that you send us a copy of the translation for our use. We will be very grateful.
Beloved, we offer this first level of Metatron program to help them understand the changes within you and help you flow with the energy currents that are activated and release through you, through this period of great transition. We ask each of you to connect with your heart like a golden wheel of energy. Here lives the divine consciousness of his being, ready to be awakened to the next level of your being. This presence of love can be seen as the Higher Expression of Self This wheel or mandala of light love heart holds the unique essence of everything. You can access this power of love from within, by declaring out loud that "I invoke the Divine flame of my heart to turn over all dimensions of my heart and I'm light body. I ask the alchemical sign my Divine Heart and my Body Master of Light that activate and manifest the full expansion of the flame of my heart for my whole being. I call to Archangel Metatron to merge with me and hold me through all the changes I am experiencing in the light body and with the resolution and healing of all aspects of cellular memory sustained me. I pray to my God Presence to merge with me. I Am That I Am. I Am That I Am. I Am That I Am. So be it. Is Done. "Know that every one of you says this presence and is currently on the road to give birth this Presence of Love by bringing it into this world. This process creates a large change in one's life at all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is important at this time that each of you recognize the depth of the transition in which they are involved. May each of you is integrating not only the many past lives that have been held in the Mother Earth, but they are beginning to integrate its galactic heritage and all the memories of it too at this time.
The greatest gift I can offer today is the stimulus in this time of great transition, and that each of you is in the right place at the right time, in the right energy to learn his lessons today to make this transition takes place. To give you an understanding that within you all the energy is beginning to be drawn as a magnetic current to earth through your heart and your heart is being simultaneously open ether through their connection with Source, activating its chakra system of many petals. All this is happening consciously or unconsciously everyone on the planet simultaneously, and this phenomenon is universal the primary cause of all changes in your body of light. Everyone on the planet are responding in their own way to this. Some in the world are burying their heads in the sand and trying to ignore the internal transition feel inside. This tactic will not find it for long as the spirit of every being is offering gentiles called to awaken to the path of self to become more through being asserted. Some are rising before him and found him inside, sometimes they are overwhelmed by the reports that are emerging, but as they move forward through this. They are opening themselves to the Divine Being are.
During the transition from primary changes in the body of light there is a sense of feeling empty, alone, misunderstood, sometimes deeply fearful or angry. These feelings can become very strong at this time and it is in those moments when you experience some of the memories based on the deepest trauma are moving through your light body seeking resolution. These reports can only be lifted and carried to a higher dimensional expression through the power of love for oneself. As one truly begins to find inner experience and brings harmony to the internal state through self-love, changes in body light that have been stimulated are completed and resolved and feel the harmony in the life outside. This course is a recurrent phenomenon during this period of transition and will continue to occur at all.
The light body changes seem to diminish as each one of you develops balance and harmony in your inner and outer realities and connects deeply into an experience with your Divine Presence every day. Invoke the Divine Presence and Archangel Metatron daily for merging with you and this will help restore the balance in this time of transition.
We ask all of you who work with the following suggestions to balance the symptoms of change in its light body and physical body. Working with these for 4-6 weeks. Upon completion this will get the next program level.
Some signs of changes in the light body are written below in a list with some indications of what they can do to improve your life if this is happening. Check out the titles to see what symptoms to identify you personally in your life and connect with the energy practices offered for each of them. These changes in the light body can only be integrated through loving connection with yourself, or parts of you that are changing. So when read this, if they experience any of this, send their love to the parties who experience this first before reading the writing on it. Know that the golden wheel of his heart is your portal to access energy of Divine Love.
1. Ringing in the ears - This happens when your masculine energy and feminine energy is divine relationship through the higher chakras above the heart. This is a sign of deep discord between male and female energies of his soul. Extensions invoke the soul male and female soul extensions and ask them to forgive others for what has happened in any other life and in life that creates the tinnitus. Send her your love to these parts of your body from your heart to send a beautiful love and light to both ears and then his intention to send it by its ears to the pineal gland in your brain. Say the name of Archangel Metatron and ask help with the clarification of the tinnitus in the coming days. Call to Council and ask Karmic Karmic Absolution in this connection.
2. Headaches. These occur as the energy of the brain begins to expand and asks his mind to release many old beliefs. The headaches become more severe if there is mental strength to release the old beliefs not serve to create the highest potential for you at this time. It is important to recognize the beliefs you hold consciously or unconsciously, that higher mental body is imprisoned by ......... that creates these headaches. If you have a headache that recurs, understand that you are the old limiting beliefs in themselves and in life that create it. Can invoke my name and I will assist you to clean it. Belief can name going to your internal and trusting that they will receive when you ask your inner self what is this belief or what those beliefs. Get a sense of this from within. Call to Archangel Metatron and ask for help this. Say, I release the source's belief that I am ........, at this time does not help and now I activated the new belief that says that I am ......... .............. (From your heart connection create a new positive belief to replace it). As this happens many beings of the 7th. Higher dimension and will assist them through the remodeling of your brain power and clearing the old ways of thinking or any other blockage that are connected with this headache. If the headache is still there, should invoke the Christic Etheric Surgeons and the Karmic Board and ask for Karmic Absolution on these recurring headaches. If pain is not completely relieved, possibly more than one level of beliefs, so I go inside and discover the other beliefs that are holding, release them and activate new beliefs that serve you your whole presence is manifested in this life .
3. Body pain that moves throughout the body and comes and goes. This energy is misdirected creative energy that has not been channeled into positive externalities in their lives. This is possibly due to the fact that your energy body could not channel the energy due to energy blockages of old emotions and beliefs that are being housed in the path of energy development of its light body. It's energy that has been suppressed for many lives (unexpressed emotions and thoughts) and returned to you as an unconscious energy. As is unconscious, it is anchored at one point but travels throughout the body, nestling in the areas of higher density and lower light. This energy is resistant to light and when light activated, there is a sense of pain. Then it moves deeper into the body to move away from light. The only power that heals is love and she is loved as free (when love is absorbed by it) that creative energy that seems to be dark (as in the absence of light) back into the Void, the source of all energy of creation. It can invoke the name of Archangel Metatron and ask the Disco Disco Void and the depolarization to rotate quickly through this power so it can be released from your body. You say: "Energy Unconscious Beloved, I urge you to return the vacuum and release all attachments to my body and the creation of this pain." (Referring to these energies that are unconscious to return the vacuum.) Send your love with this area of \u200b\u200bpain and aspírenlo by the painful area. Say, I ask the Archangel Metatron to enable connection of the vacuum energy in my body for this release can take place. Breathe deeply as it happens.
4. Feelings of rainfall energy, pulses of light, intense light flooding volumes being, shivering ecstasy energy, feelings of energy spread to a larger size of its body. This is one of the unpleasant symptoms of changes in the body of light, but can sometimes be severe. The soul is a sign of divine presence in their DNA braiding. This is known as a light body activation and often creates large quantities of cellular memory to emerge as thoughts and unresolved feelings of his own. It is important to cleanse your body of light each day with purifying energies such as the Violet Flame if they receive these jets energy through your being. This means that you are speeding on their way to rise and because of that more changes will occur in the body of light. Therefore, stay balanced and feeling in harmony with the world, you need a cleaning process for your body of light. Call Saint Germain and the Violet Flame to clean up all your chakras, bodies, body meridians and light per day and give yourself permission to say a mantra or breathing and meditation as this happens.
5. Part One - jaws tight (bruxism) or teeth clenching. Teeth gnash and, if severe, bruxism, is a sign of the deep resistance within the personality to the mission of his life or his connection with his whole presence. Traumatic memories often supported by a deeper soul anchored in the body through dental and mandibular region if the personality is not willing to let go of the ties that she created in her life. If you are experiencing tooth grinding or bruxism, know that your personality is enclosed in something that does not serve the highest potential of you and you are experiencing a lack of connection with your whole presence because of the ties that you have created in this life or another. It is important to break any contract that may have done in the past or in this life who claims that you do not meet his personality and his whole presence. Total invoke His presence and ask your personality to release any resistance you currently hold through the chakras from the throat and mouth and the eyebrows to the Source. Exhale through deep breathing. It needs to develop forgiveness from your heart to your whole presence in the memory of the trauma sustained by his soul in his jaws or teeth. When you feel you can forgive her for this Divine Presence (which probably happened in other lifetimes or in this life), complete release will occur and their jaws or teeth stop enacting this trauma. Ask Archangel Metatron to help them with this.
Part Two - Dehydration. Dehydration is created by an overactivation of cellular memory, which can also create gnashing of teeth and if severe, bruxism. If your cellular memory is being overactive, will be experiencing one of two things:
1. a large volume of junk thoughts filling your mind with irrelevant ideas and thoughts that make no sense to you, or will
2. a blank mind, no idea what they were doing just now, a feeling that had just been somewhere else and just got back and landed where they are, without memory of what had been happening just to you or what they were saying. If this is the case, are highly active travel Divine Presence is creating a big change in your mind you can not possibly achieve. Its role is to surrender to each moment and if this is too difficult at some point, make sounds, sing or say mantras will be very powerful for you. There is no exact answer to your changes in the body of light because there is much change at every moment, continuously, within you. The key for you is to surrender to God / dess and the process of change. Your mind will return to you once you have cleaned the old beliefs and chakras have returned again to the state equilibrium. This type of light body symptoms is one of the most awkward and frustrating of all the symptoms while the sustained control over your mind is taken by his divine presence and all the memories of all lives flooded her mind sometimes without have no sense since they are only seen at parties and distortions. The white stay longer occurs when memory banks are large unsolved from the body of light and are transmuted. Through this process, large amounts of bodily fluids are absorbed by creating cell-cell dehydration. This dehydration can then create an overreaction of the cellular memory. Hydrate your cells with large amounts of fresh clean water is the answer to minimize these effects if they are happening.
