Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do Bipods Fit Pellet Guns

unified heart chakra

Getting Started for the Unification of heart chakra

When we speak of: o Key Note Tonal Tonal is a mathematical concept, used to determine a gradation or vibrational composition. Currently, we find many texts and articles related to this term from mathematics, physics has been learned, and even music, and associated, the humanistic and metaphysical concept of vibration. We all know through the Kybalion.
now beginning to be rescued in the esoteric world as one of our tools, deeper, associated with the opening of the heart chakra.
are already many, which in the past year, are still humming, a series, constant music, or songs constantly repeat in your head. Some therapists, know that the fact of constantly repeating a piece of song, does that in a way, is our emotional mind, who wants us to rethink something or some situation, connected with that letter or music.
Today, many of us have not stopped humming, and in my case, like many others, is a good way, that what for me was such a simple, to channel. Now preceded by a wonderful music, vivid dreams, inside me, something that very soon, after this Christmas, the solstice was already part 2008.2009 of many consciences.
This phenomenon was known, always LA Music of the Spheres. For the Pythagorean school. Or now, the keys tone of the ascended masters.
is basically a tool that allows sensors to harmonize our Spiritual Hierarchy of the world (The Great White Brotherhood) and defines vibration or vibrational frequency of an Entity or Conscious Entity called Maestro (a) Promoted, Archangel, Elohim or other title assigned by that hierarchy or written tradition. Being aware of this state, issue-since we are light and sound-frequency or harmonic tone own a fifth dimension or higher - in contrast to the tone frequency or disharmonious commonly issued by the humanity of Third and Fourth Dimension . It is as if in contact, that key pitch, like a tuning fork transports us to an order, which puts us ready for the reception. We all know the memories of the typical summer song, as this is, like the summer song, referring us to a related visual or crystallized a feeling, sometimes even more. As the music of the spheres, we aligned these areas, knowledge, or dimensional spaces.
If at any time, they believe, it is not possible, get tested, put several electronic devices around, and in silence, breathing go once they have just done, they will realize that the sound Wiring is much more intense, as if they discovered that before were never sounds obvious to you.
However, in both cases the foundation is in the SOUND . The Power of Sound. Sound, audible or inaudible, is a consequence of Light . Lighting are not talking about ... but the cosmic radiation or nuclear electricity of a body. Depending on the master control to be exercised or mentally on the movement or speed, and frequency of Light, and through the Sound, would then be the result, the effect / demonstration on the matter - the emotion is the catalyst (this is critical in humanity "adult"). Harmony

stands for Order, disharmony and noise is synonymous with chaos.
Hence the great importance Sound: Whether for us, music that uplifts the soul (and not just encouraging us, or excited for a moment). Or against us, noise from industry, audio-visual propaganda, radio, tv, and in general the noise
and dis-order of a city newspaper.

Since the planet contains a large diversity of civilizations and races, not all Light Beings belong to the Spiritual Hierarchy . For this reason some people give off their radiation (tone, color, vibration, frequency, Love!) By simple word, or mantra, singing (audible sound) or by silence or inaudible sound (Everything is radiation) or in the "form" for surely they want no limits on creativity and expression, more so now that the arts are merging, unifying, re-valued.
why every time but the art is conceived as a place to make a viewer feel something more than being on a flat surface.

What matters is the message-Energy Radiation, issued and magnetized, because, ultimately, each Being (of Light or Dark ) IS God.

recover our true nature of audio-visual Original , or rather, recover the "nature" or "original natural state" of all our senses and extra-senses .

While the human one is not tuned, harmonized, tuned; not complete the Planetary Work. Hence the tracks are a contribution to the Assumption of the individual consciousness, and therefore collective .

What the critics call inspiration of any work of art (musical or otherwise, harmonic or not) is always taken, just "inspired , the ethers and therefore does not belong to anyone in particular, is inspiration (and after exhalation) the entire Cosmic Family. In any case the credit will always be : First, for all energies -visible and invisible-that are involved in the interpretation or reproduction ( issuer - people, equipment, facilities, systems) of the song, agree to try and time, and on the other, depend on the willingness / availability / determination / "Goodwill" or "intent" of the receptor visible - or invisible because everything is permeated by electromagnetic waves.
The provision /
will attempt or can do, on one hand, a topic we seem monotonous, no matter how smooth it is, or conversely, that a poor musical theme, seem to us a wonderful creation to Creation!

Everyone in the school, we studied, the famous painting of communication. But no one taught us to see that picture as a whole, study participants, his message: but not the key phrase: For establish an understanding of the communicative act, should be involved, all its components, under a clear awareness of the communicative act. That is, knowing that community or that let you communicate.

