Using their spatiality. M Sananda
Pipeline by Elsa Farrus
You are space beings, ie having their personal space and can fluctuate within it and shape it in a space / time continuum.
These days have noticed that the law of cause and effect is immediate, think of something and there you have it, even more if you think negatively, then it's even faster if it .... It is more dense.
Well then the incoming energy these days, re-connecting the two hemispheres of his "head" or brain, call it whatever you want, that is activated in you code, old, who were not receiving power, and therefore did not use, but which were not part of you, they were just dormant.
And one of the first to be renovated and completed by yourselves, is spatial awareness. Ie the space on time.
Many times you asked for something, and seemed to take, or just when they came asking what it was like an apprenticeship in the law of attraction, either because with the increase in energy diamond these days, you have begun A new method of materializing, ie
It's like nothing I have done so far, had a weight material, starting from scratch in their creations, this is an opportunity, in mortal language, if you want you can remove old things so much faster than before, in a few hours. depend on your choice, this is the big problem are you willing to choose? And how do you choose?.
is normal, that even collisions are their linear thinking, if life was angry .... As will fix now ... ..
To give you an example, how well does not belong to you, belongs to the universe, I choose to fix this, if they belong to, choose and let it happen, can not live in a harmonious world, if they remain divided in real thoughts, as failing to consider fixing something from this, for something that belongs to the past, not to be in an eternal present, is to be in an eternal past, from his free will can continue in this situation, but in time will not be sustainable in Gaia, because she chooses to unity with all beings, and density, each belong to different levels.
Hence the great importance they choose to face in these days and months to remove everything, insult them, everything that divides them from the economic to the physical, disease and the environment, such as Leave it to universe, energy. Well if you also intend to choose control the smallest details, we leave very little room for mother nature, and still stuck in energy control.
Like you are plated new elections, thousands of people worldwide feel this too long to wake up and cancel, which is quite probable, that do not have to suffer the same shock and fear egoic, that long ago, even weeks ago.
allow us to recognize emotions and feelings to help us build positive, to generate it for ourselves, not to harm others, or catalog, and judging others, then we fall new division group in a constant, unnecessary.
Sean creators of life, let others reuse these creations and receive a blast. Without internal division, nothing, absolutely nothing missing. Division will be coming with the ups and downs. And do not fool yourselves, neglecting a i again, that still does not work because it depends only and only you, as physical beings, thinking, no enemy / as external, if there is an enmity that even there internal, as more and more light on earth, whose only function is to take out the light of truth, and ancestral memory, not to give away their personal power to other beings Forgot your essence.
And the greatest and only power that man possesses, is to choose from inner peace to share .... All the rest are illusions, which are repositioned for vibrating sooner or later, that simple.
is true that there are still small energy mechanisms that are in place in you at the cellular level, and which are not even aware they are there, and are those that produce the emotional ups and downs these days, since entering energy shows them contained scenes or memories or past out there, limiting their power or wear them.
Using its spatiality, it's easy, cleaning the linear concept of time and expand their cells, so that everything is harmonious, it really makes things can change, one way to another, is the space between atoms or cells, that allows us flexibility and processing flexibility. Well it's time to regain that flexibility, that a linear time we can not offer instead a spherical time itself. If things go online, like a rope or chain, we find a single direction if things are born from a point like a geyser on the ground, to reach a high point returns to the origin, forming a sphere, so well because we have to send or view our energy and thoughts, breathing and emitting light to our environment or our way. Where we go, let's play with light, and generate harmonics, until he insults us, then, only fear, and is no longer with us, or is in very small doses.
To get to expand their power, without going to look now, every single detail of your locks, it is time to transform not to accumulate data, we invite you to take a deep breath in several times between 9 and 16, and displayed as land, up to you, a beautiful turquoise blue energy that fills every six power centers ... until the farm soul star.
(See graph of energy centers on the blog as an anchor of the twelve farms , or view online charts of the twelve personal chakras)
And once that light turquoise radiate around you throughout your body, breathe again and ask the universe that are imbued with the energy diamond, displaying as it descends upon his head a beam of white light, almost transparent iridescent bright, flashing in all colors and come in contact with the soul star chakra, about inches above his head, starts to turn on itself, forming a ring of light that permeates it and every time, but the power amplifier at the center, hence, breathe again and displayed as down on their heads inside the farm as if it were a funnel and form an infinite vertical between the soul star chakra and crown chakra, turning on themselves in times barias, breathe and feel like after entering their heads straight to the heart little by little, and then started again a triple infinity ... .. starting to turn in place, to a high speed, rotation will expand all your auric field, as simple as that, if this is done every morning, their cells will be filled with these new vibration and every day more and more, until a few days in anomalous energy canceled, or division, if they can not visualize it, no matter cuéntenselo; and see how it expands, a tingling throughout his body, and simply let yourself be surprised by the results without more on the physical plane acháquenlo to chance at first ... and you will see will soon be the luckiest things that ever been able to gather, pro that what you call luck is synchronicity in the end, after all, are space-time lines that come together in moments, offering new opportunities. Let yourself be surprised.
And remember it is not time to lecture or convince anyone, it's time to apply, and so experience is real, and who want and ask. To return to their creativity of children, you come to be yourself, and remember before you get out, breathe deeply two or three times, to collect their aura to a level of physical light, which can be well rooted, for its activities and give the thank the universe for the "hows" Brothers we love with all our heart and the joy of seeing every day are more i more people begin to exercise their free will, a kiss with love Sananda.
Note: when referring to a triple infinity in the heart chakra, means to an infinite vertical, one horizontal through the center of the first and form a cross and a third passing through the center of it, forward and back, leaving a 3-dimensional figure, as in the diagonal of an octahedron.
Thank you all for spreading this message. Any question can ask, thanks again, Elsa
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