6. Numbness of the sensations of the body, there are also feelings of other people with you energetically, but without full awareness of this. This numbness is a feeling created by some of its light body that is not currently running at their highest potential in their role of nurturing their physical body with Love and Light. As you open your whole presence multidimensional, activate different areas of your light body to be restored and reconnected to your physical body. It is at this point that your physical body may experience short periods of numbness that comes and goes through various parts of your body. You may note that the Archangel Metatron to invoke his name, when they occur, and letting you know which areas sometimes experience numbness. The Emissaries of Love then explore your light body to help with these areas of your body open to light restoration. As this numbness or numbness of areas to be changed, will be opening their own sensory capabilities of the higher dimensions and sense of presence that are with you will become stronger.
often sensory capabilities can not only tune into the higher vibrations always with you, but may tune with the energies also unresolved in the astral plane or astral bodies of others. It is important to break all the contracts they have made in other lives or to take it or resonate with the unresolved energy planes such as the astral plane. Call to Archangel Metatron and the Divine Presence to assist them in this. Use the words: "By Divine Decree, in the name of God / I now break all agreements that may have done throughout time, space and dimensions in relation to resonate or take any astral energy or energy Astral anyone else. Through the full power of my Mighty I Am, I release the source now all astral energies and invoke currently hold full support in this from the Karmic Board, the beloved God / dess my Divine Presence. "
7. Feeling in the air or in space, the feeling of not being fully present and aware. If you experience that is in the air, floating in the body and the experience of not being fully present in every moment, your higher chakras currently hold a disconnection from the Source, your lower chakras do not hold enough power and heart land currently are required to open and give all the old experiences when his soul was separated from the Source. Being in the air is one of the symptoms key to his original wound separation that has been activated for complete healing and resolution. It is important that you recognize that your soul has an original wound and work from there on it releasing the energy of his life to call your Divine Presence to merge with you and offering all the negative thoughts and emotions to the Source for release when they are felt or thought by you. A great mantra for you is to say, I release the source .......... (Mention the energy) Exhale and then saying, I ask ..... (Positive of this) by drawing the new vibration of Source in their being. It is also important that your spine chakras are connected the center of the earth and through your chakras with the Sun and the Moon every day. The help in this display a golden column from the center of the earth that runs up through your chakras and out of her crown to the sun and moon. Then invoke the power of Mother Earth to raise their chakras and the flow of the fountain to be anchored through their chakras. See your heart open like a beautiful flower every day and send love to all your energy body around.
8. Feeling threatened, deep panic, terror without conscious motive for it. This may be occurring because they have turned a very deep layer of cellular memory (holding terror, etc. Within her) who can not free itself from your energy body. First, it is important to remind your mind that this feeling is a very powerful memory and that is all that is, no matter how real it feels. In addition, it has emerged to be healed and resolved in Love Also, your mind will not be able to give much more meaning beyond it. It is important to invoke the Archangel Metatron day and asked for a deep emotional clearing, emotional clearing and healing. Before bed is also an important healing request a total balance of body and chakras. At this time it is important to live in an environment that stimulates the emotions less negative level. If There are energies such as TV, etc.., which trigger your emotions, it is important that you do not participate in them. It is also important to recognize that it might take time to heal .... few weeks or sometimes months since this energy is an energy of many lives that comes back to you to be resolved. It is important to seek healing and assistance whenever this energy begins to feel uncomfortable. As they do, they will realize what usually triggers feelings of terror occur. It will be a particular type of energy that will trigger the memory. If you can contact when shooting with the understanding that you are being triggered, then you can invoke the extensions that support these reports and ask them to release these reports for the healing your whole presence. Invoke extensions at this time and ordénenles since Love Divine Presence to release memories and forgive all that has happened to create panic, terror or feelings of threat you feel. Give the order 3 times and call upon the Council by the acquittal karmic Karmic and resolution of this when they do. Do not forget to call to Archangel Metatron to assist them in this time too.
9. Hearing voices in your mind or thoughts that talk with you. Telepathic nature is open again, and no means they are going crazy. This happens as the power of your brain begins to expand and you wipe the memory cell of your mind. All energies can connect to you through the paths of telepathy if it is opening. At this time it is important to discern. Hear the thoughts of their guides, your Divine Presence, or aspects of his conscience or sometimes that of others who live in polarized situations. Understand that it is annoying to receive messages not of the highest vibration, but only love will dissolve its connection with these lower vibrations. So discriminate love. Always check everything you get with the vibration Love your heart flame. Any post will be based on fear of a band of lower vibrational energy. Call to Lord Michael this time for help or ask the kind of thinking to forgive everything that happened to create to live in separation. Know that your mind is made primarily of reports unless your higher consciousness and awareness of God / to be anchored through it. It would also be useful to ask the energy that gives the message if placed itself purely in the thoughts of Christ, the Mahatma, the beam and the Twelfth Ray of Christ. Can ask this three times and if the answer is yes telepathic three times, can ask who you are communicating with you and trust this.
10. See parts of visions during the day in his mind, feeling that things can happen, dreams or vivid dreams difficult. This is a sign that you are opening your vision as your body of light is activated by the Divine Presence. Dreams will often travel resolution you need to experience some of the karmic soul memories are explored to be healed. If you wake up uncomfortable memories of dreams, forgive what happened in their dreams and recognize that they are karmic memories of other lives to come to you for resolution. As to open multi-dimensional capabilities, will begin to feel the energies in your life more often and often can feel the unusual in your life. Know it's not always the most appropriate response to trust what they feel, unless they feel the vibration of love in their feelings. Know that as many memories of karmic nature are moving in you may be feeling from a memory that is not needed for this life but life comes from another dimensional reality. Can rely, however, feel that what sustains the resonance of unconditional love within himself, and that all who are anchoring this energy are connected to the now moment within of any kind of God / a. If you feel disruptive energies, invoke the Archangel Metatron and ask help to clarify all the memories connected with the energies they are feeling. May need to forgive something within themselves at this point that you created that you will resonate with these energies.
11. Loss of memory and memories of the minor things in your life everyday. These are the main symptoms experienced by almost all standardized. Besides the fear that one is getting too old to become retailers, and the frustration of not being able to remember the simplest things, this symptom is quite enjoyable because not only do you clear of mind the shopping list but also cleared things you really do not enjoy pointing out, through the process of your mind that is expanding at a higher vibration. Not much you can do about it if they are occurring as Total Presence is trying to raise your mind off of the lower dimensions. Find that the more time you spend in a mental state to be used equally balanced on both sides of his brain, the more retained his mind. For example, if you are going to spend a lot of time in the logical process, need to spend equal time in the process of intuition or experience. Ultimately, you want to channel their presence through their higher mind, and needs the left and right cerebral hemispheres to be in a state of harmony, activation and balance to make this happen. Memory loss is part of this process. Much of the old memory (brain cells) that their presence is consumed not need to be recharged with Love and Light (which dissolves your whole presence that are the oldest, the most useless memories). If you really want to remember something, say it three times or read it three times, then go to the memory banks of brain cells that have a longer life to be used (or expiration date, so to speak). If you definitely want to remember something, then just ask to be remembered for His presence and his Total Body Energy. Ask the activation disk memory through you turn if your memory loss is excessive and annoying them. This will restore some of its stored memory for use.
12. Old memories of other times but not aware of the whole image, a feeling of being in more than one place at one time. They feel that some of you are here and part of you is somewhere else or have an extraordinary sense of themselves in another civilization or kingdom. This is a natural occurrence especially when your soul is wanting you to heal some of that time or claim a particular gift of this size or kingdom. If it keeps coming back to you, know that it is their presence that offers a message to work with this energy. Archangel Metatron call for help with this decision or claim of a gift or both. . Invoke the presence of your soul that is sustained in that other kingdom to come and be with you Know that it (or can be more than one) will come to you in an energy body and will be in front of you. Ask it if there is anything to forgive this time and if there is a wound that she is holding to release the source now. Ask the Archangel Metatron to assist them with this. Breathe in and ask if there are crystals that must be returned to their chakras from this dimension, for them to be restored and then returned to you. Ask the crystals are then activated through you and ask him to offer the gift that you have or claim in this dimension or life, that they are offering now. This will come as a package of energy. Tend their hands and receive this and place it in your heart and ask to be activated through you. Give thanks to him and ask him to stay connected with you through the heart and through the love of all time. Call to Archangel Michael to coat your soul and take care of this part of you and reconnecting with your total presence.
Blessings to each of you and your path.
This is a referral letter written by and copyright of Phoenix Serenia Qala, 2002 © to The ASCEND Foundation.
Translated by Susana Peralta
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Things To Say In Get Well Card
experience the profound physical changes. M. Melchisedek
experience the profound physical changes. M. Melchisedek
Channeled by Elsa Elsa Farrus
Amada, these days, you could not even connect to us, had a gap so large that anything you could have occurred, are a physical body, you have to love him and venerate him, he's your ascent vehicle remember that your brothers, they take care of your body the temple of light, but all over his body physical.
( this personal comment I leave alone, because these days not to abuse a little bit stop and sleep for a family health issue, my mother is in a difficult health process, and when I was tired, I connected with the earth and come a little more energy, until I had some dips, and slept all day I had not slept before, but Melchisedek asked me leave to serve as an example, the physical body has to have order, so I leave it as part of the pipeline, because I personally do not usually put it, thank you and sorry for the explanation if someone bothers )
profound physical changes occur, will be surprised lighter, more cheerful as if they were teenagers, and that's important, they must understand that a being in its essence, multiplies the time and has joy, it does not spend even a single atom of presence and energy to hide their feelings, or fight them.
is important that they understand, they have to grow linearly, unifying all physical, emotional, causal ... etc. For us there was never any difference between them, since in these days, understand the meaning of unity, being one body, so they can read their emotions and the environment, and so know immediately and deal with them without fear because they were part of an event after another, as one step follows another path.
Fear of change is very logical and understandable, you all, for thousands of years was change equals pain, because that is what they taught, but not, were not aware of the many positive changes that were happening around them, automatically and enabling them to live, as the oxygen-CO2 exchange.
only survived, what they believed was the case, now is the time to watch and thank the thousands of positive change for millions of years have given rise to the universe, is now the time to understand they are not alone, they are assisted and that if something does not happen is because of how far we are from the center of power.
do we mean with the center of power, what many of you call or heart unified framework neuronal network located throughout the body and relies on your pancreas, thymus and heart chakra. It is at these times, it takes more activity in this center, and which receives all the information in your physical, and who carries out, to be processed in other parts of the body, not just physically, but quantum level. In March this opens up new neural networks, opens a whole layer of meridians, from the spleen, the pancreas and liver binding and the thymus, which is why I recommend eating light these days, not just food toxins, but toxin acoustic, relationship, anything that requires them to give up being yourself, no be deceived is one thing not to want to go to work and quite another to accept no more a cry in your environment, you will be amazed, as things speed up steadily, until you take charge and put order , calmly, just verbalizing what they know positively that does not work, what they do not lead to anything, not make them so, contractures body, become more present than ever. They can not get to live, with power lines tension, instead of going out in the form of life, from his body to other intertwined, become inside, sooner or later, short-circuited. It is very important to understand that, thousands of threads of light entering and leaving you in constant flux and relationship with the outside, this is the ascension process, knowing how to handle that situation, to identify new tools, no damage or damage to the bridges are given energy which formerly was called the Bridge antahkarana is global only now everyone will set yet, also became aware of when it is well established, because that will not really , until you resolve the collapse, I keep extending that strand of light.
