Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long You Boild The Meet For The Gravy

The game of our dreams. Origin.

should be wet to enter the dreams.

movies and video games, two worlds or branches of well-defined and distinct creation sometimes ingeniously combined to result in a title (or movie playable) that is engraved in our memories for the rest of the days. Making a film is not the same as making a video game, and vice versa. And that is what happens in these times running, which makes video game movies. We already have experience with these products is extensive and almost always try to low-quality titles that do not meet the expectations of gamers. Its low production development time and render them dull and boring when playing them. The closest examples we have at the time are all the games in the series Harry Potter. The book heptalogĂ­a resulted in eight movies (the seventh book is divided into 2 movies), each with its corresponding version console (laptop or desktop) and PC. Games that proved to be a bit disastrous in terms of gameplay and developments. Nevertheless, there are still even seems some develop only to promote some new motion capture systems (Move and Kinect). At the end of the day, there are many examples of titles coming out as an excuse to sell like hotcakes exploiting the commercial pull of the film. Are the above-named Harry Potter, Iron Man, The Golden Compass, Where the Wild Things, Star Wars (of their universe have come out great games) and many more.

Entering the dream of an / a freak / a cleaning.

Perhaps the opposite example cause more chills. When a game becomes on film, many of us hope to see all our hopes, wishes and hours of fun is a feature invested as much as 2 hours. Unfortunately, so far, this has not happened, so far. Max Payne movie as they spoiled the essence of the original title. Others, like the legendary Street Fighter has aged into a comedy. His "sequel" prequel "or" spin off ", Street Fighter The Legend, better not comment because it could end badly. Perhaps what else has come close to the essence of the original game Silent Hill, with a people and an atmosphere brilliantly recreated, scenes to remember (that skinning be for posterity), but perhaps lacked a little action. Then there are absurdities such as Double Dragon, Doom (FPS style that scene, uff), Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, BloodRayne and of course, Super Mario Bros.
Today, it seems that not learned to make adjustments to a movie of great titles in the world of videogames. Recently we discovered that the Uncharted movie already had character, and not a few are beginning to enter the fear of what might be. Also Uncharted is a game with influences film, both in its plot and some of his stunning cinematic adaptation therefore should not be difficult.
Basically, we all want to see our heroes on the big screen. Since the charismatic Solid Snake Master Chief to the determined, all ballots are necessary to operate on the silver screen.
But what happens when a movie comes to movies and shows have potential so you can create a quality game?. Usually they take the idea, put a lot of bright colors, explosions and take the game.
relatively recently arrived at the movie theaters Origin and proved that you can make movies, call it commercial quality. Its director, Christopher Nolan has proven to be a competent manager who always gave us films whose quality is often a slightly above what you normally see in theaters. With Origin, questions are "very deep" about what is reality as we perceive and how to distinguish what is "real" than not. All these ideas are not new, long ago, such a Plato posed the same in his famous Cavern.
But if you look carefully Origin, you can see some elements that are quite delicious when you can leverage them in a videogame. And when the director confirms their development and involvement in it, because even better. So you could expect from a title of this caliber, or do you ask?. Trying to sound sleep at 3 levels, which could be.

Things that happen if you think badly. Tier

Dream - Graphics.

paragraph Perhaps this is less important to many, but today it is believed that good graphics is a sign of a quality title. For all true, it has been demonstrated on numerous occasions that no overwhelming graphics ensure a great game. On this question not be asked much the game of our dreams (the Source, of course). Nor is it to discard the entire facet of the game, but is not as important as others. Clearly I needed a graphic quality needed to make the game more immersive. It would be even Funny you should equip these outstanding graphics quality for which we were to ask, what is real and what is not. Second Level

Dream - Argument.

One of the fundamental pillars of any game that comes out today is the argument. The central theme, the thread that brings the story to one way or another end up hooked. Surprise us with unexpected turns, until you reach a conclusion worthy of our applause.
The universe created in Origin, which is nothing more than a reality in which we can access the dreams, build and profit from them, has the potential to create thousands of stories with all the possible ramifications. Would interesting to see how the decisions we make can influence the course of history. This concept is not for nothing is new and is already trite today (see Alpha Protocol).

Time to get serious. Third Level

Sleep - gameplay.

Another of the fundamental pillars of any game. Specifically, in our dream game would be the most important base. For starters, the original purpose is to steal secrets from the mind of the subject, creating a dream world in which these subjects can move freely without realizing that everything around them is a dream. Responsible for this role in the film is the architect, who creates the dream. Let's say a city with all its infinite detail. Here we apply the first element to a game, being the Architects, designed the city with their mazes and paradoxes to which the subject does not realize that it is a dream. All this with an acceptable degree of difficulty. It's not about spending hours and hours developing a city. Just to add some key elements would be perfect for the experience.
Once inside the city would have to move for her. The subject, once in the dream, the fill of projections (the people after all), giving life. The format serves well for this sandbox committed. We alone (or with the respective partner) would have to move around the city design. That's easy, but if you call too much attention, the projections will turn against us and harass us to death. It would be funny to see how a whole town chases the protagonist. Then imposes the need for a visibility meter, like in Assassin's Creed franchise. And then depending on the subject, we would find projections armed to the teeth if the subject has received relevant training.
would have to approach the goal, to tell us where or how to reach the place where they kept their most intimate secrets. Would not nice to have some conversation options, according to the questions or answers that we make, running or not suspicious.
When we managed to get to where the dark secrets that we have to steal, would not hurt some kind of minigame to open the safe where they are in custody. Or give some hints of stealth and infiltration if it is a prison where is the target.
In the fighting, would need a cover system (so fashionable nowadays), to avoid the bullets of the projections. The arsenal of weapons should be varied to choose the weapon you like best with their proper accessories. And of course, could not miss the way body a body for the time ... we want to be more stealthy. If you're in the middle of a firefight, it would be awesome to see how the environment changes as external conditions to the level of sleep. As an example, see change the gravity, or turn around wildly while we have not manage to finish rock bottom.
What if I die?, Nothing happens, we wake up and have to take for the mission failed, or we could try again some other time, everything depends on the subject. But if we are in a deep level of sleep (third level) and we die, we fall into Limbo, and we would play waiting to be rescued by a companion who will deign to do so.

Charisma and walk on walls are concepts that go hand in hand.

Dream Level Four - The limbo.

Here are the minor issues but no less important. Issues like the soundtrack, which must have the level reached in the film, which was consistent with the events that were displayed and kept us glued to our seats.
Another interesting thing could be a character editor, to make our character as we want and dress in an elegant (in the movie were all very fine forever).
In terms of multiplayer, something almost obligatory today, it would be interesting if you design a scheme viable game to face each other in the form of training in the world of dreams. Different weapons, experience points, prestige, and of course, a changing environment to make it all much more dynamic.

That gives happiness to finish something and finish it in good condition.
Justificar a ambos lados
And finally, it would be something great to have the limb for us to do what we want, create and destroy at will and spend the time we deem appropriate in this wilderness out of time. Almost as Minecraft.
All these are but dreams that come true I wish to give to us, the players with a game unforgettable. We have to wait for Mr. Nolan has enough time to get involved in the development of the game and get a quality product. Keep on dreaming.


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