Jennifer Hoffman. Ascension is an evolving energy flow
I rang a lot, with the experiences that come to me in these times, I see people having a crisis, wake up, looking just a couple of "therapy" or meditations, etc, and remember and solve, accepting a lot of things that only a few years ago would have been unthinkable, with the agility, so I thought
good share, and besides, I think it's a unique moment the which we live is a good thing, but apparently we are agitated ... good morning and thank you all
came into the world as teachers, with the knowledge and understanding necessary to meet with your life purpose of healing and ascension. The struggles experienced during each life challenges arise because the earth mastery, and fear reminds impotence, which is one of the many options available to you. Sometimes they have to experience fear and helplessness, as part of the lessons of his life and soul in this deliberately chosen so they can remember their expertise.
Every human incarnation is made in a specific energy frequency that can transform your expertise. But there is an inherent challenge in this process, which occurs when you become that frequency to experience its effects. So forget your master and become a victim of the frequency that came to be transformed. That's why many of you remain inside their soul groups of multiple lives, learning the same lessons and although they know that there are different ways at their disposal, can not be achieved. Are experiencing life as victims of what they have been transformed.
There is no situation in life that can not dominate, because you have the expertise to transform their experience of life energy. They can be victims of life because you are their teacher. Can not be victims of fear, because you are masters of light. There may be impotent, because they are masters of power. But his mastery will remain concealed by his humanity until you take it out in front. It is yours and you will experience life through their expertise when they remember that their way is the transformation that can be experienced in many different ways.
Ascension is an evolving flow of energy from lower frequencies to the highest, and as teachers understand this movement and know that you choose different levels of vibration to transform them, because they already have the necessary expertise for processing. But if they become a victim or its master, it depends on if you can remember your life purpose of transformation. That is its purpose and the entire humanity. Everything you experience is something that has been transformed. So they live through their expertise, choose power over fear and light over darkness, then you can live your life through your expertise and create heaven on earth.
Copyright (C) 2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life Omnimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected by copyright laws of the United States international and can be freely distributed in its entirety, as long as they include the author's name and the Uriel Heals website,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Commercial Motion Detector
Using its "spatiality". M Sananda
Using their spatiality. M Sananda
Pipeline by Elsa Farrus
You are space beings, ie having their personal space and can fluctuate within it and shape it in a space / time continuum.
These days have noticed that the law of cause and effect is immediate, think of something and there you have it, even more if you think negatively, then it's even faster if it .... It is more dense.
Well then the incoming energy these days, re-connecting the two hemispheres of his "head" or brain, call it whatever you want, that is activated in you code, old, who were not receiving power, and therefore did not use, but which were not part of you, they were just dormant.
And one of the first to be renovated and completed by yourselves, is spatial awareness. Ie the space on time.
Many times you asked for something, and seemed to take, or just when they came asking what it was like an apprenticeship in the law of attraction, either because with the increase in energy diamond these days, you have begun A new method of materializing, ie
It's like nothing I have done so far, had a weight material, starting from scratch in their creations, this is an opportunity, in mortal language, if you want you can remove old things so much faster than before, in a few hours. depend on your choice, this is the big problem are you willing to choose? And how do you choose?.
is normal, that even collisions are their linear thinking, if life was angry .... As will fix now ... ..
To give you an example, how well does not belong to you, belongs to the universe, I choose to fix this, if they belong to, choose and let it happen, can not live in a harmonious world, if they remain divided in real thoughts, as failing to consider fixing something from this, for something that belongs to the past, not to be in an eternal present, is to be in an eternal past, from his free will can continue in this situation, but in time will not be sustainable in Gaia, because she chooses to unity with all beings, and density, each belong to different levels.
Hence the great importance they choose to face in these days and months to remove everything, insult them, everything that divides them from the economic to the physical, disease and the environment, such as Leave it to universe, energy. Well if you also intend to choose control the smallest details, we leave very little room for mother nature, and still stuck in energy control.
Like you are plated new elections, thousands of people worldwide feel this too long to wake up and cancel, which is quite probable, that do not have to suffer the same shock and fear egoic, that long ago, even weeks ago.
allow us to recognize emotions and feelings to help us build positive, to generate it for ourselves, not to harm others, or catalog, and judging others, then we fall new division group in a constant, unnecessary.
Sean creators of life, let others reuse these creations and receive a blast. Without internal division, nothing, absolutely nothing missing. Division will be coming with the ups and downs. And do not fool yourselves, neglecting a i again, that still does not work because it depends only and only you, as physical beings, thinking, no enemy / as external, if there is an enmity that even there internal, as more and more light on earth, whose only function is to take out the light of truth, and ancestral memory, not to give away their personal power to other beings Forgot your essence.
And the greatest and only power that man possesses, is to choose from inner peace to share .... All the rest are illusions, which are repositioned for vibrating sooner or later, that simple.
is true that there are still small energy mechanisms that are in place in you at the cellular level, and which are not even aware they are there, and are those that produce the emotional ups and downs these days, since entering energy shows them contained scenes or memories or past out there, limiting their power or wear them.
Using its spatiality, it's easy, cleaning the linear concept of time and expand their cells, so that everything is harmonious, it really makes things can change, one way to another, is the space between atoms or cells, that allows us flexibility and processing flexibility. Well it's time to regain that flexibility, that a linear time we can not offer instead a spherical time itself. If things go online, like a rope or chain, we find a single direction if things are born from a point like a geyser on the ground, to reach a high point returns to the origin, forming a sphere, so well because we have to send or view our energy and thoughts, breathing and emitting light to our environment or our way. Where we go, let's play with light, and generate harmonics, until he insults us, then, only fear, and is no longer with us, or is in very small doses.
To get to expand their power, without going to look now, every single detail of your locks, it is time to transform not to accumulate data, we invite you to take a deep breath in several times between 9 and 16, and displayed as land, up to you, a beautiful turquoise blue energy that fills every six power centers ... until the farm soul star.
(See graph of energy centers on the blog as an anchor of the twelve farms , or view online charts of the twelve personal chakras)
And once that light turquoise radiate around you throughout your body, breathe again and ask the universe that are imbued with the energy diamond, displaying as it descends upon his head a beam of white light, almost transparent iridescent bright, flashing in all colors and come in contact with the soul star chakra, about inches above his head, starts to turn on itself, forming a ring of light that permeates it and every time, but the power amplifier at the center, hence, breathe again and displayed as down on their heads inside the farm as if it were a funnel and form an infinite vertical between the soul star chakra and crown chakra, turning on themselves in times barias, breathe and feel like after entering their heads straight to the heart little by little, and then started again a triple infinity ... .. starting to turn in place, to a high speed, rotation will expand all your auric field, as simple as that, if this is done every morning, their cells will be filled with these new vibration and every day more and more, until a few days in anomalous energy canceled, or division, if they can not visualize it, no matter cuéntenselo; and see how it expands, a tingling throughout his body, and simply let yourself be surprised by the results without more on the physical plane acháquenlo to chance at first ... and you will see will soon be the luckiest things that ever been able to gather, pro that what you call luck is synchronicity in the end, after all, are space-time lines that come together in moments, offering new opportunities. Let yourself be surprised.
And remember it is not time to lecture or convince anyone, it's time to apply, and so experience is real, and who want and ask. To return to their creativity of children, you come to be yourself, and remember before you get out, breathe deeply two or three times, to collect their aura to a level of physical light, which can be well rooted, for its activities and give the thank the universe for the "hows" Brothers we love with all our heart and the joy of seeing every day are more i more people begin to exercise their free will, a kiss with love Sananda.