Brothers entered a threshold energy, every day more, and there is almost no content, because the portal you are, you are the pillars which extend that energy to begin to grow gradually, so it is very important to start aware of the solar plexus, your heart chakra and the throat, since they are the three states, which will enable them to muster the creativity of 2 chakra and the information and approach 6, if the central fields are not online or alignment it is very difficult for others to communicate and that things take root.
So with love, we ask them to review their facilities, just with breathing, or visioning processes, but these days have headaches, changes in pressure, or nausea, is already a physical item, so check your physical body and also know that the energies of control and fear there are installed in small doses but still persistent.
are acting not so bad, they are very old patterns that maybe what they will do is help them integrate, ie given conscience, that body is not calm, and so out, ie they are times, in that old issues are sharpened so that they can be released, it is a disgrace, is a process and everything is easily solved, if they hear their your physical body, he is alive and has many answers, gratitude and love his brother Melchisedek.
Thank you all for extending this message with all my love, any questions or concerns exercises also
experience the profound physical changes. M. Melchisedek
Channeled by Elsa Elsa Farrus
Amada, these days, you could not even connect to us, had a gap so large that anything you could have occurred, are a physical body, you have to love him and venerate him, he's your ascent vehicle remember that your brothers, they take care of your body the temple of light, but all over his body physical.
( this personal comment I leave alone, because these days not to abuse a little bit stop and sleep for a family health issue, my mother is in a difficult health process, and when I was tired, I connected with the earth and come a little more energy, until I had some dips, and slept all day I had not slept before, but Melchisedek asked me leave to serve as an example, the physical body has to have order, so I leave it as part of the pipeline, because I personally do not usually put it, thank you and sorry for the explanation if someone bothers )
profound physical changes occur, will be surprised lighter, more cheerful as if they were teenagers, and that's important, they must understand that a being in its essence, multiplies the time and has joy, it does not spend even a single atom of presence and energy to hide their feelings, or fight them.
is important that they understand, they have to grow linearly, unifying all physical, emotional, causal ... etc. For us there was never any difference between them, since in these days, understand the meaning of unity, being one body, so they can read their emotions and the environment, and so know immediately and deal with them without fear because they were part of an event after another, as one step follows another path.
Fear of change is very logical and understandable, you all, for thousands of years was change equals pain, because that is what they taught, but not, were not aware of the many positive changes that were happening around them, automatically and enabling them to live, as the oxygen-CO2 exchange.
only survived, what they believed was the case, now is the time to watch and thank the thousands of positive change for millions of years have given rise to the universe, is now the time to understand they are not alone, they are assisted and that if something does not happen is because of how far we are from the center of power.
do we mean with the center of power, what many of you call or heart unified framework neuronal network located throughout the body and relies on your pancreas, thymus and heart chakra. It is at these times, it takes more activity in this center, and which receives all the information in your physical, and who carries out, to be processed in other parts of the body, not just physically, but quantum level. In March this opens up new neural networks, opens a whole layer of meridians, from the spleen, the pancreas and liver binding and the thymus, which is why I recommend eating light these days, not just food toxins, but toxin acoustic, relationship, anything that requires them to give up being yourself, no be deceived is one thing not to want to go to work and quite another to accept no more a cry in your environment, you will be amazed, as things speed up steadily, until you take charge and put order , calmly, just verbalizing what they know positively that does not work, what they do not lead to anything, not make them so, contractures body, become more present than ever. They can not get to live, with power lines tension, instead of going out in the form of life, from his body to other intertwined, become inside, sooner or later, short-circuited. It is very important to understand that, thousands of threads of light entering and leaving you in constant flux and relationship with the outside, this is the ascension process, knowing how to handle that situation, to identify new tools, no damage or damage to the bridges are given energy which formerly was called the Bridge antahkarana is global only now everyone will set yet, also became aware of when it is well established, because that will not really , until you resolve the collapse, I keep extending that strand of light.
Brothers entered a threshold energy, every day more, and there is almost no content, because the portal you are, you are the pillars which extend that energy to begin to grow gradually, so it is very important to start aware of the solar plexus, your heart chakra and the throat, since they are the three states, which will enable them to muster the creativity of 2 chakra and the information and approach 6, if the central fields are not online or alignment it is very difficult for others to communicate and that things take root.
So with love, we ask them to review their facilities, just with breathing, or visioning processes, but these days have headaches, changes in pressure, or nausea, is already a physical item, so check your physical body and also know that the energies of control and fear there are installed in small doses but still persistent.
are acting not so bad, they are very old patterns that maybe what they will do is help them integrate, ie given conscience, that body is not calm, and so out, ie they are times, in that old issues are sharpened so that they can be released, it is a disgrace, is a process and everything is easily solved, if they hear their your physical body, he is alive and has many answers, gratitude and love his brother Melchisedek.
Thank you all for extending this message with all my love, any questions or concerns exercises also
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tiffany's After Christmas Sale
In terms of size, we win the Sun, the ego is another matter.
Funny how certain themes emerge, as por ejemplo el de este post. No se que engranaje giró en la cabeza de mi novia, que en plena sobremesa con café de por medio me sale con, ¿y cuando el sol explote? ¿que va a pasar? Me quedé un par de segundos pensando en como contarle la enjundia del asunto, así que decidí que el mejor modo de contarle el asunto era a través de unas cuantas líneas escritas con cariño. Siempre las escribo con cariño, si no lo hiciera no estaría aquí ahora mismo, pero esta vez es un poco mas especial. Me gustó el tema del Sol, ya que es un gran incomprendido. Siempre está ahí, dándonos luz y calor, unas veces mas y otras menos, pero siempre podemos contar con él. Además se puede decir que el sol is one of the most responsible human would now walk across the surface of planet Earth. Creator of life in the first place and ultimately destructive, because like all things, stars are born, live and die. You may not have the same metaphysical significance that the death of a loved one or a mere human, as each day thousands of people die in mines or in wars that we have no idea and it seems that along. But the sun is special because it is a guy who takes everything to the tremendous and he died like that killed, so let's unravel some mysteries.
Different spectral classes. Let
start with the basics. What is the Sun? As everyone knows who is a star of spectral class G2. Well, maybe not many people know what a spectral class, but it's not complicated. The spectral class is a classification of types of stars according to its temperature, hotter to colder. I do not want to mess much with this issue if I can not get out of hand and we can roll, so suffice it to say that our dear and yellow sun is a star plain little heap.
The Sun is basically a thermonuclear furnace (it fills my mouth with that word) in which hydrogen is "burned" to provide light and heat. Specifically what happens in the sun is a reaction fission the hydrogen, using high pressures and temperatures, is transformed into helium. This process, called stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the sun to warm us up in the morning and shine to vampier Twilight (touch your balls). This happens continuously since our favorite star was born about 4500 million years and during that time, it is estimated that the sun turns around 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 tons of helium. Where are the tons that are missing? Then transformed into light energy, thermal and a few more things that are irrelevant, such as neutrinos (lashings me everything).
Boo to You! (Humor fine)
This is the origin of all things. Yes, the stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the existence of all things, because from the very origin of the universe has been present. In the heart of stars and became converts hydrogen into helium, then helium into carbon. This in turn can be transformed into oxygen, magnesium, sodium and so on resulting in most of the elements that make up existence. That is the true origin of all things, all we see, the screen you are watching or pencil to write with, everything comes from the heart a star, when they die, throw the immense emptiness of space all these elements.
But when it comes time for a star? For when it has nothing to "burn." When stellar nucleosynthesis begins to fail, the star begins its slow decline that can last thousands of years.
Sunset when it begins to die.
As I said before, the process that converts hydrogen into helium is the one that keeps the estella in great shape, but when the helium begins to turn into carbon, the process is not as effective, produces less energy and the transformation of carbon, less energy yet. This involves some changes
Physical quite apparent in the star. By changing the elements in the nucleosynthesis and be less EFFICIENCY it, the Sun will begin to swell, you need to do to stay stable and not collapse on itself. It swells so that gradually engulf the orbit of Mercury, the planet is included. Venus will suffer the same fate, and our beloved planet Earth as well. Although no longer a planet we know, will quedamado and destroyed due to the gradual growth of the Sun, which yields large amounts of energy as they gradually swells. That will be the final destination of the earth. The star king, shall be reduced to a simple white dwarf, which over the eons, will go off.
The Sun made special to Earth, providing more of the ingredients necessary for life to emerge. And the very end with our dear pale blue dot, putting an end to a tiny story in a small corner of the galaxy, located in a remote part of the universe. The last breath of the Sun
But before all this happens, there's a beautiful sunset last Sun
I have no doubt that human beings are NOT to watch this event, as the sun you are about 5000 million years of fuel before starting to swell and safe before we will have extinguished for one reason or another is irrelevant. I the meantime he will continue enjoying good times with good people, either in desktops with a coffee and my girlfriend surprise me with unexpected questions, or simply holding the keys to my house thinking that in my hands I have the remains of a dead star.
In terms of size, we win the Sun, the ego is another matter.
Funny how certain themes emerge, as por ejemplo el de este post. No se que engranaje giró en la cabeza de mi novia, que en plena sobremesa con café de por medio me sale con, ¿y cuando el sol explote? ¿que va a pasar? Me quedé un par de segundos pensando en como contarle la enjundia del asunto, así que decidí que el mejor modo de contarle el asunto era a través de unas cuantas líneas escritas con cariño. Siempre las escribo con cariño, si no lo hiciera no estaría aquí ahora mismo, pero esta vez es un poco mas especial. Me gustó el tema del Sol, ya que es un gran incomprendido. Siempre está ahí, dándonos luz y calor, unas veces mas y otras menos, pero siempre podemos contar con él. Además se puede decir que el sol is one of the most responsible human would now walk across the surface of planet Earth. Creator of life in the first place and ultimately destructive, because like all things, stars are born, live and die. You may not have the same metaphysical significance that the death of a loved one or a mere human, as each day thousands of people die in mines or in wars that we have no idea and it seems that along. But the sun is special because it is a guy who takes everything to the tremendous and he died like that killed, so let's unravel some mysteries.
