Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Illegal Incest Dad Son

emotional, mental and physical. Robert Baker.

I get this channel, Robert and I found interesentisima, because I identify with any such change these days, as a person I'm also a personal process of constant adaptation. Therefore I have introduced it into the blog, to share.

ire In these days besides making the drainage of Geomoetria egercicios topics that allow us to take more in-depth awareness of our body, and go reshaping what happens to us or to expand knowledge of those things that come to us in meditation or visualization or have heard about, is one of the proposals bolg practical access to the whole of geometry, a big kiss, happy new year.

Archangel Gabriel: Review of the first four months of 2011 /

effects emotional, mental and physical. Robert Baker. Robert Baker

updated January 1, 2011
(Note: To capture more meaning of how they fit
months in the bigger picture, we recommend that you read the overview of 2011
first. We have included a lot Information in this article
it is important for the understanding of each segment of the year.

not repeat that information below.)
We are in a period of preparation for the awakening of being. The
2010 has been a time to bring them to the presence
healed of duality coupling pairs of opposites.

The 2011 will be called the "Year of the Revelation of Truth

and Integration."

In the "Overview of the Year" we speak of the three quadrants
(segments of four months each) of the year.
This canalization * * n is on the first four months of the year

In the first four months will be removed
primarily to light the secrets that have been hidden in the subconscious of both
both individuals and groups in the world. These secrets are part of you and
have been kept in a state of Denial * * ny defense.

January - Revelation * * n
February - Reassessing * * n
March - Restructuring * * n
April - Taking New Elections

In the stage of revelation * * n can be expected that those things that have not
been carried tea * * Terms or that are unbalanced, still in the
duality will come to light in early January.

In the last four months of 2010 the energies of the fifth chakra (the higher will
and expression * * n be the plan for each individual)
were activated, moving downward toward the lower three chakras.
So now we start with the energies up to the first chakra at
January - the powerhouse at the base of the spine
(spine). It holds the energies of the consciousness of primitive survival

This will happen in groups and also structures. For example, Wiki-leaks is
the beginning of the revelations of what has been kept secret in the world
. You will find the same thing happens in their private lives.

higher energies will align with the first chakra and increase
Act "Drag or Push," which rises denser energies. These low energy
rise to the truth of his being. This can only happen if they stop
refused, telling themselves
lies and myths based on fear and defense.

The physical body is governed by energy, your chakras, your energy
field (aura) and astral body. This first powerhouse
connects with your physical body. Imbalances in their bodies will be revealed to
activate these energies. In order to remain present in the moment of truth
must learn to be in reality, not myths.
His five senses have been part of his defense to survive a long time
myth. These distortions are healed now, shaking
false reflection of life. Increasingly impact all
you the truth of reality. Mental beliefs
distorted past grievances will be shaken. Everything has not been resolved in
these myths will come out.

The body is a brilliant balancing system that seeks to heal itself
bringing myths to the surface. This is being prepared as
the energies of their bodies are raised to a higher vibration and frequency
. This will bring up all
grievances accumulated over their past histories.

This may bring things apparently not related to what is happening in this life
. Visions may have no logical sense.
not, however, will tend to bring out feelings
also have been stored in the imbalance of the defense.

childhood Things will come out well. Have the opportunity to heal old karma
(things happen for those who have not learned how to assume responsibility
). Now move toward accelerated learning curve,
heal your karma.

consciousness emerge in January of primitive experiences very deep ...
from the early age of childhood, anything that has been saved
in the consciousness of survival. This first chakra
shake the structures and forms expressed by you.

be a time of restructure old ways that are tainted by their
"unfinished business" and feelings without healing. It is a month of revelations.
Some also will be inspired by new ideas, new elections,
or a desire to express their creativity in new ways.

The seventh ray of the first chakra will also increase, and it is also to restructure
form. Magic is the Order of Ceremony. Is the beam
laws governing energy in the universe. There will be a great deal of conflict
outside where they will see what has been happening behind the scenes always

Different groups and individuals who are part of deception and corruption will become more apparent
. The way you have created laws in the physical world
was based on the morality of what is good and bad, right and wrong
, reward and punishment ... all that remained in place
a herd consciousness.

Children want to please someone in a position or
authoritarian leadership, and now see that there are many in positions of leadership have been children hurt
acting defenses.

Therefore, some of disclosures will be to disappoint
consciousness of survival.

will feel inspired to awaken your deepest truths, which the
encouraged to mature and take responsibility for their own lives.
now see the tricks that have been there to handle and keep them in a state of fear
. As that being connected, the five physical senses
will intensify.

This will help them perceive the objective truths about the physical world.
You will begin to awaken to deeper truths and insights. In
their private lives, if they perform actions
survival behavior patterns they have been satisfied, that keep them in a state of denial, separation and confusion
will have greater insight into
them and realize that no longer serve.