Note: when referring to a triple infinity in the heart chakra, means to an infinite vertical, one horizontal through the center of the first and form a cross and a third passing through the center of it, forward and back, leaving a 3-dimensional figure, as in the diagonal of an octahedron.
Thank you all for spreading this message. Any question can ask, thanks again, Elsa
Is Genital Herpes Still Infectious After 6 Years?
Diamonds in the Rough.
After finishing a job in which 1.7 kg of pages have to ensure a pass, it is normal to want to be a landing to go on safari, discover a desert island, or just take a while to play. Lately almost no time at all, but I got a bit to write here, as usual. I missed and less to write and express themselves freely, free from restrictions and censors. But nothing lasts forever, you better use the time and spread some knowledge to the delight of everyone to try to read these lines. The above statement "nothing lasts forever" is something that has always intrigued me. That would mean that everything we know will end someday (Deluxe Salvame included). It is not at all a tragedy, not demoralizing, well, depending how you look. I always thought it was a perfect excuse to try to be a better person and take little time left to me. Surely you will have skipped some smartass on duty (I was the first) that will read the title of the post and think "Ha, diamonds are forever." No, diamonds are not forever and not as glamorous as many believe, we know a little better to see what we can tell.
Who needs diamonds having coffee.
Everyone knows the word Diamond as it is associated. A stone carved, transparent, worth a bundle and often carry women who meet in your life or old ladies type Duchess of Alba. Therein lies the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing that something is. Thank goodness you're here to help.
A diamond is nothing more than a form of carbon Altrópico. That sounds pretty complicated, but nothing further. Form Altrópico is, put it simply, is the ability of certain elements form various chemical structures. For example, our beloved oxygen is able to be in the form of molecular oxygen (O2) or ozone (O3). It is one or the other depends on their chemical structure. Diamonds is the same. Depends on how the carbon atoms together, you get a diamond or not. The funny thing is when you realize that a diamond, whatever, is nothing more than carbon, and there are a lot of carbon. Probably close to you has a bit of carbon in pencil.
The pencil leads (and the holders, who have more charisma) are graphite, which is nothing more than another form of carbon Altrópico. You could say that mine is a diamond in your pen frustrated was half that.
One of the most important characteristics of the diamond is its hardness. This hardness is given by the structure it has. The atmospheric carbon are closely linked to each diamond giving it exceptional hardness (10 on Mohs scale). That's why it requires a lot of industrial diamonds for cutting. Can you imagine a carving knife with a diamond blade?. The hardness of diamonds Carian greatly depending on where they are removed. There is a region in Australia, particularly in New South Wales, where we get the famous diamonds Can-or-Faire (can not be done on them.) These diamonds are so hard, that their size is so complicated that simply use them to cut other diamonds. This hardness is because these diamonds are formed in a single stage, favoring the absence of phase changes (crack formation) accounting weaknesses.
him out of there to see if you can.
And how diamonds originate? Easy, beneath our feet, about 150-200 km deep in the Earth's hand. One of the most amazing things of the world around us is the amount of events that occur simultaneously. Right now there are diamonds formed while your heart pumps blood to your brain to be able to understand that you are reading. So almost to infinity. But back into the bowels of the earth, it is clear that there pressure conditions and temperature has nothing to do with the ones we have here on the surface. Hence the pressure a little high and the temperature is above taitantos thousand degrees. There, the carbon, owing to the pressure, temperature and all the time, is taking shape diamond Altrópico. After a few million years, come to the surface covered by rock occasional volcanic eruption.
basic diagram to understand the planet.
But this is not the only way to produce diamonds. There elsewhere more special, in which after a few seconds you meet the ideal conditions of temperature and pressure to form diamonds. These places are nothing more than the meteorite impact craters. Due to the incredible force of impact, or nanodiamentes are microscopic diamonds. Teoríacamente
is also possible that the core of white dwarfs (a type of star) is a diamond. This would equate to a diamond of a few thousand miles diámentro.
Finally, we, the human genius we have created artificial diamonds. Iluiones not ye. They are not as big or as nice as the natives. Also, almost all artifialmente created diamonds intended for industrial use. This is due to several reasons. The first is that most synthetic diamonds are yellow and not very aesthetic. But the truth is that less than 1% of natural diamonds are like we totally transparent. The remaining impurities brown, red, yellow, etc. The second is that there is so much demand for machinery that needs diamonds to work that there is no other. From tile cutters, to knives, sandpaper through diamond dust. You can also create an artificial nanodiamonds for therapeutic use. Is currently working on a cure for cancer using nanodiamonds. These nanodiamonds would be able to admistrar the drugs cancer in the malignant cells directly. Here you can read something about .
That class was my uncle.
never forget that human beings often do stupid things, is inherent in their nature. And you can see this by simply sitting down to watch as there are people who carry earrings boasts many thousands of euros, or a necklace of many hundred thousands. But can overcome that level of stupidity? The answer is yes. How is it done? With your dead. Sorry if it sounded a bit strong, but it is so. There is a company in Switzerland (based in Spain) that is dedicated to make diamonds from the dead. As basically we are water and carbon, once we die and burn, the ashes that remain are practically carbon. So they take what's left of your beloved family, they put it in a press magic to make diamonds and WHAM!, Is your father or your grandmother in a ring or something, and you can go luciéndolo wherever they go. Moreover, each diamond is unique, because depending on the boron and nitrogen impurities from the ashes, the diamond will be of a different color. Here is the link to prove that you can not lie and stalk troncharos as I read the educated who are saying that they take the dead and I'll put on my finger. And these are just some of the curiosities of diamonds. There are many more, but that I leave to you to be surprised with everything that can be learned with a little curiosity. You could find some blood diamonds for example, and surprise you a bit more about the world around us.
Diamonds in the Rough.
After finishing a job in which 1.7 kg of pages have to ensure a pass, it is normal to want to be a landing to go on safari, discover a desert island, or just take a while to play. Lately almost no time at all, but I got a bit to write here, as usual. I missed and less to write and express themselves freely, free from restrictions and censors. But nothing lasts forever, you better use the time and spread some knowledge to the delight of everyone to try to read these lines. The above statement "nothing lasts forever" is something that has always intrigued me. That would mean that everything we know will end someday (Deluxe Salvame included). It is not at all a tragedy, not demoralizing, well, depending how you look. I always thought it was a perfect excuse to try to be a better person and take little time left to me. Surely you will have skipped some smartass on duty (I was the first) that will read the title of the post and think "Ha, diamonds are forever." No, diamonds are not forever and not as glamorous as many believe, we know a little better to see what we can tell.
Who needs diamonds having coffee.
Everyone knows the word Diamond as it is associated. A stone carved, transparent, worth a bundle and often carry women who meet in your life or old ladies type Duchess of Alba. Therein lies the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing that something is. Thank goodness you're here to help.
A diamond is nothing more than a form of carbon Altrópico. That sounds pretty complicated, but nothing further. Form Altrópico is, put it simply, is the ability of certain elements form various chemical structures. For example, our beloved oxygen is able to be in the form of molecular oxygen (O2) or ozone (O3). It is one or the other depends on their chemical structure. Diamonds is the same. Depends on how the carbon atoms together, you get a diamond or not. The funny thing is when you realize that a diamond, whatever, is nothing more than carbon, and there are a lot of carbon. Probably close to you has a bit of carbon in pencil.
The pencil leads (and the holders, who have more charisma) are graphite, which is nothing more than another form of carbon Altrópico. You could say that mine is a diamond in your pen frustrated was half that.