Different spectral classes. Let
start with the basics. What is the Sun? As everyone knows who is a star of spectral class G2. Well, maybe not many people know what a spectral class, but it's not complicated. The spectral class is a classification of types of stars according to its temperature, hotter to colder. I do not want to mess much with this issue if I can not get out of hand and we can roll, so suffice it to say that our dear and yellow sun is a star plain little heap.
The Sun is basically a thermonuclear furnace (it fills my mouth with that word) in which hydrogen is "burned" to provide light and heat. Specifically what happens in the sun is a reaction fission the hydrogen, using high pressures and temperatures, is transformed into helium. This process, called stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the sun to warm us up in the morning and shine to vampier Twilight (touch your balls). This happens continuously since our favorite star was born about 4500 million years and during that time, it is estimated that the sun turns around 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 tons of helium. Where are the tons that are missing? Then transformed into light energy, thermal and a few more things that are irrelevant, such as neutrinos (lashings me everything).
Boo to You! (Humor fine)
This is the origin of all things. Yes, the stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the existence of all things, because from the very origin of the universe has been present. In the heart of stars and became converts hydrogen into helium, then helium into carbon. This in turn can be transformed into oxygen, magnesium, sodium and so on resulting in most of the elements that make up existence. That is the true origin of all things, all we see, the screen you are watching or pencil to write with, everything comes from the heart a star, when they die, throw the immense emptiness of space all these elements.
But when it comes time for a star? For when it has nothing to "burn." When stellar nucleosynthesis begins to fail, the star begins its slow decline that can last thousands of years.
Sunset when it begins to die.
As I said before, the process that converts hydrogen into helium is the one that keeps the estella in great shape, but when the helium begins to turn into carbon, the process is not as effective, produces less energy and the transformation of carbon, less energy yet. This involves some changes
Physical quite apparent in the star. By changing the elements in the nucleosynthesis and be less EFFICIENCY it, the Sun will begin to swell, you need to do to stay stable and not collapse on itself. It swells so that gradually engulf the orbit of Mercury, the planet is included. Venus will suffer the same fate, and our beloved planet Earth as well. Although no longer a planet we know, will quedamado and destroyed due to the gradual growth of the Sun, which yields large amounts of energy as they gradually swells. That will be the final destination of the earth. The star king, shall be reduced to a simple white dwarf, which over the eons, will go off.
The Sun made special to Earth, providing more of the ingredients necessary for life to emerge. And the very end with our dear pale blue dot, putting an end to a tiny story in a small corner of the galaxy, located in a remote part of the universe. The last breath of the Sun
But before all this happens, there's a beautiful sunset last Sun
I have no doubt that human beings are NOT to watch this event, as the sun you are about 5000 million years of fuel before starting to swell and safe before we will have extinguished for one reason or another is irrelevant. I the meantime he will continue enjoying good times with good people, either in desktops with a coffee and my girlfriend surprise me with unexpected questions, or simply holding the keys to my house thinking that in my hands I have the remains of a dead star.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
How To Maintain Confidentiality By A Letter
The responsibility, its essence. Salusa of Syrian
happy day, is the first time, I receive a message from this being, appeared as Salusa, had a face very similar to Kuan Yin, gave me great peace, perform rigorous protocols and found that if it was a being light, so this is your reflection, a big kiss to all, Elsa
The responsibility, its essence. Salusa of Syrian
From here in the center of Pleiades, we are waiting. You are the ambassadors of our energy on Gaia.
Maya is a plan of creation, and Gaia is a plane of realization. Start
be time to focus their energy on allowing them to expand, in allowing them to be yourself. They can not give up that expansion must be visible, have to speak clearly, have to prove anything to anyone. Should not forget who you really are now more than ever, need to understand your love for others, starting with yourself.
Away from the division; can not rebuild or join to anyone who has not already done entities, thereby, from their intimate decisions. It's time to walk the roads clear that no objective, because the goal is to walk, to live and therefore will come next.
But this does not have to uproot themselves, have to walk forward, have to remain who they are with their job, their physical, with their feelings. That is the ascension, remain who they are without hidden or damaged. Not unlike a vacuum is to be you no more. And share the most with others to extend that vibration of joy and lightness in their environment.
Nothing and no one asked to leave everything behind On the contrary, the rise being asked to take responsibility for their actions, their thoughts and the effects of their choices on other beings, but especially yourself.
On day 11, separated the two realities: Control-mind ... of .... Co-creativity-core.
All you have chosen for years and this current time was to shape his decision.
Things happen in parallel planes and therefore coexist, but do not share density, ie that do not materialize or together in the same physical space.
is why we are increasingly of humor and pain, but others are light, light and serene.
is the time of responsibility, these three months to May. Check your heart for real and face all over there, if you are lonely, sad, idols, anger ... Talk it with the appropriate people. No acknowledgment of the facts but verbalize and close everything. Then they can integrate the new energies coming in May.
Some living things, they will, human animals, their physical body is exhausted, try to have nothing pending with them, or yourself, when it happens.
Understand the fear of some things that damage by fear, because it paralyzes them and not behave like them.
Brothers and planes of consciousness and reality are connection. Gaia and returns to its natural position in the universe. Now you recover, your personal journey, his librealvedrio
And his zest for life. To be consistent with its current size and elemental connection with your body, with his environment. That life is always the product of our reality. A kiss brothers with love. Sirius Salusa
happy day, is the first time, I receive a message from this being, appeared as Salusa, had a face very similar to Kuan Yin, gave me great peace, perform rigorous protocols and found that if it was a being light, so this is your reflection, a big kiss to all, Elsa
The responsibility, its essence. Salusa of Syrian
From here in the center of Pleiades, we are waiting. You are the ambassadors of our energy on Gaia.
Maya is a plan of creation, and Gaia is a plane of realization. Start
be time to focus their energy on allowing them to expand, in allowing them to be yourself. They can not give up that expansion must be visible, have to speak clearly, have to prove anything to anyone. Should not forget who you really are now more than ever, need to understand your love for others, starting with yourself.
Away from the division; can not rebuild or join to anyone who has not already done entities, thereby, from their intimate decisions. It's time to walk the roads clear that no objective, because the goal is to walk, to live and therefore will come next.
But this does not have to uproot themselves, have to walk forward, have to remain who they are with their job, their physical, with their feelings. That is the ascension, remain who they are without hidden or damaged. Not unlike a vacuum is to be you no more. And share the most with others to extend that vibration of joy and lightness in their environment.
Nothing and no one asked to leave everything behind On the contrary, the rise being asked to take responsibility for their actions, their thoughts and the effects of their choices on other beings, but especially yourself.
On day 11, separated the two realities: Control-mind ... of .... Co-creativity-core.
All you have chosen for years and this current time was to shape his decision.
Things happen in parallel planes and therefore coexist, but do not share density, ie that do not materialize or together in the same physical space.
is why we are increasingly of humor and pain, but others are light, light and serene.
is the time of responsibility, these three months to May. Check your heart for real and face all over there, if you are lonely, sad, idols, anger ... Talk it with the appropriate people. No acknowledgment of the facts but verbalize and close everything. Then they can integrate the new energies coming in May.
Some living things, they will, human animals, their physical body is exhausted, try to have nothing pending with them, or yourself, when it happens.
Understand the fear of some things that damage by fear, because it paralyzes them and not behave like them.
Brothers and planes of consciousness and reality are connection. Gaia and returns to its natural position in the universe. Now you recover, your personal journey, his librealvedrio
And his zest for life. To be consistent with its current size and elemental connection with your body, with his environment. That life is always the product of our reality. A kiss brothers with love. Sirius Salusa
How To Write An Offer Letter To Lease
Dart Frogs!
Frog more patriotic.
Fear, this sentiment has been accompanying mankind since the hominids understood that hit the head of another with a stone solved many problems. The fear has influenced our evolution, we think that some ways of expressing an order came that sentiment. For example, what we all complain when silence (sshhhh), it seems that comes from our ancestral fear of snakes. Our ancestors imitated the sound of snakes to make everyone a potential hazard alert. This is not to be scientifically proven, but a cool highland think so.
Personally, I always snakes have repeluco.No grime and that I have anything personal against them, just that those scales and especially the forked tongue can with me. Moreover, the first thought that one comes to mind when one sees a snake, is it poisonous? There are some yes, others no, but today it is not al caso, hoy la cosa va de ranas, ¿como?, ¿ranas venenosas? Vaya que sí, hablemos un poco de esos graciosos batracios.
Las rayas son para dar sensación de velocidad.
Las ranas o sapos siempre han sido tema gracioso debido a su siempre hilarante croa que te croa. Todos conocemos a ranas famosas, tales como Raponchi, la rana de la Princesa Cisne y el grandiosísimo Hipnosapo (alabado sea), pero pocos conocen lo jodidas que son las ranas dardo. Unas ranitas pequeñicas que como te pillen malo y si te las comes, pues peor, ya que son extremadamente venenosas. Es algo como muy siniestro, un animalillo así tan mono y tan mortal, pero al fin y al cabo, los platypuses are mammals that lay eggs and above are poisonous.
All dart frogs belong to the same family, Dendrobatidae, which is something like The Munsters, but a frog. They get along well and are from time to time to go on holiday to Ethiopia. You care deeply about children, since they are so thoughtful and considered that females fighting for males to fertilize their eggs and then load them onto their backs until they hatch.
But what makes it so poisonous to these small and beautiful frogs?, As most curious is that they do not produce their poison, they get small insects on which they feed. To be exact, poison dart frogs sometimes consists of 80 alkaloids. This name seems very strange, but there are many alkaloids, including cocaine, colchicine reaching the very holy and caffeine.
The yellow chicken deficinición obsolotea remains with the yellow frog.
The poison dart frogs is striking in its skin, and more fucking is liposuble. What does this mean? Well, that can dissolve in fats or oils, "and where there is usually grease or oil? because the skin of almost all living creature. It's that simple, as simple as going across country with your daughter / o is a nice little yellow frog. He takes the venom comes into contact with skin, it dissolves and enters the body through the pores of the skin. Result? Catacroker or even death. Specifically, the poison dart frogs impuslsos cuts off the nerve of the whole body, leaving the muscles in a state of contraction. Yes, the heart is a muscle and if you take it clear to you. Already
make matters worse, the poison takes a while to deteriorate. This would mean that if, for example, the frog has rubbed a sheet accounting and something or someone accidentally touches the blade, has every chance of ending badly, because the poison may remain unchanged for days.
But there is much to worry, our careless hands have little chances of encountering one of these cute frogs, as most have their natural habitat in the jungles of South America, so unless any man of adventure, there is nothing to be afraid.
