Sunday, January 2, 2011

Instructions For M450 Answering Machine

The Rumspringa!

Amish Girls rush.

is very strange to be writing these lines, on this keyboard, and especially, in this my tiny blog. I must confess I was ashamed to think that had left him without explanation, and I was a bit of panic in and see any comments saying how irresponsible I am. True, I was a little irresponsible to leave without explanation. "Excuses? Many very nice all, but none applies to apologize.
Lately I've been writing lots more than usual because a subject of archeology that has me over and over again but yet I love it. So I said to myself, "new year, new beginning." And here I am, a little older, fatter (my grandmother's food on Christmas is a dogma of faith) and especially so as I am. Also, never lost a taste for reading. Recently I went to a competition of micro science fiction and was second in all categories to which chose my story. Someday someone will post here remember silly little things I wrote, and a plan buddy.
Those who know me know that I am an empiricist such a good one, but I have my little heart, so this small post, goes to my dear friends, the Amish, of which I spoke a long time ago. Raruna people where they are, believers to the bone, but to my surprise, consistent. Us know a wee bit better.

The seƱortitas before, with members of the male gender.

all know the Amish. Those "crazy" Americans living as it used to teach them an ipod and see in him the personification of the devil. But they are still beloved beings who have chosen to live in the old and get away from it .. Stating that the film M. Night Shyamalan "The Village" (The Village) does not drink from this source of inspiration. When I wrote
about the Amish back in year 4, I knew it was a rite of passage, nor knew it was not the word meant Rumspringa. Because I believe that it should satisfy your curiosity curious to see what is next, as soon as I crossed the floor in front Rumspringa, I rushed to look to see what it meant. And I met my dearest friends, the Amish (not so beloved as my beloved Jeovah witness, as I miss your visits to my house on Sunday guys!).
The Rumspringa no longer a simple rite of passage. What about students is a rite of passage?, Very easy, it's a rite of passage. The easier it is impossible. To put it simply, is a party to move from one state to another. The easiest example I can put it is that of "coming-out" it was done today. In these parties (a more friendly name that rite) the little boy who turns 18, goes from being a kid (I laugh) to be a woman (I laugh x2). Same with Holy Communion and Confirmation, which are rites to believe more in God (with lowercase d) and to receive lots of gifts. As a humorous anecdote, I will comment in passing that I did not understand much of what the priest told me, I just thought about the gifts, and when I got to where they were holding my fellowship had a bouncy castle you spend big.

As cool to be different.

After the hilarious story, back to the Amish and their Rumspringa. Rumspringa To explain the first I have to explain something very simple to the Amish, and that they, who are his, are Anabaptists. Anabaptists did not mean that such a Ana baptizes you or anything, but simply do not baptize children at birth. Laudable thing because they think that if you believe in God, you have to do and with an awareness developed and all fishing. So are the ones Amish babies (funny hat not included) and not baptized, that if the subject throughout his life to education in Christian values \u200b\u200band the whole bit until they reach the critical age of 16 years. So that's where comes in the Rumspringa., Which is basically the awkward age, what happens is that the Amish call with that name so pompous. During Rumspringa, he / adolecante Amish (or amishcente) can experience what the Amish call "English life", which for us comes to be the day to day. Amishcentes give a freedom that did not have before, some are long inluso Amish communities to live out there and prove what is being everything. Sex (anal or anal), drugs, music etc etc. The funny thing is that Rumspringa means "turning." Amishcentes left to wander around there to prove what is our life.

Bypassing the Rumspringa standards.

The most surprising thing is that about 90% of amishcentes return to the fold of their small communities, to live in peace, to pray at 5:00 am Zulu time and then milking cows and working the soil. It remains curious that we urbanites seek a place like holiday, away from the madding crowd, almost looking for our roots.
is commendable that the Amish give their children the opportunity to choose who they want to do with their lives. This does not happen. It has always been a tradition to baptize the child at 4 seconds of birth and as a Christian that flip. But the Amish at least give that opportunity, yes, some parents apply strict discipline to those children who have gone there and returned with puncture marks on his arms and others, most scholars say, "sit down to eat, walk."
All this happens in the country of oportudad, dear USA (phonetically iuesei). That country where the space shuttle launch from time to time, to my delight and joy and which leaves every atrocity you think if you really think.
For those interested there's a pretty shocking documentary called Devil's Playground (something like the devil's playground) that shows exactly what is being Rumspringa. And how could be otherwise, being such as the USA, a program called Amish in the City in which ... well, look for a couple of videos on YouTube and you tell me to see how you stay.

And that's all, try not to disappoint those who read me and people who know me and especially to those who love me. So, I look forward on the road with some of you, I said!.


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