One of the most important characteristics of the diamond is its hardness. This hardness is given by the structure it has. The atmospheric carbon are closely linked to each diamond giving it exceptional hardness (10 on Mohs scale). That's why it requires a lot of industrial diamonds for cutting. Can you imagine a carving knife with a diamond blade?. The hardness of diamonds Carian greatly depending on where they are removed. There is a region in Australia, particularly in New South Wales, where we get the famous diamonds Can-or-Faire (can not be done on them.) These diamonds are so hard, that their size is so complicated that simply use them to cut other diamonds. This hardness is because these diamonds are formed in a single stage, favoring the absence of phase changes (crack formation) accounting weaknesses.
him out of there to see if you can.
And how diamonds originate? Easy, beneath our feet, about 150-200 km deep in the Earth's hand. One of the most amazing things of the world around us is the amount of events that occur simultaneously. Right now there are diamonds formed while your heart pumps blood to your brain to be able to understand that you are reading. So almost to infinity. But back into the bowels of the earth, it is clear that there pressure conditions and temperature has nothing to do with the ones we have here on the surface. Hence the pressure a little high and the temperature is above taitantos thousand degrees. There, the carbon, owing to the pressure, temperature and all the time, is taking shape diamond Altrópico. After a few million years, come to the surface covered by rock occasional volcanic eruption.
basic diagram to understand the planet.
But this is not the only way to produce diamonds. There elsewhere more special, in which after a few seconds you meet the ideal conditions of temperature and pressure to form diamonds. These places are nothing more than the meteorite impact craters. Due to the incredible force of impact, or nanodiamentes are microscopic diamonds. Teoríacamente
is also possible that the core of white dwarfs (a type of star) is a diamond. This would equate to a diamond of a few thousand miles diámentro.
Finally, we, the human genius we have created artificial diamonds. Iluiones not ye. They are not as big or as nice as the natives. Also, almost all artifialmente created diamonds intended for industrial use. This is due to several reasons. The first is that most synthetic diamonds are yellow and not very aesthetic. But the truth is that less than 1% of natural diamonds are like we totally transparent. The remaining impurities brown, red, yellow, etc. The second is that there is so much demand for machinery that needs diamonds to work that there is no other. From tile cutters, to knives, sandpaper through diamond dust. You can also create an artificial nanodiamonds for therapeutic use. Is currently working on a cure for cancer using nanodiamonds. These nanodiamonds would be able to admistrar the drugs cancer in the malignant cells directly. Here you can read something about .
That class was my uncle.
never forget that human beings often do stupid things, is inherent in their nature. And you can see this by simply sitting down to watch as there are people who carry earrings boasts many thousands of euros, or a necklace of many hundred thousands. But can overcome that level of stupidity? The answer is yes. How is it done? With your dead. Sorry if it sounded a bit strong, but it is so. There is a company in Switzerland (based in Spain) that is dedicated to make diamonds from the dead. As basically we are water and carbon, once we die and burn, the ashes that remain are practically carbon. So they take what's left of your beloved family, they put it in a press magic to make diamonds and WHAM!, Is your father or your grandmother in a ring or something, and you can go luciéndolo wherever they go. Moreover, each diamond is unique, because depending on the boron and nitrogen impurities from the ashes, the diamond will be of a different color. Here is the link to prove that you can not lie and stalk troncharos as I read the educated who are saying that they take the dead and I'll put on my finger. And these are just some of the curiosities of diamonds. There are many more, but that I leave to you to be surprised with everything that can be learned with a little curiosity. You could find some blood diamonds for example, and surprise you a bit more about the world around us.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Whats The Difference Between Rat And Fox
Facing the times to come. M. Melchizedek
Facing the times to come. M. Melchizedek
Lord Lanto are dear child, Sananda, Melchizedek
your side in these days of both personal transit between dimensions, we mean that, that is a time to take your own responsibility about feelings, which you allow, that you generate, good and bad, and failing that you share or you project to others.
rise time, know that everything is the direct result of their thoughts and feelings, but most of the streams of consciousness, you are in a process to shell layers of you, like an onion, so it is returning some situations to you and to have cured that each of these layers is to check that does not penetrate into deeper layers, of which no you were aware. That is why learning again, not because you have done well at the time, unlike most i is to release more, and stay firm in your choice.
these days If you feel a greater joy of living increasing, it is in these days that you must not allow anything outside deprive you of that joy, that is if someone is near and you yourselves be deprived of them, is that to be not is in resonance with your current status, thus let it flow better time with them, if that happens in workplace, think and believe worthy of new jobs, to come and pick you will not need you, you go after them, the Otherwise, the changes happen naturally the tree sheds its fruit at the exact time of ripening. Not before or since, as this would be harmful in both cases.
Respect the silences, must respect the days that your body is asking you rest and peace are necessary to integrate all the new, the noise that surrounds you is so great that now you feel guilty for reading or book or wander aimlessly, and should not be so, winter, silence precedes the fruits of the spring ... if this winter cargáis fears and expectations for the new time, then just get unripe fruits or lowered energy that you sink into the embodiments. Because the effects do not correspond to the causes, you wanted to project.
If it seems that you are more disturbed, more light more irritability, of course, more light, more clear about the limits that you should have put, but as it is not yet the anger and sometimes you can say that yes and that's not that I dared not advance, so as not to offend and when that happens you invade the blame, the guilt that you think you have with the other, but that is absolutely unreal, since the sole responsibility of this time of this trip is to be honest with yourself, and talk or decree, i finally verbalize After all, when you do all this irritation fades, because there is no resistance to listen to your heart, there is no blame yourselves for not listening and there is no aggression to a third party, is no longer necessary ... ...
From 18 January to 22 January and during February, greatly intensified energies on those aspects that you are not taking into account in your lives. The energy of construction and destruction can not walk together hand in hand, they are two ways to work your inner fire, ignite it and create some other consequences as you drown and burn. That is why it seems that you be involved in a conference colds, mucus etc tendinitis., I was going to come sooner than expected, is the elemental of your body which shows you where the fire is being held personal and primal.
Many of you have heard of cosmic fire, the sacred fire etc ... no matter what name is the flame of light that radiates from your heart to everyone and everything is part of your universe, so we and you are entirely responsible for maintaining equilibrium as energy and physical body are now one since last Christmas and therefore the manifestations of our choices are much more immediate.
is therefore of utmost importance in this period through May, people are faced with their addictions, from chemicals to emotional ... because the additions are a large depletion of energy to stifle and silence the fire domestic, and increasingly, more and more the consequences of division between heart and reality, that when entering large amounts of energy can not be filtered in a body divided.
Forget the theory, listen to their greater counselor, they know it's real, what refuses to listen, again and again. In their so-called sacrifices for the greater good, no good that comes from free will drown the other being, because they never show complete with their environment, they do not really offer only fear.
Brothers know there's no turning back, that change is here and now that it is you who need to wake up at once and not only light, but the responsibility to his knowledge, which entails having awareness of things and not shirk responsibility to yourselves and if they are not in place, will be closing and silencing their fire personnel, but most of slowing the overall process of ascension, and that from now on, it can happen in Gaia, the complete free will in other planes of consciousness where even endure the third dimension, but not on Gaia, as she and her beings have suffered enough in recent times the lack of respect for thousands of people, to themselves and their environment.
behind their heights of power, recognize their vulnerability, their need for a good love, and rekindle that fire personnel will receive a boost on the eve 01/22/2011 but to enter very gradually intensity in the coming hours, especially from 01/18/2011, to care, those little details that were not aware that they deprived them be yourself and those trying not to serve. And do not be punished for it, we've all gone through this process so it is very important to build an environment of calm and silence around him.
