Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tiffany's After Christmas Sale


In terms of size, we win the Sun, the ego is another matter.

Funny how certain themes emerge, as por ejemplo el de este post. No se que engranaje giró en la cabeza de mi novia, que en plena sobremesa con café de por medio me sale con, ¿y cuando el sol explote? ¿que va a pasar? Me quedé un par de segundos pensando en como contarle la enjundia del asunto, así que decidí que el mejor modo de contarle el asunto era a través de unas cuantas líneas escritas con cariño. Siempre las escribo con cariño, si no lo hiciera no estaría aquí ahora mismo, pero esta vez es un poco mas especial. Me gustó el tema del Sol, ya que es un gran incomprendido. Siempre está ahí, dándonos luz y calor, unas veces mas y otras menos, pero siempre podemos contar con él. Además se puede decir que el sol is one of the most responsible human would now walk across the surface of planet Earth. Creator of life in the first place and ultimately destructive, because like all things, stars are born, live and die. You may not have the same metaphysical significance that the death of a loved one or a mere human, as each day thousands of people die in mines or in wars that we have no idea and it seems that along. But the sun is special because it is a guy who takes everything to the tremendous and he died like that killed, so let's unravel some mysteries.

Different spectral classes. Let

start with the basics. What is the Sun? As everyone knows who is a star of spectral class G2. Well, maybe not many people know what a spectral class, but it's not complicated. The spectral class is a classification of types of stars according to its temperature, hotter to colder. I do not want to mess much with this issue if I can not get out of hand and we can roll, so suffice it to say that our dear and yellow sun is a star plain little heap.
The Sun is basically a thermonuclear furnace (it fills my mouth with that word) in which hydrogen is "burned" to provide light and heat. Specifically what happens in the sun is a reaction fission the hydrogen, using high pressures and temperatures, is transformed into helium. This process, called stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the sun to warm us up in the morning and shine to vampier Twilight (touch your balls). This happens continuously since our favorite star was born about 4500 million years and during that time, it is estimated that the sun turns around 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 tons of helium. Where are the tons that are missing? Then transformed into light energy, thermal and a few more things that are irrelevant, such as neutrinos (lashings me everything).

Boo to You! (Humor fine)

This is the origin of all things. Yes, the stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the existence of all things, because from the very origin of the universe has been present. In the heart of stars and became converts hydrogen into helium, then helium into carbon. This in turn can be transformed into oxygen, magnesium, sodium and so on resulting in most of the elements that make up existence. That is the true origin of all things, all we see, the screen you are watching or pencil to write with, everything comes from the heart a star, when they die, throw the immense emptiness of space all these elements.
But when it comes time for a star? For when it has nothing to "burn." When stellar nucleosynthesis begins to fail, the star begins its slow decline that can last thousands of years.

Sunset when it begins to die.

As I said before, the process that converts hydrogen into helium is the one that keeps the estella in great shape, but when the helium begins to turn into carbon, the process is not as effective, produces less energy and the transformation of carbon, less energy yet. This involves some changes
Physical quite apparent in the star. By changing the elements in the nucleosynthesis and be less EFFICIENCY it, the Sun will begin to swell, you need to do to stay stable and not collapse on itself. It swells so that gradually engulf the orbit of Mercury, the planet is included. Venus will suffer the same fate, and our beloved planet Earth as well. Although no longer a planet we know, will quedamado and destroyed due to the gradual growth of the Sun, which yields large amounts of energy as they gradually swells. That will be the final destination of the earth. The star king, shall be reduced to a simple white dwarf, which over the eons, will go off.
The Sun made special to Earth, providing more of the ingredients necessary for life to emerge. And the very end with our dear pale blue dot, putting an end to a tiny story in a small corner of the galaxy, located in a remote part of the universe. The last breath of the Sun

But before all this happens, there's a beautiful sunset last Sun

I have no doubt that human beings are NOT to watch this event, as the sun you are about 5000 million years of fuel before starting to swell and safe before we will have extinguished for one reason or another is irrelevant. I the meantime he will continue enjoying good times with good people, either in desktops with a coffee and my girlfriend surprise me with unexpected questions, or simply holding the keys to my house thinking that in my hands I have the remains of a dead star.


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