4-4-4 threshold and the Pearls of light energy input. First Steps
Farrus Channeled by Elsa, April 4 (4) 2011 (4)
am Beloved Mother Mary
Today many of you will feel a great lineup to something new, but first ye take awareness of the need to dissolve once the fear of loneliness.
Fear of solitude, not for fear of not being with others is the fear of listening to your heart in the silence, it is time to begin to hear not only your heart but also to pay attention to feel your soul next to yours, namely that nothing separates you from your dream.
you will have iodine in many traditions speak of the pearls of Mary, including the Pearl of Kuan Yin, as they reflect well on a physical object in the integration of energy in small areas of light pearly or iridescent white, these areas are self-regulating, ascension energy, energy that is competitive to your physical body and energy throughout the day today and the next 24 h, the threshold 4-4-4 - will air from entering your the planes of maya.
are micro spheres, which radiate all light spectra contained in white light, which will allow you to regulate these filaments and small decisions that you separated from your essence, your role is simply reactivated, to complete your internal connection You can also see how they are integrated on the surface of Gaia, in its seas i rivers.
We ask you to realize a small anchor calmly energy, each in its own way, which visualicéis you with all your interior full of light, or prana, and once you have breathed deeply, in two or three sequences; decretéis or tell in your thought with the creative mind, who are willing to integrate micro-spheres or beads of light energy.
Then imagine that rain down vertically immense energy to you, and instead of drops down areas of energy, and feel as they enter the crown chakra, and travel down the prana, to the Gaia star farm on the bottom of your feet a few inches below themselves, and filled with a sphere, that get inside, begins to grow the micro droplet, to form a sphere about 20 cm in diameter, filled with filaments and wires, which shines and spreads its light around you, This first area, is responsible for synchronizing your life over time, ie strengthen ties with this, so that everything happens on time, and the tools of your life, too. You breathe again and bring in a second drop, which descend in turn by the prana and will be hosted inside the base chakra, once there is also installed and began to grow, if it occurs, it stops, you can order more than one until it expands into a sphere about 20 cm, each strengthened the previous one, and not just on this farm but in many more.
When you see its expansion and power is shared, you will feel as if someone refresh your life, the role of this area is to restore your inner dialogue with the heart, with life, with the kingdoms, animals, plants , friends, etc., to recognize your surroundings.
iniciáis you breathe again and the process in the second chakra, with a new drop, whose function is to generate life, regain the ability to generate life for yourself, from personal choices, to feel as open and as it expands in all directions from your body.
Paradise and you enjoy these changes, and you breathe again, collecting a drop of light, opening the solar plexus, while you breathe is regulated again slowly, and feel as it restores the ability to recognize your own ideas, from the subtle to the most simple, the ability to choose the thoughts for yourself from the unit, without division. And let the process is fulfilled by different breaths to see the full light field.
We again addressed to another area of \u200b\u200bthe heart chakra and thymus gland promoted, ie a heart chakra connected to everyone else feel like is deposited in its beauty and energy, beauty, we begin to recognize in all our steps in all our decisions, and from the serenity, as the area acted within us, we will know see the beauty and abundance, even in the most profound changes of our be ...
breathe and call for a new area that comes into us and leads us and transports, to the throat chakra, enhancing communication with our higher self, but above all our strength to verbalize the truth, with awareness of our book life with multidimensional consciousness, knowing that we come from many levels and many situations, quite interconnected and vary in each of our personal decisions.
We realized the opening of the sphere, and we breathe again, entering a pearl of light that moves us. Crown chakra, and he goes down to the pineal and pituitary gland in the center of 6 farm, so full of light, and restore communication with the farm to help us understand and create the thoughts that are going to realize our life, with the joy of living, of being receivers and transmitters of reality, to create realities for ourselves, in communion with the solar plexus chakra.
And finally, view, and in the crown chakra, it deposits a bead of light, we will fill up with energy, until it grows so much that we let in the same, full of strength and energy, reconnecting each and every one of our bodies, energy mislabeled as all are even our physical body is part of the process of light that gives life to every moment.
deep breath
4 or 5 times and feel as that energy surrounds us, as we enter a beam of white light, which fills the entire interior of the physical body goes through to the outside by filling the entire area, remain there as long as you wish to be, each in its sole discretion, breathing again slowly visualize the clear and specific order to have a physical body, anchored in the present or if you prefer to imagine a roots, the soles of your feet which penetrate the earth, and descend into the nucleus. And little by little without breathing will open your eyes again, resting, moving slowly and when his physical body has been moved entirely, arms legs etc., Slowly open your eyes and drink or a glass of water or a good glass of fruit juice, to help them take root. (It is prudent to take a while to re lying or sitting position all that they had reached the head, and integrate these energies.)
Today is a big threshold, a new awareness opens to you, that is why perhaps in the earlier days, more than ever felt tired or that loneliness so great that they invaded, find their place in life, that is the key to ascension, recognized and really know how they want to live, from the quiet interior, not from
exceedances ... Respect your truth, do not allow more abuse, do not allow more resignations allow no more to them away from yourself, for every decision of loneliness, born a helpless, they do not lead to anything, and remember that loneliness is not outside, it's when they split and move away from what really feel.
Trust and grow, all the good and new comes for everyone, just depends on how you want to live, thanks brothers for the great effort that combine their lives and their new reality, energy today is a single function or frequency of alienate with its essence to stop the division and effort, so that synchronicities are given naturally, thanks again speaks from the sun Alcyon Mary.
Thank you all for spreading the word freely and without charge. Any question can ask chellestte@hotmail.com, thanks again, Elsa
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