On the physical level is likely to notice much tingling in your heart chakra promoted, ie throat, breast and digestive system, try to come to eating a light to offset the large amount of emotional toxins that are to be deleted These days and in turn, is also important that even if their small peso crisis of anxiety or chest and know that is your ascension process, understand that have a physical body, which is under pressure between the old and new, for it is well to attend or professional medical help, not take the elementary body to the limits, and pass these personal renewal processes as light as possible.
Allow good showers and toilets, that moisture will also help to streamline all electrical processes, and the rapid integration of energy. And strive to make brief meditations, which take root much land in these days to avoid the maximum muscle aches, falls and sprains, as energy to be expanding, it is logical that they are unaware of how their legs actually refuércenlas, something as simple as breathing and visualize that have beautiful roots that penetrate the earth's core, or extend the prana, what each thinks best. Finally do not suffer if a bit altered sleep patterns in these days, it is normal, but rest as if listening to music and stay in bed or take a shower and lie down again, resuming its dream.
Remember you are the hectic days to come, but are in a wonderful process, on the way to yourself, and the more you let things go and release those who are deprived of walking, faster and easier it will be all the way to ascension is personal and physical, do not force others to carry out or to keep up, responsabilícense yourselves , and each be returned to its rightful place. A kiss from the sun brothers Alcyon, we love you, Lanto, Sananda, Kothumi, Melchisedek and all the elders ....
With all my gratitude, I wish to share with those who believe the pipeline, thanks again, Elsa. Any doubt, if it is in my hand, please contact
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Where Can I Find Rugrats Rescue Games
Understanding is the internal flow. M Hilarion
Understanding is the internal flow. M Hilarion
You're doing very well, from love, from the light, today the quantum leap is very important, you will feel really displaced from your homes, you will feel that there something you want to exit you want to be seen, and you do not know as plugging that emotion.
The truth is within you, the energy of this month January and especially today January 11, 2011, until 22/01/2011, will be even more intense, emotional shocks, all will lead you again and again to those parts of yourself that you are not attending, the power of word, and find peace in any space. Days of peace are meeting and if not, is that there are still outstanding parts in your hearts that want to be served out of love, now more than ever.
I love so much, is all the effort are doing, which is wonderful to see how it is completing your personal ascension process.
It is now The challenge is to apply them in all your acts and gestures, end your karmic contracts, begins the true free will, otherwise, you are something you do not forgive, and therefore do not want to build. Control and prefer to remember time and again, it's logical, it's humane, it's fear ... ..
If everything works, do not know what will happen next and therefore your comfort zone, or prefer the known psychological reversal, but that's not your heart, not even your mind, your mind is analytical, a partial mind, should be supplemented with others to form your unity.
No any method that helps them let go, just a willingness to do so, saying simply, dropping ... it's just a decision, that are accustomed to do in times of great pain when a situation is not sustainable as there is no choice, and sometimes by disease, with the pain it gives to you and the environment. It's like your diseases are solutions that enable them to do what you would not be able to, because then it is justified.
No brothers, no longer touching sick, get to speak, acting out, both the good and the fears, all out, all because .. You'll be surprised to know that that same fear is on the other, and energy is wasted hiding, being vulnerable is beautiful, it is not real, you are vulnerable when you hide a secret, you are real and sensitive when you share.
And if thousands of lives and times, you've been betrayed by it, but was aware of 3D, who follow it, is their problem not yours, ye walk in your truth and this will give you the strength and vibration away precisely such characters.
The era of information control, is coming to an end of cycle, it is now was to understand the information, we've all made mistakes, to us on many occasions, it is important to learn from them and move forward not to repeat again and again .... that nothing happens except the pain if it happens one day that being is awake and not discuss it again.
expertise in heart there is only one pattern, understand, and walk, no lessons, no rivalries, no levels, there is no definite structures ... ... ... and it's all part of a whole.
Well in this period You start each one in his life, now more than ever is a time of solitude, listening and addressing just that, the inner voices out of what we all say, it is useless to say since nobody listens. And change is so good to hear, because speaking as he speaks, opens and structure ... ... ... ... ... ....
But that alone does not mean, you know like-minded people who are coming to you from which you can be more open than ever, the so-called family of light. The challenge is to combine the two, with the physics of light, each one is important and each helps us to grow, if we defend ourselves.
Brothers begins to be time, not to preach to anyone or yourself, to understand that the energies are much lighter that every situation is immediate if you will, that every moment is unique in itself, but not so poetic but because time is zero, the turning point to create another reality, the word city, no more complaints, each of them denser and more the reality that is dissonant. Anchor
energy, light and will be filled with the solution or the chain of events that will take it. If you really after nothing, nothing, so does the 5 d, there is nothing biased that is the reality, so in reality, after nothing is everything.
But we must choose where you are, you have to choose to do, with a major shift in consciousness, choose without thinking about how, for your "hows" are those that tend to hinder the realization .... the oxygen enters the nose automatically, and you never plateáis like this there, either as enacted and leave the how the universe, so simple and easy ... ... ... .. because no ye old gods full of gifts and power, you are human angels full of love and passion for life, creating that life.
That is the challenge in the coming months to live from the heart, not uproot themselves with joy, and being very responsible for your physical body, hygiene, food, sleep etc., And at the same time that begins to be your new physical body that you call body energy: but perhaps the energy is not physical? Well, it's time to feed the two, always early in the day, then there will have to think about how, because it will happen, as simple as that happens ... .. Something as simple as breathing consciously morning will make your life impregnéis environment, with enough energy to make the law of attraction give, I love friends, I look forward to more and more similar in your heart. M. Hilarion.
PS: do not forget to give new opportunities around you, if ye you renew the environment every step of renewing with you, those are the challenges of your time to be able to start from scratch without judging, is simple and a challenge at a time. As above so below, the cone is outside, is actually inside, albeit a very, very hidden in the subconscious, so before you talk will review and fill you with light. If you have not yet been able to reach a clairaudience, no matter who you imaginéis just standing like a mannequin in front of your light, and to ask how I critique in me? For example if you dont like the criticism of others, you will see how obscure parts of your body, breath and ask then to the land that you send a beam of blue light, which rise through you, through the channel of the prana and return the light to these areas, as you make several breaths, maybe in a few days perhaps, when the blue light becomes light golden or white gold, this part of you that stopped emitting psychological reversal, and stop creating that reality external dissonant and help you to reach understanding. And from there to the outside, radiating light in your area, thanks brother, Hilarion, again ... ..
Thank you all for sharing this pipeline, including help us all and we can complete, due to heart Elsa
You can spread this message to those who believe necessary, with all my gratitude, thanks again Elsa, for any questions:
http://ascensionalquimicageometrica.blogspot . com
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sweater Vest For Weddings
in communion with your heart. OM
in communion with your heart. Archangel Kirael
Since only yours, I offer the best of you, YOU.
The others, forget the comparisons, and judgments, constructed from you.
begins to be time for each person, fill place by the same; growing as a person and releasing unprecedented, from the heart, from love itself. Rate
your time and space to assess both of the other, at the point where they are. Do not waste your time in the life of others, and that this is not your war, it will be your anger, do not let you move forward while you shield in the attitude of others. For in it you have an excuse to keep fear.
Fear not, one day all hearts go together. But right now you are in a sense and individual growth, so everyone has to remember his being and this is unique to all others. Sister
this is the Law of One:
Occupy the truth of the heart, itself, not the others.
