Frog more patriotic.
Fear, this sentiment has been accompanying mankind since the hominids understood that hit the head of another with a stone solved many problems. The fear has influenced our evolution, we think that some ways of expressing an order came that sentiment. For example, what we all complain when silence (sshhhh), it seems that comes from our ancestral fear of snakes. Our ancestors imitated the sound of snakes to make everyone a potential hazard alert. This is not to be scientifically proven, but a cool highland think so.
Personally, I always snakes have repeluco.No grime and that I have anything personal against them, just that those scales and especially the forked tongue can with me. Moreover, the first thought that one comes to mind when one sees a snake, is it poisonous? There are some yes, others no, but today it is not al caso, hoy la cosa va de ranas, ¿como?, ¿ranas venenosas? Vaya que sí, hablemos un poco de esos graciosos batracios.
Las rayas son para dar sensación de velocidad.
Las ranas o sapos siempre han sido tema gracioso debido a su siempre hilarante croa que te croa. Todos conocemos a ranas famosas, tales como Raponchi, la rana de la Princesa Cisne y el grandiosísimo Hipnosapo (alabado sea), pero pocos conocen lo jodidas que son las ranas dardo. Unas ranitas pequeñicas que como te pillen malo y si te las comes, pues peor, ya que son extremadamente venenosas. Es algo como muy siniestro, un animalillo así tan mono y tan mortal, pero al fin y al cabo, los platypuses are mammals that lay eggs and above are poisonous.
All dart frogs belong to the same family, Dendrobatidae, which is something like The Munsters, but a frog. They get along well and are from time to time to go on holiday to Ethiopia. You care deeply about children, since they are so thoughtful and considered that females fighting for males to fertilize their eggs and then load them onto their backs until they hatch.
But what makes it so poisonous to these small and beautiful frogs?, As most curious is that they do not produce their poison, they get small insects on which they feed. To be exact, poison dart frogs sometimes consists of 80 alkaloids. This name seems very strange, but there are many alkaloids, including cocaine, colchicine reaching the very holy and caffeine.
The yellow chicken deficinición obsolotea remains with the yellow frog.
The poison dart frogs is striking in its skin, and more fucking is liposuble. What does this mean? Well, that can dissolve in fats or oils, "and where there is usually grease or oil? because the skin of almost all living creature. It's that simple, as simple as going across country with your daughter / o is a nice little yellow frog. He takes the venom comes into contact with skin, it dissolves and enters the body through the pores of the skin. Result? Catacroker or even death. Specifically, the poison dart frogs impuslsos cuts off the nerve of the whole body, leaving the muscles in a state of contraction. Yes, the heart is a muscle and if you take it clear to you. Already
make matters worse, the poison takes a while to deteriorate. This would mean that if, for example, the frog has rubbed a sheet accounting and something or someone accidentally touches the blade, has every chance of ending badly, because the poison may remain unchanged for days.
But there is much to worry, our careless hands have little chances of encountering one of these cute frogs, as most have their natural habitat in the jungles of South America, so unless any man of adventure, there is nothing to be afraid.
Perhaps the funniest thing of all is the same name, dart frog. This name comes from a curious story in which there are Indian tribes, and dart frogs. Nor is it a melodrama, is simply that the Indians caught a dart frogs to rub the tips of their darts and arrows to hunt animals more effectively. The process is simple, capture the frog, close to the fire to sweat the poison, rubbing the tips of the arrows and go. Always taking the relevant measures SECURITY In, how to manipulate the frog with a leaf of a tree or something. And then the sheet will not know her, but sure there will be some poor with bad luck that has set foot and be out on the site.
Curioisamente this frog is called Dendrobates Azureus.
Then there is the issue of color. In all the pictures you can see that these frogs are extremely flashy and showy. These bright and colorful they tell you, fuck me damn it, but in the wordless language of the animal kingdom comes to mean, "how I eat you face a series of misfortunes and pains that are going to annoy the existence" . The wordless language of the animal kingdom is precise and rich in nuances.
For example, the yellow frog example above, is the most poisonous of all known few dart frogs so far. The aptly named Phyllobates terribilis, media has enough poison to kill 2 adult African elephants, or 20 adult humans, mice or 10000. And that only carry over one milligram of poison, if you take more would be considered weapons of mass destruction. If we do the accounts come out as a gram of this poison is enough to wipe out about 15000 people. I'm seeing the army of any country rubbing their hands thinking about launching thousands of frogs in areas of war to end quickly with the enemy. And it is difficult to resist the bulging eyes of these bugs. But meanwhile, will continue killing for one reason or another as dart frogs live their lives peacefully in the jungle frog, eating ants, leaving travel and leaving in peace the whole world.
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