Understanding is the internal flow. M Hilarion
You're doing very well, from love, from the light, today the quantum leap is very important, you will feel really displaced from your homes, you will feel that there something you want to exit you want to be seen, and you do not know as plugging that emotion.
The truth is within you, the energy of this month January and especially today January 11, 2011, until 22/01/2011, will be even more intense, emotional shocks, all will lead you again and again to those parts of yourself that you are not attending, the power of word, and find peace in any space. Days of peace are meeting and if not, is that there are still outstanding parts in your hearts that want to be served out of love, now more than ever.
I love so much, is all the effort are doing, which is wonderful to see how it is completing your personal ascension process.
It is now The challenge is to apply them in all your acts and gestures, end your karmic contracts, begins the true free will, otherwise, you are something you do not forgive, and therefore do not want to build. Control and prefer to remember time and again, it's logical, it's humane, it's fear ... ..
If everything works, do not know what will happen next and therefore your comfort zone, or prefer the known psychological reversal, but that's not your heart, not even your mind, your mind is analytical, a partial mind, should be supplemented with others to form your unity.
No any method that helps them let go, just a willingness to do so, saying simply, dropping ... it's just a decision, that are accustomed to do in times of great pain when a situation is not sustainable as there is no choice, and sometimes by disease, with the pain it gives to you and the environment. It's like your diseases are solutions that enable them to do what you would not be able to, because then it is justified.
No brothers, no longer touching sick, get to speak, acting out, both the good and the fears, all out, all because .. You'll be surprised to know that that same fear is on the other, and energy is wasted hiding, being vulnerable is beautiful, it is not real, you are vulnerable when you hide a secret, you are real and sensitive when you share.
And if thousands of lives and times, you've been betrayed by it, but was aware of 3D, who follow it, is their problem not yours, ye walk in your truth and this will give you the strength and vibration away precisely such characters.
The era of information control, is coming to an end of cycle, it is now was to understand the information, we've all made mistakes, to us on many occasions, it is important to learn from them and move forward not to repeat again and again .... that nothing happens except the pain if it happens one day that being is awake and not discuss it again.
expertise in heart there is only one pattern, understand, and walk, no lessons, no rivalries, no levels, there is no definite structures ... ... ... and it's all part of a whole.
Well in this period You start each one in his life, now more than ever is a time of solitude, listening and addressing just that, the inner voices out of what we all say, it is useless to say since nobody listens. And change is so good to hear, because speaking as he speaks, opens and structure ... ... ... ... ... ....
But that alone does not mean, you know like-minded people who are coming to you from which you can be more open than ever, the so-called family of light. The challenge is to combine the two, with the physics of light, each one is important and each helps us to grow, if we defend ourselves.
Brothers begins to be time, not to preach to anyone or yourself, to understand that the energies are much lighter that every situation is immediate if you will, that every moment is unique in itself, but not so poetic but because time is zero, the turning point to create another reality, the word city, no more complaints, each of them denser and more the reality that is dissonant. Anchor
energy, light and will be filled with the solution or the chain of events that will take it. If you really after nothing, nothing, so does the 5 d, there is nothing biased that is the reality, so in reality, after nothing is everything.
But we must choose where you are, you have to choose to do, with a major shift in consciousness, choose without thinking about how, for your "hows" are those that tend to hinder the realization .... the oxygen enters the nose automatically, and you never plateáis like this there, either as enacted and leave the how the universe, so simple and easy ... ... ... .. because no ye old gods full of gifts and power, you are human angels full of love and passion for life, creating that life.
That is the challenge in the coming months to live from the heart, not uproot themselves with joy, and being very responsible for your physical body, hygiene, food, sleep etc., And at the same time that begins to be your new physical body that you call body energy: but perhaps the energy is not physical? Well, it's time to feed the two, always early in the day, then there will have to think about how, because it will happen, as simple as that happens ... .. Something as simple as breathing consciously morning will make your life impregnéis environment, with enough energy to make the law of attraction give, I love friends, I look forward to more and more similar in your heart. M. Hilarion.
PS: do not forget to give new opportunities around you, if ye you renew the environment every step of renewing with you, those are the challenges of your time to be able to start from scratch without judging, is simple and a challenge at a time. As above so below, the cone is outside, is actually inside, albeit a very, very hidden in the subconscious, so before you talk will review and fill you with light. If you have not yet been able to reach a clairaudience, no matter who you imaginéis just standing like a mannequin in front of your light, and to ask how I critique in me? For example if you dont like the criticism of others, you will see how obscure parts of your body, breath and ask then to the land that you send a beam of blue light, which rise through you, through the channel of the prana and return the light to these areas, as you make several breaths, maybe in a few days perhaps, when the blue light becomes light golden or white gold, this part of you that stopped emitting psychological reversal, and stop creating that reality external dissonant and help you to reach understanding. And from there to the outside, radiating light in your area, thanks brother, Hilarion, again ... ..
Thank you all for sharing this pipeline, including help us all and we can complete, due to heart Elsa
You can spread this message to those who believe necessary, with all my gratitude, thanks again Elsa, for any questions:
http://ascensionalquimicageometrica.blogspot . com
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