Love accepts, classifies fear, when you dare to be yourselves, then, that day, he woke up ....
No more excuses, start building out of love ... ..
I arrived last night, while music played music, I thought it was for me but asked me to share, thanks a kiss
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Chronic Pancreatitis And Cholesterol
Opening the heart chakra. Hilarion and Lady Rowena M
Opening the heart chakra. Hilarion and Lady Rowena M
Channeled by Elsa Farrus
These days many of you are wondering, how many things are happening at once?, And as they are filled with feelings of anger and intolerance have been working on time if those frequencies and appeared to be overcome, as well in the coming days, the situation will become even more latency.
is not at any time to overcome anything, not face any test. Are the incoming energies of love and respect they show small details that have not dissolved, not because he has understood the situation, but because they were small touches of life understand, ie that there are ways to deal with feelings. Even if there were more of a sense of understanding and focused only one.
Dear brothers is not intolerance, it can not hide the lack of respect or consistency to his person, it is important to understand that's not anger at the other or to a situation, internal anger for failing to curb abuses or not put limits on the things that are not respected.
your emotional, already have their own light and its center communicate with the heart chakra energy, it makes even the reception of the messages are something sharp, sudden, and only end up listening to the third or fourth notice about a subject, I want only the this .... when it is very likely, and felt they did not want to share a place or situation, but lacked the courage to verbalize.
is normal many channels fit with those who begin to handle, it is therefore logical that an inner voice, try to prevail over another. But it can not happen is a repeat of situations of anger or intolerance more than once with regard to any matter, either way, are in front of a much deeper issue to be resolved, so it is very important to clean the receiving channels and peace within, as this period faced, is the reunion with themselves, to recognize and reposition itself, to yourself, basically, then if there is anger, is for his personal management deal with the facts, and not by external things, not for yourself, and what is not being addressed.
Brothers are the days of grand opening of the heart chakra, in this period of ascension, will increase its development, with the decisions you make and the consequences and Reflection at the new, depending on what you choose, materialize.
Fear not the energy is much lighter, and the joy and lightness you will be installed progressively, so quickly identify the areas or situations that stifle this energy, only that it will become increasingly unlikely to hide. What happens?, Is simple when they hide their disharmony, in what you believe a greater good or an external authority, is coming to life, a reality that comes from the heart, born of fear and increasingly have more and more intensity, or as in Gaia, in anchors by March, the engine of all reality is the heart chakra, bringing the pain to try to keep hidden the fact, is turning this anger and the tension etc. in addition to denying them find their true place in His incarnation as not being in his life, but maintaining a position that we like to others.
is very important to resolve the duality of the second chakra, to create life, we must add the polarity between ourselves and our truth, the only way in unit when our being recognized and their inner truth and begin to shape it out, it could co-create with the universe, without risk of uprooting.
How to recognize that one begins to walk in your truth, that for which he was born and that which fills his soul? When you are singing in the middle of work, when he sleeps, when he laughs and wants to do more, because in 5 dimension joy is greater, increasing .... If and when a child is happy in his play; allow yourself to feel otherwise are not in reality, are being forced. At the other extreme polarity, is when they are seeing everything nice and not maintain a rate of basic care for your physical body to your food, sleep, work and income, when it does not arrive on time, are beginning a process of uprooting delusion, the spiritual path does not mandate testing, elections past are performed misalignments that those who are faced and solutions may request to cancel.
Beloved, we propose a simple exercise to identify the voices to go inside and go to strengthen your personal voice of his return home, your heart, You set the name they want, but above all know that every day make you stronger and allow them to recognize and verbalize their own free will, as hidden or concealed, difficult to translate into reality.
If they make a small anchor, catching light from the core of Gaia, either blue or white light, rising vertically to the chara soul star located a few inches below the bottom of your feet. And breathe 3 times, feel like the light, slowly ascending up in his body, internally or externally, while the display, take a deep breath 9 times and see how to upload, is opening a ball of light or a flower in each of their fields, road crown chakra, breathe again and feel at the crown chakra energy rises vertically, forming an infinite vertical, or a figure eight, it opens and restores communication between the crown chakra and the soul star chakra, a space above the crown, shorter or longer depending on each, while the infinite moving in this infinite continued to breathe between 6 and 9 times, and feel every time you open up a beautiful ball of light, or other flower that shines more and more every breath gradually, relax and ask the universe or me, the master Hilarion light fill them Silver, the center that just opened, and displayed as a beautiful silver light vertically down on you and stops at the soul star chakra, filling it with light and breathing again once, when the center of the flower or sphere is full of silver light, seen as they breathe the light seeps through it, first in a pink light, you will increase your intensity up to a bright pink, then began its light tones such as turquoise blue almost clear white go down to you and then a beautiful yellow color that will turn golden light, and that anger energy cascade entering one by one in the center of your body, providing them vertically to the Gaia star farm and once there, will head the core of Gaia. Feel in you a great feeling of lightness, it may look like brown or gray parts off of you, does not have, much less but it can happen simply renew your energy centers containing his farm soul star unifying allowed to go in yourselves, and do not seek answers or pictures let it happen, no more than unify, and so be feeling increasingly speak with one voice, if real power away from the division of their personalities, brothers allow yourself to love and be loved, but starting with you, when you feel the light begins to be plated, see it as half the energy that passes through their centers, anger closing them in the light, or flower buds are collected as new areas or cease to be a bowl for complete areas.
Breathe again three times and when the last center of his being the star of Gaia farm is closed, thank you to your soul by feeding them back and breathe before Amov very gently around your body, take a few minutes to breathe before they open their eyes, it's good to have also a few more minutes to get acclimated to the changes being made, before joining his personal reality.
can perform the exercise daily or every other day if they want, or before taking a decision or face a challenge as this will enable them to adjust their physical life to its inner reality, ie his being, who are with its truth, who are beginning to remember who they are.
fit is very important that his life to his reality, only then can activate your ability to materialize the reality according to their daily lives. We just can guide them in the changes but never show the change, these loso they can choose for yourself, you really can not base their choices on patterns or ideas or laws of others, because eventually the pain and forgotten division again generated between your heart and mind and therefore feel the rage again. With what this means in the law of attraction. No teachers are not telling you where to walk, are the ones that tell you how to walk, in the sense of tools, but never on when or in what direction, because they know and trust growth itself as being. So begin to discern between the voices even the voices of ascension that give them freedom or future conditions, as each of you portray their reality in the present not in a linear futurible in the rise of a being already There is no linear time, choose the hearts, in their free, brothers give them the strongest hug, and we look forward to each day and more people are returning home, return to the mastery of his heart, and joie de vivre, thanks again M. Hilarion and Lady Rowena.
You can spread this message to those who believe necessary, with all my gratitude, thanks again Elsa for any questions:

Opening the heart chakra. Hilarion and Lady Rowena M
Channeled by Elsa Farrus
These days many of you are wondering, how many things are happening at once?, And as they are filled with feelings of anger and intolerance have been working on time if those frequencies and appeared to be overcome, as well in the coming days, the situation will become even more latency.
is not at any time to overcome anything, not face any test. Are the incoming energies of love and respect they show small details that have not dissolved, not because he has understood the situation, but because they were small touches of life understand, ie that there are ways to deal with feelings. Even if there were more of a sense of understanding and focused only one.