Perhaps the funniest thing of all is the same name, dart frog. This name comes from a curious story in which there are Indian tribes, and dart frogs. Nor is it a melodrama, is simply that the Indians caught a dart frogs to rub the tips of their darts and arrows to hunt animals more effectively. The process is simple, capture the frog, close to the fire to sweat the poison, rubbing the tips of the arrows and go. Always taking the relevant measures SECURITY In, how to manipulate the frog with a leaf of a tree or something. And then the sheet will not know her, but sure there will be some poor with bad luck that has set foot and be out on the site.
Curioisamente this frog is called Dendrobates Azureus.
Then there is the issue of color. In all the pictures you can see that these frogs are extremely flashy and showy. These bright and colorful they tell you, fuck me damn it, but in the wordless language of the animal kingdom comes to mean, "how I eat you face a series of misfortunes and pains that are going to annoy the existence" . The wordless language of the animal kingdom is precise and rich in nuances.
For example, the yellow frog example above, is the most poisonous of all known few dart frogs so far. The aptly named Phyllobates terribilis, media has enough poison to kill 2 adult African elephants, or 20 adult humans, mice or 10000. And that only carry over one milligram of poison, if you take more would be considered weapons of mass destruction. If we do the accounts come out as a gram of this poison is enough to wipe out about 15000 people. I'm seeing the army of any country rubbing their hands thinking about launching thousands of frogs in areas of war to end quickly with the enemy. And it is difficult to resist the bulging eyes of these bugs. But meanwhile, will continue killing for one reason or another as dart frogs live their lives peacefully in the jungle frog, eating ants, leaving travel and leaving in peace the whole world.
Frog more patriotic.
Fear, this sentiment has been accompanying mankind since the hominids understood that hit the head of another with a stone solved many problems. The fear has influenced our evolution, we think that some ways of expressing an order came that sentiment. For example, what we all complain when silence (sshhhh), it seems that comes from our ancestral fear of snakes. Our ancestors imitated the sound of snakes to make everyone a potential hazard alert. This is not to be scientifically proven, but a cool highland think so.
Personally, I always snakes have repeluco.No grime and that I have anything personal against them, just that those scales and especially the forked tongue can with me. Moreover, the first thought that one comes to mind when one sees a snake, is it poisonous? There are some yes, others no, but today it is not al caso, hoy la cosa va de ranas, ¿como?, ¿ranas venenosas? Vaya que sí, hablemos un poco de esos graciosos batracios.
Las rayas son para dar sensación de velocidad.
Las ranas o sapos siempre han sido tema gracioso debido a su siempre hilarante croa que te croa. Todos conocemos a ranas famosas, tales como Raponchi, la rana de la Princesa Cisne y el grandiosísimo Hipnosapo (alabado sea), pero pocos conocen lo jodidas que son las ranas dardo. Unas ranitas pequeñicas que como te pillen malo y si te las comes, pues peor, ya que son extremadamente venenosas. Es algo como muy siniestro, un animalillo así tan mono y tan mortal, pero al fin y al cabo, los platypuses are mammals that lay eggs and above are poisonous.
All dart frogs belong to the same family, Dendrobatidae, which is something like The Munsters, but a frog. They get along well and are from time to time to go on holiday to Ethiopia. You care deeply about children, since they are so thoughtful and considered that females fighting for males to fertilize their eggs and then load them onto their backs until they hatch.
But what makes it so poisonous to these small and beautiful frogs?, As most curious is that they do not produce their poison, they get small insects on which they feed. To be exact, poison dart frogs sometimes consists of 80 alkaloids. This name seems very strange, but there are many alkaloids, including cocaine, colchicine reaching the very holy and caffeine.
The yellow chicken deficinición obsolotea remains with the yellow frog.
The poison dart frogs is striking in its skin, and more fucking is liposuble. What does this mean? Well, that can dissolve in fats or oils, "and where there is usually grease or oil? because the skin of almost all living creature. It's that simple, as simple as going across country with your daughter / o is a nice little yellow frog. He takes the venom comes into contact with skin, it dissolves and enters the body through the pores of the skin. Result? Catacroker or even death. Specifically, the poison dart frogs impuslsos cuts off the nerve of the whole body, leaving the muscles in a state of contraction. Yes, the heart is a muscle and if you take it clear to you. Already
make matters worse, the poison takes a while to deteriorate. This would mean that if, for example, the frog has rubbed a sheet accounting and something or someone accidentally touches the blade, has every chance of ending badly, because the poison may remain unchanged for days.
But there is much to worry, our careless hands have little chances of encountering one of these cute frogs, as most have their natural habitat in the jungles of South America, so unless any man of adventure, there is nothing to be afraid.
Perhaps the funniest thing of all is the same name, dart frog. This name comes from a curious story in which there are Indian tribes, and dart frogs. Nor is it a melodrama, is simply that the Indians caught a dart frogs to rub the tips of their darts and arrows to hunt animals more effectively. The process is simple, capture the frog, close to the fire to sweat the poison, rubbing the tips of the arrows and go. Always taking the relevant measures SECURITY In, how to manipulate the frog with a leaf of a tree or something. And then the sheet will not know her, but sure there will be some poor with bad luck that has set foot and be out on the site.
Curioisamente this frog is called Dendrobates Azureus.
Then there is the issue of color. In all the pictures you can see that these frogs are extremely flashy and showy. These bright and colorful they tell you, fuck me damn it, but in the wordless language of the animal kingdom comes to mean, "how I eat you face a series of misfortunes and pains that are going to annoy the existence" . The wordless language of the animal kingdom is precise and rich in nuances.
For example, the yellow frog example above, is the most poisonous of all known few dart frogs so far. The aptly named Phyllobates terribilis, media has enough poison to kill 2 adult African elephants, or 20 adult humans, mice or 10000. And that only carry over one milligram of poison, if you take more would be considered weapons of mass destruction. If we do the accounts come out as a gram of this poison is enough to wipe out about 15000 people. I'm seeing the army of any country rubbing their hands thinking about launching thousands of frogs in areas of war to end quickly with the enemy. And it is difficult to resist the bulging eyes of these bugs. But meanwhile, will continue killing for one reason or another as dart frogs live their lives peacefully in the jungle frog, eating ants, leaving travel and leaving in peace the whole world.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Emerson E10 Garbage Disposal Removal
Working with pranic channel. M Kothumi
Working with pranic channel. M Kothumi
Amada Elsa, we describe how to work the pranic channel and means at the cellular level, we know you are all more or less knowledge of how the fields etc, or prana, but let's talk about how it will develop in the coming months.
Each and every one of you, you are subject to constant input of energy these days, from last years here on earth, some on a conscious work for them, others perceive and regulate it and others do not know yet happens, but suddenly need to rest a few days to make changes in your life and make it so simple ...
What is really happening in you?, that the internal wiring all have, ie your prana, it will dilating, is taking shape, as you call light tube or pranic channel, and it consolidates, is what many religions or groups call it being in the center or axis.
Well the main function of this axis is formed, an internal channel in the subtle body, passing through the interior of your physical body, and allows them to vibrate, is to decide permeate the physical body first and your energy body and second auric field so that all in how your external reality, it seems very complicated but are doing it for years, so the importance of choosing what to give us inner peace, because the greater the intensity, the greater realization, i more chaos and simplicity can be projected, the reality is that they will find it increasingly impossible to sustain the chaos, as the incoming energy and especially of the next 11/02/2011, is only to show what you are prevented from joining with himself, and into the light energy, joy and abundance (meaning abundance, being in his life, that everything necessary to reach its correct time and to have freedom, time and come out to be with others.) Does
how, what and when?, Leave it to the universe, just listen, listen to that voice that says I can not help with this or I can not desire, nor do I want to hurt anyone, but I will not go dañándome. That is the voice that you, listen and take time for fear or respect, are trying not to hear it .... well with the incoming energy, would be impossible, as the prana is unified, reconnecting in all quantum fields by June and is to be a great conductor cable, where the energies of Gaia or the Universe can happen in a continuous flow, to collect what they necessary and allow to continue his trip to the excess energy, so that through you arrive at your environment, etc, and so continue its journey and awakening impregnating others, or intertwined with other planes of consciousness.
Recently, one of the farms, which have felt more revolution, is the neck and heart ascended, occupying nearly the same physical space, but with reservation, the throat chakra is located in the neck and its role is and many more communication, and promoted the heart chakra, which shares the solar plexus, 3chacra, thymus, 4 chakra and throat chakra, goes through and between our windpipe , and the vocal cords to deliver the vibration of our hearts integrated voice of our higher self, or Ka energy (it is very easy to verify, please call hands on the neck and shout a word, any table for example, then breathe, and pronounce Lam, will as in the first case moves jaw neck ... and the second, vibrates inside the neck to the palate, this is the difference between the two cases).
When the Ka or universal energy, is fused with the Ki, Chi or vital energy and universal, is when the two energies begin to build the internal network "electrical wiring" that we communicate with the outside, but in a consent , and this network must be impeccable start, because its use will be forthcoming shortly, and if there are locks is when the shorts come ....
Another function, Prana most important, will be to compensate for the energy, ie the supplies, so that you understand it, when a will already be entered in connection with his life and his prana, the energy system self-regulating, they are in a cold room, its body temperature increases to compensate and produce more oil, or do Kalos, burn fat and make up the steam, because this has always happened in the physical body, so goes the subtle body, that is, as you walk steadily , synchronicities are given without any effort, if not given, is that something is still locked in you, do not despair and with a simple exercise, may change or life will bring them very easily now as something or someone or a situation, to which you submit voluntarily is hindering them yet. To learn and regulate the truth.
So let it happen, your body to integrate all the new, though his mind are anxious because they do not know where it goes, at any time, as hereinafter linear time and generates anger breaking ball time where everything happens simultaneously, for the good of the time.
We know that's a challenge, the hardest time they are going through, not knowing where to walk, but if you know you have to walk as in 3 dimension all i predictably full of goals, and that in his mind overwhelms them, well then, calm down and tell your mind that if it is true not know where to go, but if you can recognize where they no longer want to go, because they led to nothing. That is the true meaning of the incoming energy.
We regulate the prana, and internal channel, ie where all information is gathered, take shape and go abroad as electromagnetic waves that allow them to communicate and link awareness to carry out anything in their lives, It's vitally important to begin to clean, leaving food toxins, emotional, and sensory areas, so that communication is carried out smoothly and without any double reporting, that's what they do toxins, unfolding reality, creating voids that lead to them could be occupied by others (manipulation) or fears, which in any case, it happens not to meet the responsibility to be oneself and ability to empower or abroad, who can not recognize you, well it's time to rebuild their way back to the unit and its ability to unify, to resume their free will, free of toxins and from the prana, the true engine, this generator.