I included a wikipedia document, which discusses this very particular communicative act. But which highlight the following paragraph:
"The communication is a natural phenomenon in the universe, relevant by the fact that it brings to the receiver a power pack compatible with your system load transaction, benefiting in some of its capabilities.
turbulence and atmospheric waves are operating at spatial and temporal scales very large. "
The power pack is the information ... and loads, we, our ability to learn or receive
Returning to the subject at hand, could say that any Note Tonal and harmonic dis-harmonic part of the great score of the Universe. In our particular universe, one of many universes-the primordial sound, great guideline called Sheet Music of the Spheres is "OM ."
If we analyze, lexically the word universe, each universe is a rhyme, rhythm and verse precisely composed of Word + Sound = ( Uni) Verse . But that is a fantasy.
What is certain, is that which endures in us communication is received, there must be a receptacle. A space that allows the reception of the message. And that is what is happening to more tranquility, more empty the past, but space is within us, or our consciousness, thus, can produce a host of new connections, which allow us to expand, said receptacle, and attract an increasing number emissions, both internal and external. And above all, with the opening of the heart chakra we are becoming more aware of it.
But to further refine those, we are merely the result of a causal connection, there is an "old year" comes from Karuna system of vibrational healing.
This system allows us to recognize and know, at all times If a vibration, we own or not.
Method: Quite simply, it comes first, instead of closing their eyes, and can, breathe deeply, consciously, ie four times. Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. So on, about 9 times, to be specific.
Then visualize a large sphere of light inside the earth, from which a light that is directed vertically, to us, we see stops a few inches below us. Chakra opening and our connection with our subtle bodies, the Gaia star farm, which keeps us rooted to it, open and filled with light, breathing 9 times, and we take to clean all that is disharmonious.
Once there, we got this light through your body, opening one by one our fields, and filling them with light, until the crown chakra, then ascended vertically to find, about a foot distance of our skull, the eighth chakra, if we add, the Gaia star, find the powerhouse of our causal body, which helps us to filter the high frequency of light, our chakras are in the subtle bodies. Once there, we will open this light, let us expand and within a light tube as wide as we see appropriate.
then will choose a theme, image or name, and also allows us to any symbol of any culture. Visualize, this symbol, and I mean everything I just mentioned, being aware that that image or symbol, is itself an icon of a particular vibration and has the ability to turn a deep, they come to us, concretely.
and then becomes aware of your sacred heart chakra which is below the real heart, in the back, and your heart chakra up, which is located in the thymus and throat, and central vision of the soul, which is located in the center of the head, behind the third eye, but a little below it.
View, then an archangel or guide, teacher or Higher Self, seated in front of you. and displays the three sites referred to in the.
deep breath now, we will see silver lightning out of our hearts holy, and our guide and see how the two are united in a vertical column.
Second visualized as a beam emerges golden light of the two hearts upward. And connect, widen the column of light.
Now, we send a pearly white light, such as opal, which comes from our soul vision center, which was connected in a similar way.
breathe deeply, and see how the connection is completed and Pamper circulates between them, is when we are at the center of vision of the soul in the center of our head behind the third eye. and feel like the three centers are connected and activated and you see like this column of light is activated and goes to infinity, together with your guide , and connects with what you recognize, drive, or power, or solar logos, you are aware that it is only one, that the three are one.
breathe deeply, and become aware of how the essence of unity comes to each of our atoms, and all the cells of our being.
We stayed there, and feel, as it lies, the war had on us, as we are only one, ending our duality.
We and our three centers for heart, energy is distributed in us and see how low through us, the center land. And we started off the first ray of light NACARA reception center of the soul, the solar logos and return it to, we, and our guide as well.
breathe deeply, and we lowered the beam of light, soft golden horn the heart up and let c k be merged with the light source of our being, and our column, and let Our guide will do the same.
breathe again and let the silver light beam returns back to us and deposited sweetly in our whole being.
breathe again 9 times to be becoming aware of our being, and energy at this point stir in us. And feel like they are impregnated in our cells, this energy we are bringing from our etheric body down together in our physical body and once we feel it is time, as we slide into the interior of the earth, star chakra beams Gaia, penetrating the earth's core and in anclándonos. Anchoring in us, universal love and compassion that leads us to free will. We feel like we feel a great excitement and gratitude for the integration of renewables.
2 º Exercise:
Once embedded cores, we can see in front of us, that image, icon or symbol, and see how they approach us, remaining at heart level, not transfer tube of blue light, and ask that our heart center up, pop up, a ray of golden light, which assigns the blue light tube and wrap the image inside a golden oval, once there, we'll see amid the golden light gives rise to a beam of green light, which lifts us the truth about any vibration and if we see that although it has become still there. Ask at the reception center of the soul, again issued a pearly beam of light, we draw a screen, where we can, remembering, or receive, what allows us to heal around the image or situation, or music symbol, showing that it contains for us. If by any chance, is a painful sensation or terrible, violet immediately fill the scene or ask our guides, dealing with it, to transform it into harmony, and forgive us for that time and space, to be part of the without being aware of it. Or to those who participated in this, their lack of conscience. When we finished, we thank the icon or image and dilute, we collect clean, light rays, gold and pearl, and feel column great peace, the light from the farm grounds, fills in the form of white light, our entire body.
breathe deeply and slowly, we return to consciousness of our body.
Seeing as our heart chakra expands, spiral, like a great sling, spiral, in the middle of which lies a large area of \u200b\u200bwhite light that shines brightly. It is our heart monadic, or unit, with respect to our prana. That has made peace on that topic.
Sometimes, if they are symbols, as we envision it, receive, visions of power or initiation, which we modified, in the form of vibrational adjustments, known as solar initiations or ether. But as we are inside and a tube of blue light, are protected against any change, if we know that this is a familiar theme, complex or something we know we move, we can cover internally, the blue tube with a beam of silver light , to strengthen the protection come directly from the sacred heart chakra. Or the inner temple.


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