Dear brothers is not intolerance, it can not hide the lack of respect or consistency to his person, it is important to understand that's not anger at the other or to a situation, internal anger for failing to curb abuses or not put limits on the things that are not respected.
your emotional, already have their own light and its center communicate with the heart chakra energy, it makes even the reception of the messages are something sharp, sudden, and only end up listening to the third or fourth notice about a subject, I want only the this .... when it is very likely, and felt they did not want to share a place or situation, but lacked the courage to verbalize.
is normal many channels fit with those who begin to handle, it is therefore logical that an inner voice, try to prevail over another. But it can not happen is a repeat of situations of anger or intolerance more than once with regard to any matter, either way, are in front of a much deeper issue to be resolved, so it is very important to clean the receiving channels and peace within, as this period faced, is the reunion with themselves, to recognize and reposition itself, to yourself, basically, then if there is anger, is for his personal management deal with the facts, and not by external things, not for yourself, and what is not being addressed.
Brothers are the days of grand opening of the heart chakra, in this period of ascension, will increase its development, with the decisions you make and the consequences and Reflection at the new, depending on what you choose, materialize.
Fear not the energy is much lighter, and the joy and lightness you will be installed progressively, so quickly identify the areas or situations that stifle this energy, only that it will become increasingly unlikely to hide. What happens?, Is simple when they hide their disharmony, in what you believe a greater good or an external authority, is coming to life, a reality that comes from the heart, born of fear and increasingly have more and more intensity, or as in Gaia, in anchors by March, the engine of all reality is the heart chakra, bringing the pain to try to keep hidden the fact, is turning this anger and the tension etc. in addition to denying them find their true place in His incarnation as not being in his life, but maintaining a position that we like to others.
is very important to resolve the duality of the second chakra, to create life, we must add the polarity between ourselves and our truth, the only way in unit when our being recognized and their inner truth and begin to shape it out, it could co-create with the universe, without risk of uprooting.
How to recognize that one begins to walk in your truth, that for which he was born and that which fills his soul? When you are singing in the middle of work, when he sleeps, when he laughs and wants to do more, because in 5 dimension joy is greater, increasing .... If and when a child is happy in his play; allow yourself to feel otherwise are not in reality, are being forced. At the other extreme polarity, is when they are seeing everything nice and not maintain a rate of basic care for your physical body to your food, sleep, work and income, when it does not arrive on time, are beginning a process of uprooting delusion, the spiritual path does not mandate testing, elections past are performed misalignments that those who are faced and solutions may request to cancel.
Beloved, we propose a simple exercise to identify the voices to go inside and go to strengthen your personal voice of his return home, your heart, You set the name they want, but above all know that every day make you stronger and allow them to recognize and verbalize their own free will, as hidden or concealed, difficult to translate into reality.
If they make a small anchor, catching light from the core of Gaia, either blue or white light, rising vertically to the chara soul star located a few inches below the bottom of your feet. And breathe 3 times, feel like the light, slowly ascending up in his body, internally or externally, while the display, take a deep breath 9 times and see how to upload, is opening a ball of light or a flower in each of their fields, road crown chakra, breathe again and feel at the crown chakra energy rises vertically, forming an infinite vertical, or a figure eight, it opens and restores communication between the crown chakra and the soul star chakra, a space above the crown, shorter or longer depending on each, while the infinite moving in this infinite continued to breathe between 6 and 9 times, and feel every time you open up a beautiful ball of light, or other flower that shines more and more every breath gradually, relax and ask the universe or me, the master Hilarion light fill them Silver, the center that just opened, and displayed as a beautiful silver light vertically down on you and stops at the soul star chakra, filling it with light and breathing again once, when the center of the flower or sphere is full of silver light, seen as they breathe the light seeps through it, first in a pink light, you will increase your intensity up to a bright pink, then began its light tones such as turquoise blue almost clear white go down to you and then a beautiful yellow color that will turn golden light, and that anger energy cascade entering one by one in the center of your body, providing them vertically to the Gaia star farm and once there, will head the core of Gaia. Feel in you a great feeling of lightness, it may look like brown or gray parts off of you, does not have, much less but it can happen simply renew your energy centers containing his farm soul star unifying allowed to go in yourselves, and do not seek answers or pictures let it happen, no more than unify, and so be feeling increasingly speak with one voice, if real power away from the division of their personalities, brothers allow yourself to love and be loved, but starting with you, when you feel the light begins to be plated, see it as half the energy that passes through their centers, anger closing them in the light, or flower buds are collected as new areas or cease to be a bowl for complete areas.
Breathe again three times and when the last center of his being the star of Gaia farm is closed, thank you to your soul by feeding them back and breathe before Amov very gently around your body, take a few minutes to breathe before they open their eyes, it's good to have also a few more minutes to get acclimated to the changes being made, before joining his personal reality.
can perform the exercise daily or every other day if they want, or before taking a decision or face a challenge as this will enable them to adjust their physical life to its inner reality, ie his being, who are with its truth, who are beginning to remember who they are.
fit is very important that his life to his reality, only then can activate your ability to materialize the reality according to their daily lives. We just can guide them in the changes but never show the change, these loso they can choose for yourself, you really can not base their choices on patterns or ideas or laws of others, because eventually the pain and forgotten division again generated between your heart and mind and therefore feel the rage again. With what this means in the law of attraction. No teachers are not telling you where to walk, are the ones that tell you how to walk, in the sense of tools, but never on when or in what direction, because they know and trust growth itself as being. So begin to discern between the voices even the voices of ascension that give them freedom or future conditions, as each of you portray their reality in the present not in a linear futurible in the rise of a being already There is no linear time, choose the hearts, in their free, brothers give them the strongest hug, and we look forward to each day and more people are returning home, return to the mastery of his heart, and joie de vivre, thanks again M. Hilarion and Lady Rowena.
You can spread this message to those who believe necessary, with all my gratitude, thanks again Elsa for any questions:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
When Can You Buy Curing Salt
A Pashtun Custom!
Someday, all I have here is yours.
Today is one of those days when my brain works differently. Many years used to be nervous for several hours because of the mystery of the gifts of kings that the brain of one tends to take momentum. I still remember, young, innocent and gullible awaiting the arrival of Their Majesties. But time passes and one gets older. The bad thing about getting older, except that you grow hair where there was none before, is that, as I said the great sage named Homer Simpson, the weight of the world crush your spirit. And as almost always, often successful.
When one learns that the Kings are the parents, usually he grows a sense of unease and shame that many children is a trauma. My dear mother, I always remember about this time, when the truth was revealed to me the first thing I did was start looking like a fool my car remote X-Pander, but never found. Yes, on January 6 was there under the tree. I like to think that was where I started to distrust the information that came to my brain. Today that, "quality" me very well. I stay away from dangerous things, like religion (jeovah ever witnessed, my great pals who never have time to talk with me), the power balance, fortune tellers, and politicians Iker Jiménez.
Nothing can bother a politician but a person who thinks for herself. You need only take a glance at our lifestyle to become aware that it is a brain-factory. Right people to be pushed around by politicians, these people always smiling and always speaks well dressed in pledges. And that has to do with the Pashtuns, much and little time. It seemed nice to try a couple of coneptos weave to give this good atmosphere. Pashtuns, the tribe say they're more or less the majority of Afghanistan. Everyone knows about Afghanistan, right?. That country in the ass in the world in which to wage a crusade for freedom and justice. Well, at least we counted. Delve a bit into the tribe to see what we learn.
Pashtuns are an ethnic group that predominates in areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They take a long time there, living a quiet life and nomadic, following their own way what the Koran says. No iPod or Mistol, we old-fashioned. Pakistan are the second dominant ethnic group, and in Afghanistan gained weight when they joined the Taliban in the Afghanistan war back in the épcoca in which there was still communist.
far so good, all very beautiful and instructive. You know who the Pashtuns. Also know all to a Pashtun girl unknowingly.