As it is time to begin to restructure, the channel we propose a simple and quick exercise to enable them to transmute the ducts and the central axis, without going into details, quickly and effectively aligns them with their identity and they can see their work, materialized out, in the form of what you call results favorable.
That is important, that if when I performed, energy stops or does not rise, the longer working there until you can climb a little higher, like an elevator, if you fail the first floor is because you can not reach the second by the weight, then make the second part of the exercise a few days and no more a day may keep up the prana, there is more or less level of consciousness, that is misunderstood about consciousness, but what really matters is to understand and balance is achieved, before absorbing more or could you read 3lbs while, in fact, not two, as the eye can only pick one.
Beloved is very simple, just have to breathe well, anchored again in Gaia, that is, breathe two or three times and displayed as a beam of light up either blue or bright white, that fills them with energy from the soles of their feet, to the crown chakra, and from there extends to the universe, go slowly breathing , gently, and ask ki or vital energy to the universe, to descend, and you fill all your physical body with golden light, to get out of the base chakra crown chakra, and from there to her legs and feet, a foot below you, enter the star farm called Gaia, located an inch or so of you, the one who keeps his awareness of this embodiment, and thus the pace of the present incarnation, and Hence the core of Gaia. Breathe in again and visualize, as an infinite constant, energy is directed to you, that is a ray of blue light, perhaps with light shades of turquoise, Gaia begins to rise and then gradually turns on itself itself, forming an infinite light, but when passing through the center of the first infinite, is forming a new one up, one by one, like a finger recorriéramos a zipper, side by side forming infinite, and as they rise to the base chakra, will regenerate and restore the core, as a balancer, as if desatascáramos a fireplace, and rising vertically one after the other, and up to the crown chakra and gain a little more, once there, visualize if we could get, as the light becomes a beautiful waterfall, which allows us to extend that power by all the laos, in a cascade of light that surrounds us.
Sometimes we can find, that if there is a blockage, that energy can not come up for us at that time, just let them turn round on themselves, as if drawing a circle, as if they were moving the blades of a fan, as many days as needed, or maybe just one time, and when this line will undoubtedly get rearranged, by itself. And continue your journey, vertically through the channel, pranic.
Gradually, will reprise his breathing and energy that are rooted viewing or visualizing roots, or, seeing as the prana, stretches for the lower end, to the core of the earth, and connected with him. Breathe in again, gently move your body and then when they sit down, open your eyes gently.
Thanks brothers for their care, with love says goodbye Kothumi.
Please spread this message. Any question can ask, thanks again, Elsa
Working with pranic channel. M Kothumi
Amada Elsa, we describe how to work the pranic channel and means at the cellular level, we know you are all more or less knowledge of how the fields etc, or prana, but let's talk about how it will develop in the coming months.
Each and every one of you, you are subject to constant input of energy these days, from last years here on earth, some on a conscious work for them, others perceive and regulate it and others do not know yet happens, but suddenly need to rest a few days to make changes in your life and make it so simple ...
What is really happening in you?, that the internal wiring all have, ie your prana, it will dilating, is taking shape, as you call light tube or pranic channel, and it consolidates, is what many religions or groups call it being in the center or axis.
Well the main function of this axis is formed, an internal channel in the subtle body, passing through the interior of your physical body, and allows them to vibrate, is to decide permeate the physical body first and your energy body and second auric field so that all in how your external reality, it seems very complicated but are doing it for years, so the importance of choosing what to give us inner peace, because the greater the intensity, the greater realization, i more chaos and simplicity can be projected, the reality is that they will find it increasingly impossible to sustain the chaos, as the incoming energy and especially of the next 11/02/2011, is only to show what you are prevented from joining with himself, and into the light energy, joy and abundance (meaning abundance, being in his life, that everything necessary to reach its correct time and to have freedom, time and come out to be with others.) Does
how, what and when?, Leave it to the universe, just listen, listen to that voice that says I can not help with this or I can not desire, nor do I want to hurt anyone, but I will not go dañándome. That is the voice that you, listen and take time for fear or respect, are trying not to hear it .... well with the incoming energy, would be impossible, as the prana is unified, reconnecting in all quantum fields by June and is to be a great conductor cable, where the energies of Gaia or the Universe can happen in a continuous flow, to collect what they necessary and allow to continue his trip to the excess energy, so that through you arrive at your environment, etc, and so continue its journey and awakening impregnating others, or intertwined with other planes of consciousness.
Recently, one of the farms, which have felt more revolution, is the neck and heart ascended, occupying nearly the same physical space, but with reservation, the throat chakra is located in the neck and its role is and many more communication, and promoted the heart chakra, which shares the solar plexus, 3chacra, thymus, 4 chakra and throat chakra, goes through and between our windpipe , and the vocal cords to deliver the vibration of our hearts integrated voice of our higher self, or Ka energy (it is very easy to verify, please call hands on the neck and shout a word, any table for example, then breathe, and pronounce Lam, will as in the first case moves jaw neck ... and the second, vibrates inside the neck to the palate, this is the difference between the two cases).
When the Ka or universal energy, is fused with the Ki, Chi or vital energy and universal, is when the two energies begin to build the internal network "electrical wiring" that we communicate with the outside, but in a consent , and this network must be impeccable start, because its use will be forthcoming shortly, and if there are locks is when the shorts come ....
Another function, Prana most important, will be to compensate for the energy, ie the supplies, so that you understand it, when a will already be entered in connection with his life and his prana, the energy system self-regulating, they are in a cold room, its body temperature increases to compensate and produce more oil, or do Kalos, burn fat and make up the steam, because this has always happened in the physical body, so goes the subtle body, that is, as you walk steadily , synchronicities are given without any effort, if not given, is that something is still locked in you, do not despair and with a simple exercise, may change or life will bring them very easily now as something or someone or a situation, to which you submit voluntarily is hindering them yet. To learn and regulate the truth.
So let it happen, your body to integrate all the new, though his mind are anxious because they do not know where it goes, at any time, as hereinafter linear time and generates anger breaking ball time where everything happens simultaneously, for the good of the time.
We know that's a challenge, the hardest time they are going through, not knowing where to walk, but if you know you have to walk as in 3 dimension all i predictably full of goals, and that in his mind overwhelms them, well then, calm down and tell your mind that if it is true not know where to go, but if you can recognize where they no longer want to go, because they led to nothing. That is the true meaning of the incoming energy.
We regulate the prana, and internal channel, ie where all information is gathered, take shape and go abroad as electromagnetic waves that allow them to communicate and link awareness to carry out anything in their lives, It's vitally important to begin to clean, leaving food toxins, emotional, and sensory areas, so that communication is carried out smoothly and without any double reporting, that's what they do toxins, unfolding reality, creating voids that lead to them could be occupied by others (manipulation) or fears, which in any case, it happens not to meet the responsibility to be oneself and ability to empower or abroad, who can not recognize you, well it's time to rebuild their way back to the unit and its ability to unify, to resume their free will, free of toxins and from the prana, the true engine, this generator.
As it is time to begin to restructure, the channel we propose a simple and quick exercise to enable them to transmute the ducts and the central axis, without going into details, quickly and effectively aligns them with their identity and they can see their work, materialized out, in the form of what you call results favorable.
That is important, that if when I performed, energy stops or does not rise, the longer working there until you can climb a little higher, like an elevator, if you fail the first floor is because you can not reach the second by the weight, then make the second part of the exercise a few days and no more a day may keep up the prana, there is more or less level of consciousness, that is misunderstood about consciousness, but what really matters is to understand and balance is achieved, before absorbing more or could you read 3lbs while, in fact, not two, as the eye can only pick one.
Beloved is very simple, just have to breathe well, anchored again in Gaia, that is, breathe two or three times and displayed as a beam of light up either blue or bright white, that fills them with energy from the soles of their feet, to the crown chakra, and from there extends to the universe, go slowly breathing , gently, and ask ki or vital energy to the universe, to descend, and you fill all your physical body with golden light, to get out of the base chakra crown chakra, and from there to her legs and feet, a foot below you, enter the star farm called Gaia, located an inch or so of you, the one who keeps his awareness of this embodiment, and thus the pace of the present incarnation, and Hence the core of Gaia. Breathe in again and visualize, as an infinite constant, energy is directed to you, that is a ray of blue light, perhaps with light shades of turquoise, Gaia begins to rise and then gradually turns on itself itself, forming an infinite light, but when passing through the center of the first infinite, is forming a new one up, one by one, like a finger recorriéramos a zipper, side by side forming infinite, and as they rise to the base chakra, will regenerate and restore the core, as a balancer, as if desatascáramos a fireplace, and rising vertically one after the other, and up to the crown chakra and gain a little more, once there, visualize if we could get, as the light becomes a beautiful waterfall, which allows us to extend that power by all the laos, in a cascade of light that surrounds us.
Sometimes we can find, that if there is a blockage, that energy can not come up for us at that time, just let them turn round on themselves, as if drawing a circle, as if they were moving the blades of a fan, as many days as needed, or maybe just one time, and when this line will undoubtedly get rearranged, by itself. And continue your journey, vertically through the channel, pranic.
Gradually, will reprise his breathing and energy that are rooted viewing or visualizing roots, or, seeing as the prana, stretches for the lower end, to the core of the earth, and connected with him. Breathe in again, gently move your body and then when they sit down, open your eyes gently.
Thanks brothers for their care, with love says goodbye Kothumi.
Please spread this message. Any question can ask, thanks again, Elsa
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
How Long You Boild The Meet For The Gravy
The game of our dreams. Origin.
should be wet to enter the dreams.
movies and video games, two worlds or branches of well-defined and distinct creation sometimes ingeniously combined to result in a title (or movie playable) that is engraved in our memories for the rest of the days. Making a film is not the same as making a video game, and vice versa. And that is what happens in these times running, which makes video game movies. We already have experience with these products is extensive and almost always try to low-quality titles that do not meet the expectations of gamers. Its low production development time and render them dull and boring when playing them. The closest examples we have at the time are all the games in the series Harry Potter. The book heptalogía resulted in eight movies (the seventh book is divided into 2 movies), each with its corresponding version console (laptop or desktop) and PC. Games that proved to be a bit disastrous in terms of gameplay and developments. Nevertheless, there are still even seems some develop only to promote some new motion capture systems (Move and Kinect). At the end of the day, there are many examples of titles coming out as an excuse to sell like hotcakes exploiting the commercial pull of the film. Are the above-named Harry Potter, Iron Man, The Golden Compass, Where the Wild Things, Star Wars (of their universe have come out great games) and many more.