Sharbat Gula is called, and I prefer not to put his picture when we meet again 18 years later.
Those eyes qu eno longer treated.
Returning to the Pashtuns, will interest you to know that the Afghan President Hamid Karzai (Javi los amigotes) es de la etnia pastún. Y que está ahí, en el poder, ayudado por las fuerzas militares y politicas de medio mundo para llevar, paz y justicia a lo que viene siendo Afganistán. Pero cual es el problema con los pastunes. Los niños. Ese es el problema. Voy a cambiar de párrafo porque lo que viene ahora es bastante duro.
Como comenté antes, los pastunes viven a su bola e interpretan el corán mas o menos como quieren. El corán, como la biblia y todo texto sagrado (menos las etiquetas del champú), suelen ser pestiñazos escritos hace chorrocientos años, que ya están mas que anticuados. No hay que irse muy lejos, mirad en internet el Levítico 15 :19-29 y ya me contaréis.
Pashtuns, to follow the Koran are pretty screwed when having sex. Since they can not have premarital sex because they basically can cause a feud between families with issues of honor.
books to follow the foot of the letter. Oh, and Jesus dies at the end.
Homosexuality is clearly forbidden in the Koran. In several countries there are specific laws against homosexuality (of men almost always do not stop being funny) and you can get killed if you get caught giving porculo (in the sense that ye tomároslo). But the Pashtuns, very clever of them, they thought, what about the kids?. There is nothing clear in the Koran, therefore should not be bad.
So basically, the men of the Pashtun ethnic group, taken by sexual playmates for children and youth, and that women and men are also prohibited. Not the less curious. United States, this great country with their high morality, got into a war only to find something of this nature and do business as usual.
The problem comes when the U.S. soldiers have to train the Afghan army and police, and they will come by offering sexual encounters with children between 9 and 15. From the highest spheres is requested that this be ignored, since the face of public opinion was not nice that they were and teaching helping fight a lot of follaniños.
Yes, it seems, for oil that appears is a reality.
The worst of all is that this has become part of Pashtun culture. No one can peep at a man who walks around with a child and openly declare that it is your partner, or as it is called in their language "Baz Bacha" which literally means walking with older children. There is evidence scattered around, including some Wikileaks leaked diplomatic cable that had seen things that never forget and unfortunately not be lost like tears in rain. The most
drive comes when one wants to delve a little more on the subject and read horrible things. Things as parents who sell their children as sex toys or rent their services. O soldiers who guard their positions as elders have seen a few children and entourage that do nothing more than "pet." Testimonials
as street children are picked up by, shall we say, recruiters, which lead to some clubs. In these places learn to dance and dress in lavish costumes to dance in front of a herd of men who will bid for the favor of the child. Among these "men" can find everything from, business men Taliban warlords (those so purists them.) And what we get from all this?. So basically the same as always, make children, they did not even know where they are sex slaves.
Happy, happy what is said is not seen.
But worst of all, it is not frowned upon, it is as traditional as it is here twisted roll of kings (and the subsequent visit to the dentist because of the funny surprise.) And we know how difficult it is to remove a tradition. It's like when you know that the bulb in your room is still molten but still giving the switch.
Worst of all, it is qu emucha people do not know, you have no idea. And there are, Pashtuns helping to maintain control over the country, while tie gentlemen do not care to make ends meet, they laugh. So, a server mourn him feel like a cupcake when you read the news and read how well it goes the world.
In case anyone is interested, there is a documentary that looks interesting is called "The Warlord's Tune", which deals with "children dancers. I have to find time to search, download and view. Meanwhile, enjoy your kings with the thought that children are dancing around, I said!.
Someday, all I have here is yours.
Today is one of those days when my brain works differently. Many years used to be nervous for several hours because of the mystery of the gifts of kings that the brain of one tends to take momentum. I still remember, young, innocent and gullible awaiting the arrival of Their Majesties. But time passes and one gets older. The bad thing about getting older, except that you grow hair where there was none before, is that, as I said the great sage named Homer Simpson, the weight of the world crush your spirit. And as almost always, often successful.
When one learns that the Kings are the parents, usually he grows a sense of unease and shame that many children is a trauma. My dear mother, I always remember about this time, when the truth was revealed to me the first thing I did was start looking like a fool my car remote X-Pander, but never found. Yes, on January 6 was there under the tree. I like to think that was where I started to distrust the information that came to my brain. Today that, "quality" me very well. I stay away from dangerous things, like religion (jeovah ever witnessed, my great pals who never have time to talk with me), the power balance, fortune tellers, and politicians Iker Jiménez.
Nothing can bother a politician but a person who thinks for herself. You need only take a glance at our lifestyle to become aware that it is a brain-factory. Right people to be pushed around by politicians, these people always smiling and always speaks well dressed in pledges. And that has to do with the Pashtuns, much and little time. It seemed nice to try a couple of coneptos weave to give this good atmosphere. Pashtuns, the tribe say they're more or less the majority of Afghanistan. Everyone knows about Afghanistan, right?. That country in the ass in the world in which to wage a crusade for freedom and justice. Well, at least we counted. Delve a bit into the tribe to see what we learn.
Pashtuns are an ethnic group that predominates in areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They take a long time there, living a quiet life and nomadic, following their own way what the Koran says. No iPod or Mistol, we old-fashioned. Pakistan are the second dominant ethnic group, and in Afghanistan gained weight when they joined the Taliban in the Afghanistan war back in the épcoca in which there was still communist.
far so good, all very beautiful and instructive. You know who the Pashtuns. Also know all to a Pashtun girl unknowingly.
Sharbat Gula is called, and I prefer not to put his picture when we meet again 18 years later.
Those eyes qu eno longer treated.
Returning to the Pashtuns, will interest you to know that the Afghan President Hamid Karzai (Javi los amigotes) es de la etnia pastún. Y que está ahí, en el poder, ayudado por las fuerzas militares y politicas de medio mundo para llevar, paz y justicia a lo que viene siendo Afganistán. Pero cual es el problema con los pastunes. Los niños. Ese es el problema. Voy a cambiar de párrafo porque lo que viene ahora es bastante duro.
Como comenté antes, los pastunes viven a su bola e interpretan el corán mas o menos como quieren. El corán, como la biblia y todo texto sagrado (menos las etiquetas del champú), suelen ser pestiñazos escritos hace chorrocientos años, que ya están mas que anticuados. No hay que irse muy lejos, mirad en internet el Levítico 15 :19-29 y ya me contaréis.
Pashtuns, to follow the Koran are pretty screwed when having sex. Since they can not have premarital sex because they basically can cause a feud between families with issues of honor.
books to follow the foot of the letter. Oh, and Jesus dies at the end.
Homosexuality is clearly forbidden in the Koran. In several countries there are specific laws against homosexuality (of men almost always do not stop being funny) and you can get killed if you get caught giving porculo (in the sense that ye tomároslo). But the Pashtuns, very clever of them, they thought, what about the kids?. There is nothing clear in the Koran, therefore should not be bad.
So basically, the men of the Pashtun ethnic group, taken by sexual playmates for children and youth, and that women and men are also prohibited. Not the less curious. United States, this great country with their high morality, got into a war only to find something of this nature and do business as usual.
The problem comes when the U.S. soldiers have to train the Afghan army and police, and they will come by offering sexual encounters with children between 9 and 15. From the highest spheres is requested that this be ignored, since the face of public opinion was not nice that they were and teaching helping fight a lot of follaniños.