Entering the dream of an / a freak / a cleaning.
Perhaps the opposite example cause more chills. When a game becomes on film, many of us hope to see all our hopes, wishes and hours of fun is a feature invested as much as 2 hours. Unfortunately, so far, this has not happened, so far. Max Payne movie as they spoiled the essence of the original title. Others, like the legendary Street Fighter has aged into a comedy. His "sequel" prequel "or" spin off ", Street Fighter The Legend, better not comment because it could end badly. Perhaps what else has come close to the essence of the original game Silent Hill, with a people and an atmosphere brilliantly recreated, scenes to remember (that skinning be for posterity), but perhaps lacked a little action. Then there are absurdities such as Double Dragon, Doom (FPS style that scene, uff), Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, BloodRayne and of course, Super Mario Bros.
Today, it seems that not learned to make adjustments to a movie of great titles in the world of videogames. Recently we discovered that the Uncharted movie already had character, and not a few are beginning to enter the fear of what might be. Also Uncharted is a game with influences film, both in its plot and some of his stunning cinematic adaptation therefore should not be difficult.
Basically, we all want to see our heroes on the big screen. Since the charismatic Solid Snake Master Chief to the determined, all ballots are necessary to operate on the silver screen.
But what happens when a movie comes to movies and shows have potential so you can create a quality game?. Usually they take the idea, put a lot of bright colors, explosions and take the game.
relatively recently arrived at the movie theaters Origin and proved that you can make movies, call it commercial quality. Its director, Christopher Nolan has proven to be a competent manager who always gave us films whose quality is often a slightly above what you normally see in theaters. With Origin, questions are "very deep" about what is reality as we perceive and how to distinguish what is "real" than not. All these ideas are not new, long ago, such a Plato posed the same in his famous Cavern.
But if you look carefully Origin, you can see some elements that are quite delicious when you can leverage them in a videogame. And when the director confirms their development and involvement in it, because even better. So you could expect from a title of this caliber, or do you ask?. Trying to sound sleep at 3 levels, which could be.
Things that happen if you think badly. Tier
Dream - Graphics.
paragraph Perhaps this is less important to many, but today it is believed that good graphics is a sign of a quality title. For all true, it has been demonstrated on numerous occasions that no overwhelming graphics ensure a great game. On this question not be asked much the game of our dreams (the Source, of course). Nor is it to discard the entire facet of the game, but is not as important as others. Clearly I needed a graphic quality needed to make the game more immersive. It would be even Funny you should equip these outstanding graphics quality for which we were to ask, what is real and what is not. Second Level
Dream - Argument.
One of the fundamental pillars of any game that comes out today is the argument. The central theme, the thread that brings the story to one way or another end up hooked. Surprise us with unexpected turns, until you reach a conclusion worthy of our applause.
The universe created in Origin, which is nothing more than a reality in which we can access the dreams, build and profit from them, has the potential to create thousands of stories with all the possible ramifications. Would interesting to see how the decisions we make can influence the course of history. This concept is not for nothing is new and is already trite today (see Alpha Protocol).
Time to get serious. Third Level
Sleep - gameplay.
Another of the fundamental pillars of any game. Specifically, in our dream game would be the most important base. For starters, the original purpose is to steal secrets from the mind of the subject, creating a dream world in which these subjects can move freely without realizing that everything around them is a dream. Responsible for this role in the film is the architect, who creates the dream. Let's say a city with all its infinite detail. Here we apply the first element to a game, being the Architects, designed the city with their mazes and paradoxes to which the subject does not realize that it is a dream. All this with an acceptable degree of difficulty. It's not about spending hours and hours developing a city. Just to add some key elements would be perfect for the experience.
Once inside the city would have to move for her. The subject, once in the dream, the fill of projections (the people after all), giving life. The format serves well for this sandbox committed. We alone (or with the respective partner) would have to move around the city design. That's easy, but if you call too much attention, the projections will turn against us and harass us to death. It would be funny to see how a whole town chases the protagonist. Then imposes the need for a visibility meter, like in Assassin's Creed franchise. And then depending on the subject, we would find projections armed to the teeth if the subject has received relevant training.
would have to approach the goal, to tell us where or how to reach the place where they kept their most intimate secrets. Would not nice to have some conversation options, according to the questions or answers that we make, running or not suspicious.
When we managed to get to where the dark secrets that we have to steal, would not hurt some kind of minigame to open the safe where they are in custody. Or give some hints of stealth and infiltration if it is a prison where is the target.
In the fighting, would need a cover system (so fashionable nowadays), to avoid the bullets of the projections. The arsenal of weapons should be varied to choose the weapon you like best with their proper accessories. And of course, could not miss the way body a body for the time ... we want to be more stealthy. If you're in the middle of a firefight, it would be awesome to see how the environment changes as external conditions to the level of sleep. As an example, see change the gravity, or turn around wildly while we have not manage to finish rock bottom.
What if I die?, Nothing happens, we wake up and have to take for the mission failed, or we could try again some other time, everything depends on the subject. But if we are in a deep level of sleep (third level) and we die, we fall into Limbo, and we would play waiting to be rescued by a companion who will deign to do so.
Charisma and walk on walls are concepts that go hand in hand.
Dream Level Four - The limbo.
Here are the minor issues but no less important. Issues like the soundtrack, which must have the level reached in the film, which was consistent with the events that were displayed and kept us glued to our seats.
Another interesting thing could be a character editor, to make our character as we want and dress in an elegant (in the movie were all very fine forever).
In terms of multiplayer, something almost obligatory today, it would be interesting if you design a scheme viable game to face each other in the form of training in the world of dreams. Different weapons, experience points, prestige, and of course, a changing environment to make it all much more dynamic.
That gives happiness to finish something and finish it in good condition.
And finally, it would be something great to have the limb for us to do what we want, create and destroy at will and spend the time we deem appropriate in this wilderness out of time. Almost as Minecraft.
All these are but dreams that come true I wish to give to us, the players with a game unforgettable. We have to wait for Mr. Nolan has enough time to get involved in the development of the game and get a quality product. Keep on dreaming.
should be wet to enter the dreams.
Entering the dream of an / a freak / a cleaning.
Perhaps the opposite example cause more chills. When a game becomes on film, many of us hope to see all our hopes, wishes and hours of fun is a feature invested as much as 2 hours. Unfortunately, so far, this has not happened, so far. Max Payne movie as they spoiled the essence of the original title. Others, like the legendary Street Fighter has aged into a comedy. His "sequel" prequel "or" spin off ", Street Fighter The Legend, better not comment because it could end badly. Perhaps what else has come close to the essence of the original game Silent Hill, with a people and an atmosphere brilliantly recreated, scenes to remember (that skinning be for posterity), but perhaps lacked a little action. Then there are absurdities such as Double Dragon, Doom (FPS style that scene, uff), Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, BloodRayne and of course, Super Mario Bros.
Today, it seems that not learned to make adjustments to a movie of great titles in the world of videogames. Recently we discovered that the Uncharted movie already had character, and not a few are beginning to enter the fear of what might be. Also Uncharted is a game with influences film, both in its plot and some of his stunning cinematic adaptation therefore should not be difficult.
Basically, we all want to see our heroes on the big screen. Since the charismatic Solid Snake Master Chief to the determined, all ballots are necessary to operate on the silver screen.
But what happens when a movie comes to movies and shows have potential so you can create a quality game?. Usually they take the idea, put a lot of bright colors, explosions and take the game.
relatively recently arrived at the movie theaters Origin and proved that you can make movies, call it commercial quality. Its director, Christopher Nolan has proven to be a competent manager who always gave us films whose quality is often a slightly above what you normally see in theaters. With Origin, questions are "very deep" about what is reality as we perceive and how to distinguish what is "real" than not. All these ideas are not new, long ago, such a Plato posed the same in his famous Cavern.
But if you look carefully Origin, you can see some elements that are quite delicious when you can leverage them in a videogame. And when the director confirms their development and involvement in it, because even better. So you could expect from a title of this caliber, or do you ask?. Trying to sound sleep at 3 levels, which could be.
Things that happen if you think badly. Tier
Dream - Graphics.
paragraph Perhaps this is less important to many, but today it is believed that good graphics is a sign of a quality title. For all true, it has been demonstrated on numerous occasions that no overwhelming graphics ensure a great game. On this question not be asked much the game of our dreams (the Source, of course). Nor is it to discard the entire facet of the game, but is not as important as others. Clearly I needed a graphic quality needed to make the game more immersive. It would be even Funny you should equip these outstanding graphics quality for which we were to ask, what is real and what is not. Second Level
Dream - Argument.
One of the fundamental pillars of any game that comes out today is the argument. The central theme, the thread that brings the story to one way or another end up hooked. Surprise us with unexpected turns, until you reach a conclusion worthy of our applause.
The universe created in Origin, which is nothing more than a reality in which we can access the dreams, build and profit from them, has the potential to create thousands of stories with all the possible ramifications. Would interesting to see how the decisions we make can influence the course of history. This concept is not for nothing is new and is already trite today (see Alpha Protocol).
Time to get serious. Third Level
Sleep - gameplay.
Another of the fundamental pillars of any game. Specifically, in our dream game would be the most important base. For starters, the original purpose is to steal secrets from the mind of the subject, creating a dream world in which these subjects can move freely without realizing that everything around them is a dream. Responsible for this role in the film is the architect, who creates the dream. Let's say a city with all its infinite detail. Here we apply the first element to a game, being the Architects, designed the city with their mazes and paradoxes to which the subject does not realize that it is a dream. All this with an acceptable degree of difficulty. It's not about spending hours and hours developing a city. Just to add some key elements would be perfect for the experience.
Once inside the city would have to move for her. The subject, once in the dream, the fill of projections (the people after all), giving life. The format serves well for this sandbox committed. We alone (or with the respective partner) would have to move around the city design. That's easy, but if you call too much attention, the projections will turn against us and harass us to death. It would be funny to see how a whole town chases the protagonist. Then imposes the need for a visibility meter, like in Assassin's Creed franchise. And then depending on the subject, we would find projections armed to the teeth if the subject has received relevant training.
would have to approach the goal, to tell us where or how to reach the place where they kept their most intimate secrets. Would not nice to have some conversation options, according to the questions or answers that we make, running or not suspicious.