Yes, it seems, for oil that appears is a reality.
The worst of all is that this has become part of Pashtun culture. No one can peep at a man who walks around with a child and openly declare that it is your partner, or as it is called in their language "Baz Bacha" which literally means walking with older children. There is evidence scattered around, including some Wikileaks leaked diplomatic cable that had seen things that never forget and unfortunately not be lost like tears in rain. The most
drive comes when one wants to delve a little more on the subject and read horrible things. Things as parents who sell their children as sex toys or rent their services. O soldiers who guard their positions as elders have seen a few children and entourage that do nothing more than "pet." Testimonials
as street children are picked up by, shall we say, recruiters, which lead to some clubs. In these places learn to dance and dress in lavish costumes to dance in front of a herd of men who will bid for the favor of the child. Among these "men" can find everything from, business men Taliban warlords (those so purists them.) And what we get from all this?. So basically the same as always, make children, they did not even know where they are sex slaves.
Happy, happy what is said is not seen.
But worst of all, it is not frowned upon, it is as traditional as it is here twisted roll of kings (and the subsequent visit to the dentist because of the funny surprise.) And we know how difficult it is to remove a tradition. It's like when you know that the bulb in your room is still molten but still giving the switch.
Worst of all, it is qu emucha people do not know, you have no idea. And there are, Pashtuns helping to maintain control over the country, while tie gentlemen do not care to make ends meet, they laugh. So, a server mourn him feel like a cupcake when you read the news and read how well it goes the world.
In case anyone is interested, there is a documentary that looks interesting is called "The Warlord's Tune", which deals with "children dancers. I have to find time to search, download and view. Meanwhile, enjoy your kings with the thought that children are dancing around, I said!.
Rash On Arms And Butt
a Gheg on the night of kings, happy day to all effects
Tonight is the night of the heart chakra, in ancient times, magicians and alchemists in Egypt, they knew positively that there was a special alignment, allowing a union halls of light. Thus symbolically identified with the magic, the stars and the birth of Christ-child.
religions are many customs that i have accepted, and cults that work, but energy is undoubtedly the most intense day of talks about the inner child, that subpersonality which contains all of our emotional baggage, so I invite you to a game, very beautiful. Write your letter, a very special letter, some traditions burn at twelve o'clock, others kept in a special box, filled with gems or Reiki energy, light displayed, etc ... ..
No matter, the ritual after all, allows us to focus the energy on this, but who really energizes the will power and thought, at the time of writing.
(Some in Barcelona for many years that we do in the library synthesis, at twelve o'clock, and as always accomplished everything i every year more and more people. But at home also works)
chose a role, and in the front you can put everything that has to do with images of light, peace and a desire:
Let the light shine into the hearts of men in Gaia, that peace returns within men ... ..
can draw pictures, like children, the more beautiful more energy.
On the back, we start by thanking at least 5 things, that if we move forward, (the month payments during the year that a child take their studies, even a battle, the oxygen we breathe, for rain water, etc.) is incredible abundance that surrounds us, and how little value, if not accept many things fill our lives just at the right time, the receive channel is disabled, because they do not serve, and focus only what we think is missing.
Who says five say more ... ..
And finally, to start:
Dear Magi, from the light of my heart and hope in the processes of life, I thank you for all the good that I came in this year, and especially to ask my angel of confidence, by:
Each writes what really worries you, always positive, never with lock for power, put examples:
I open to receive good and new revenue
I trust that my life bring man or woman that allows me to grow and love in harmony
light I pray for good in the disease ... ... what better help you in your process ... etc.
want to get rid of kilos more ...
trusted to understand the problems with my neighbors ... etc. And
countless requests for us, for ours on the planet.
I remember the first I wrote, I needed paper, I wrote everything and more that came to my head, and I remember last year ... ... that everything I need, I arrive on time and as you might understand some things do not materialize or are not good for me, and so the rest of my world.
Seem a game right?, Because many have seen those wishes, and so year after year they return to the alchemists the 5-pointed star, communication is the movement of our being, conscious man expansion of energy, each end has a power on, foot-walking ability in our lives, and the ability to create life on our own to walk, the two arms - the ability to give and receive. And the head, the ability to create through thought and word, the word, well that is a mere outline of the symbolism of the star of Bethlehem or staff up, creating in life and not only
should be on tonight, we could do the exercise daily, but at least today, let us be children, working with the 6 chakra, the brow and let the mind do not stop the flow of the pineal, let the joy of living and confidence in not knowing how, play on behalf of our heart, a big kiss and I challenge you to do, but I machacáis next year, but it is wonderful, leave a space to be a child once a day and see how synchronicities happen when we leave.
Happy Twelfth Night, Elsa

Tonight is the night of the heart chakra, in ancient times, magicians and alchemists in Egypt, they knew positively that there was a special alignment, allowing a union halls of light. Thus symbolically identified with the magic, the stars and the birth of Christ-child.
religions are many customs that i have accepted, and cults that work, but energy is undoubtedly the most intense day of talks about the inner child, that subpersonality which contains all of our emotional baggage, so I invite you to a game, very beautiful. Write your letter, a very special letter, some traditions burn at twelve o'clock, others kept in a special box, filled with gems or Reiki energy, light displayed, etc ... ..
No matter, the ritual after all, allows us to focus the energy on this, but who really energizes the will power and thought, at the time of writing.
(Some in Barcelona for many years that we do in the library synthesis, at twelve o'clock, and as always accomplished everything i every year more and more people. But at home also works)
chose a role, and in the front you can put everything that has to do with images of light, peace and a desire:
Let the light shine into the hearts of men in Gaia, that peace returns within men ... ..
can draw pictures, like children, the more beautiful more energy.
On the back, we start by thanking at least 5 things, that if we move forward, (the month payments during the year that a child take their studies, even a battle, the oxygen we breathe, for rain water, etc.) is incredible abundance that surrounds us, and how little value, if not accept many things fill our lives just at the right time, the receive channel is disabled, because they do not serve, and focus only what we think is missing.
Who says five say more ... ..
And finally, to start:
Dear Magi, from the light of my heart and hope in the processes of life, I thank you for all the good that I came in this year, and especially to ask my angel of confidence, by:
Each writes what really worries you, always positive, never with lock for power, put examples:
I open to receive good and new revenue
I trust that my life bring man or woman that allows me to grow and love in harmony
light I pray for good in the disease ... ... what better help you in your process ... etc.
want to get rid of kilos more ...
trusted to understand the problems with my neighbors ... etc. And
countless requests for us, for ours on the planet.
I remember the first I wrote, I needed paper, I wrote everything and more that came to my head, and I remember last year ... ... that everything I need, I arrive on time and as you might understand some things do not materialize or are not good for me, and so the rest of my world.
Seem a game right?, Because many have seen those wishes, and so year after year they return to the alchemists the 5-pointed star, communication is the movement of our being, conscious man expansion of energy, each end has a power on, foot-walking ability in our lives, and the ability to create life on our own to walk, the two arms - the ability to give and receive. And the head, the ability to create through thought and word, the word, well that is a mere outline of the symbolism of the star of Bethlehem or staff up, creating in life and not only
should be on tonight, we could do the exercise daily, but at least today, let us be children, working with the 6 chakra, the brow and let the mind do not stop the flow of the pineal, let the joy of living and confidence in not knowing how, play on behalf of our heart, a big kiss and I challenge you to do, but I machacáis next year, but it is wonderful, leave a space to be a child once a day and see how synchronicities happen when we leave.
Happy Twelfth Night, Elsa
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