When we managed to get to where the dark secrets that we have to steal, would not hurt some kind of minigame to open the safe where they are in custody. Or give some hints of stealth and infiltration if it is a prison where is the target.
In the fighting, would need a cover system (so fashionable nowadays), to avoid the bullets of the projections. The arsenal of weapons should be varied to choose the weapon you like best with their proper accessories. And of course, could not miss the way body a body for the time ... we want to be more stealthy. If you're in the middle of a firefight, it would be awesome to see how the environment changes as external conditions to the level of sleep. As an example, see change the gravity, or turn around wildly while we have not manage to finish rock bottom.
What if I die?, Nothing happens, we wake up and have to take for the mission failed, or we could try again some other time, everything depends on the subject. But if we are in a deep level of sleep (third level) and we die, we fall into Limbo, and we would play waiting to be rescued by a companion who will deign to do so.
Charisma and walk on walls are concepts that go hand in hand.
Here are the minor issues but no less important. Issues like the soundtrack, which must have the level reached in the film, which was consistent with the events that were displayed and kept us glued to our seats.
Another interesting thing could be a character editor, to make our character as we want and dress in an elegant (in the movie were all very fine forever).
In terms of multiplayer, something almost obligatory today, it would be interesting if you design a scheme viable game to face each other in the form of training in the world of dreams. Different weapons, experience points, prestige, and of course, a changing environment to make it all much more dynamic.
That gives happiness to finish something and finish it in good condition.

All these are but dreams that come true I wish to give to us, the players with a game unforgettable. We have to wait for Mr. Nolan has enough time to get involved in the development of the game and get a quality product. Keep on dreaming.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cervix Difference Before Pregnancy Test
Communicating with light crystal cities. A. Miguel
Communicating with light crystal cities. A. Miguel
Farrus Channeled by Elsa.
Dear sister, you begin a new period of personal transformation, in which the diamond hub of each of you has to strike a balance.
You must make your capacities, and close the leakage of energy to stay in a real present.
can not remain under the control power of another, or like the others ... because you would not be in a real dimension, but away from your free will.
can not avoid learning from others, or yourself, for there to experience, to become aware and so release those attitudes. Brothers
patterns of consciousness, that have been inactive, or subtle, until today, will be launched, so you feel you are irascible. Because you notice with increased susceptibility of things that happen in your environment, and of course you go down the daily rhythm, you are exhausted.
dedicate time to breathe, no matter who you are in the middle of the street, etc work. Breathing will help you filter incoming power so that you can flow better with the changes.
Henceforth and for some time, the etheric temples and cities of light, that many are seeing in dreams or meditation spontaneously in other activities, are the first contact with your energy crystal, some of you, feel as real and vivid, and long.
And so, his background is very diverse, some belong to other energy frequencies, it's like in the auric field entrarais cities, rather than their physical street ...
Gradually, as ye are integrating energy divine in you, cities, lands and valleys also integrate its potential energy, renewing their energy and merged with its etheric double or city light.
In fact all the active workers of Gaia, could if they wish as they pass through the streets, viewing them as the golden energy lines and makes you walk around half that for him, to facilitate the anchoring of both realities, the golden light can be transformed into color until you return to the gild, for healing or transformation of the physical, of those spaces, it is In carrying out the connection between dimensions.
other hand you have the etheric temples. They are energetic spaces that are part of other planes of consciousness that will go far to have access to you to remember who you are and forget the bitterness of your heart. As
that you understand the potential to transform the emotional wounds from your free will.
Since only belongs to you to transform reality your physical environment.
Access to the etheric temples, not raised. Are synchronicities that occur when a bridge of light is set before you, to achieve a new reality and you are in tune with the new learning.
words, when you choose to release a harmful habit from the heart and the universe offers you a place to heal, or learn to discover something new about you.
When you draw a threshold or door to you, or a street light, maybe a room then you are setting the bridge, the bridge of light that helps you make the connection. It is very important that respiréis mentally several times and must call your guides, light guides or the city or temple ... once you see them, whoever even Ascended Masters, ask them to confirm, that will be your guide, on behalf of light and love, and they ask me what its function there, (it is important to talk normal, like they do among you, from the serenity, a real conversation), and they are there, etc ... So you
may establish a real dialogue and simple as they would in any conversation of their day to day.
In most cities of light are tools that lie ahead, to help them understand or learn new parts of you. If you receive these tools or symbols, ask the "so" or they have to use these tools will, from a flower to a gem, or animals, colors, etc ... They are symbols or holograms, as the geometry that you activate information. Even then in your daily life can find its philosophical symbolism, esoteric, mythological, etc ... giving them more information.
is likely to be more than once to that place, to reach its full formation. While there is no space or time alone information, so enjoy it or ask the question how often they have to be there and how.
And a third possibility, and many more to come, is that through many states of peace, Gaia will show your etheric and inner cities, or link with other planes consciousness, from 5 th dimension. Remember other lives, other planes of consciousness ... well enjoy them, walk through them and remember they are not alone, that you are one with the universe, and the map or book of the universe is revealed little by little, each of you, as it can filter and integrate and understand, without causing no pain, no anxiety, no chaos.
Ascension is love and understanding toward oneself. Never come from the hand of renewed chaos. Rather it is a game and self-construction staff to become a complete being emotionally self. Remember brothers cities of light are there for everyone, but not all collected at once, at the same time. Many years ago that they see, others begin now, well not a race or a test, only one frequency is being activated, and will gradually perceive with greater reality. Thus the function of this message. Just so you know it's real, and down those bridges of light in a higher frequency, so that more beings wake up and catch up.
But at the same time remind them again to activate their inner city of light, ie the physical body, their homes, towns, cities, etc .... transform them through creative visualization, transform them into light as it passes, that's your responsibility to your personal ascension process. Imprégnenlo of golden light and nature does the rest.
Thanks brothers for their service and understanding, good-bye with love, A. Miguel.
Thanks to all, at heart, to spread this message, a hug Elsa.
The picture or image that is attached to the pipeline, it's mine, so I can play without any problem, is the image of one of the bridges of light, which I experience, thanks for everything. Any questions may be directed to, or seek more information and exercises in
Communicating with light crystal cities. A. Miguel
Farrus Channeled by Elsa.
Dear sister, you begin a new period of personal transformation, in which the diamond hub of each of you has to strike a balance.
You must make your capacities, and close the leakage of energy to stay in a real present.
can not remain under the control power of another, or like the others ... because you would not be in a real dimension, but away from your free will.
can not avoid learning from others, or yourself, for there to experience, to become aware and so release those attitudes. Brothers
patterns of consciousness, that have been inactive, or subtle, until today, will be launched, so you feel you are irascible. Because you notice with increased susceptibility of things that happen in your environment, and of course you go down the daily rhythm, you are exhausted.
dedicate time to breathe, no matter who you are in the middle of the street, etc work. Breathing will help you filter incoming power so that you can flow better with the changes.
Henceforth and for some time, the etheric temples and cities of light, that many are seeing in dreams or meditation spontaneously in other activities, are the first contact with your energy crystal, some of you, feel as real and vivid, and long.
And so, his background is very diverse, some belong to other energy frequencies, it's like in the auric field entrarais cities, rather than their physical street ...
Gradually, as ye are integrating energy divine in you, cities, lands and valleys also integrate its potential energy, renewing their energy and merged with its etheric double or city light.
In fact all the active workers of Gaia, could if they wish as they pass through the streets, viewing them as the golden energy lines and makes you walk around half that for him, to facilitate the anchoring of both realities, the golden light can be transformed into color until you return to the gild, for healing or transformation of the physical, of those spaces, it is In carrying out the connection between dimensions.
other hand you have the etheric temples. They are energetic spaces that are part of other planes of consciousness that will go far to have access to you to remember who you are and forget the bitterness of your heart. As
that you understand the potential to transform the emotional wounds from your free will.
Since only belongs to you to transform reality your physical environment.
Access to the etheric temples, not raised. Are synchronicities that occur when a bridge of light is set before you, to achieve a new reality and you are in tune with the new learning.
words, when you choose to release a harmful habit from the heart and the universe offers you a place to heal, or learn to discover something new about you.
When you draw a threshold or door to you, or a street light, maybe a room then you are setting the bridge, the bridge of light that helps you make the connection. It is very important that respiréis mentally several times and must call your guides, light guides or the city or temple ... once you see them, whoever even Ascended Masters, ask them to confirm, that will be your guide, on behalf of light and love, and they ask me what its function there, (it is important to talk normal, like they do among you, from the serenity, a real conversation), and they are there, etc ... So you
may establish a real dialogue and simple as they would in any conversation of their day to day.
In most cities of light are tools that lie ahead, to help them understand or learn new parts of you. If you receive these tools or symbols, ask the "so" or they have to use these tools will, from a flower to a gem, or animals, colors, etc ... They are symbols or holograms, as the geometry that you activate information. Even then in your daily life can find its philosophical symbolism, esoteric, mythological, etc ... giving them more information.
is likely to be more than once to that place, to reach its full formation. While there is no space or time alone information, so enjoy it or ask the question how often they have to be there and how.
And a third possibility, and many more to come, is that through many states of peace, Gaia will show your etheric and inner cities, or link with other planes consciousness, from 5 th dimension. Remember other lives, other planes of consciousness ... well enjoy them, walk through them and remember they are not alone, that you are one with the universe, and the map or book of the universe is revealed little by little, each of you, as it can filter and integrate and understand, without causing no pain, no anxiety, no chaos.
Ascension is love and understanding toward oneself. Never come from the hand of renewed chaos. Rather it is a game and self-construction staff to become a complete being emotionally self. Remember brothers cities of light are there for everyone, but not all collected at once, at the same time. Many years ago that they see, others begin now, well not a race or a test, only one frequency is being activated, and will gradually perceive with greater reality. Thus the function of this message. Just so you know it's real, and down those bridges of light in a higher frequency, so that more beings wake up and catch up.
But at the same time remind them again to activate their inner city of light, ie the physical body, their homes, towns, cities, etc .... transform them through creative visualization, transform them into light as it passes, that's your responsibility to your personal ascension process. Imprégnenlo of golden light and nature does the rest.
Thanks brothers for their service and understanding, good-bye with love, A. Miguel.
Thanks to all, at heart, to spread this message, a hug Elsa.
The picture or image that is attached to the pipeline, it's mine, so I can play without any problem, is the image of one of the bridges of light, which I experience, thanks for everything. Any questions may be directed to, or seek more information and exercises in
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