The physical body will upset the lower torso
activate the first chakra. As that being radiating from its center,
also disclosed that it is not in balance in your physical body. In
result may have more symptoms than treatment and care.
Some of these include pain in the lower torso, from the stomach into the lower back

may experience nausea Sometimes when emotions
try to move and cause friction in the solar plexus. Could have an accelerated release
excretions in the body, and some blocks.
could have problems in the legs and feet, such as pain and itching.
could get overheated or feel cold, sometimes only in specific parts of the body

Keep in mind that emerging challenges are there to inspire them to
respond and take care of themselves more evenly. FEBRUARY

This will be a time of reassessment, based on what was revealed in January. This
begin to provide more clarity on what happened in January, creating
much questioning and doubt, even fear in some. This will be temporary
. However, it is a process to negotiate the shock of his family
comfort zones.

might feel overwhelmed and anxious to begin this period of negotiation
. Some feel helpless and without control.
sure to allow these feelings move through you. When something goes
to light in his consciousness, is looking to integrate and heal, achieving a balance
. Any feeling repressed can not heal.

learn to see their lives in new ways, beginning to reveal what
might be possible if they lived their lives from certain choices.
begin to transcend good and evil more fully as they heal
duality. Begin to learn that opposites are simply
something that reveals things elsewhere.

This will help them accept their feelings more fully, as they
focus better on your second chakra. No feeling is good or bad. And certainly no feelings
threatening to you when they know how
allow them to pass, accept and be informed by them.
are there to deepen their experience, and can inspire them to respond to what they need in their
life from moment to moment.

As they move away from what is "right" and "wrong", is preparing to enter
individuality, where they have many choices.
They began to assess what they serve at various stages of their life
, as that is perfect for you. This may not be what it
serves another.

This will create a jolt to the system where people are controlled by
what is right and what is wrong, "must do", and fear not the thing
choose "right." This reassessment will cause it to reconsider how they want to prosecute
life, choose his life and even interact with others.

The seventh ray will continue plummeting any manner not in unity and
serving the good of all. Individuality allow this to happen more fully
. Rating affects your individuality then the way they are valued
each other more fully.

be considered and explored new structures in this period, both
their own lives and in global systems groups.
be considered the needs of all more fully, at least
introducing them now. These are the symptoms that come as a result of healing the
duality in this period of time.

You will begin to show their faces to the illusions that have become apparent
, carefully scrutinizing beliefs
pain they have saved for so long. These beliefs have been his attempt to
"decide" about life in order to have control and know what to expect from
life. This does not allow the truth.

The truth is the revelation of the deeper aspects of life, based on
growth stages and needs in life.
development is constant in space of the heart. The power of love is the energy that governs
being and will penetrate and reveal more and more truths
their lives in this period. MARCH

As they consider their restructuring in this period, see how
been restrained themselves and others for so long.

You state: "So I am by nature", but this is just
beliefs and behavior patterns to which they have clung to the illusion
keep control of the life around them.

As they enter this period will begin to see more possibilities.
Reality is a small space with limited benefits
of life and relationships. The reality remains a realm of infinite possibilities. The focus
of its intention to take place when the third chakra activated this month.
focusing their thoughts, feelings and actions to address specific
creating something will help them in this period.

Freeing the desire to oppose and avoid them will help also. This will create the foundations
restructuring in this period, developing more fully
personal conscience as it pertains to
profound truths. This will enable them to prepare for new elections in April.
Seeing the way his life is structured by its own energies, intentions and beliefs
will serve also helpful, as they
begin to stretch their comfort zones to more possibilities and choices

Maybe some of you will begin to be able to exercise or imaginarsese
you contain within itself the possibility of true greatness.
begin to see the evolution as a process for moving his greatness,
to see that they are divine in nature, physically. This will happen as that being
just beginning to penetrate their reality.

The physical world in a broader sense begin to crumble
old structures that no longer serve. People will suggest these
approaches to restructuring. Some politicians will offer false promises
even without intending to fulfill ... but the suggestions will be explored when the restructuring
becomes more necessary.

begin to glimpse never have realized that everything is connected
of powerful ways. These are impulses of the Divine Plan. And they have freedom of choice
everything is unfolding.
can move as fast or as slow as they wish.

Pay attention to your needs and that of which they can deal,
but keep in mind that true love does not have any conditions.
simply encourages them to go in directions of great accomplishment and connection
of Heaven and Earth.

begin to see that every part of it does have value for your perfect trip.
The way they use their freedom of choice is one of those parties.
see how they judge. See how they are willing to change that by
discernment and evaluation to enable them to live more and more effectively.

Develop your consciousness so that they can be seen not only themselves but
as sacred all life around him.

will see in this period of restructuring the purpose behind their previous
elections. Perhaps the old horror of choices made for
help but feel certain experiences. This is the reason why they have
said they did not want that. If they choose to oppose and fight, you
require the universe to provide them with something they oppose. A
as they restructure the way they approach life
start moving towards what they want to create more fully now.
physical symptoms continue to affect the lower torso.

will show how to use his will in preparation for new elections in April
. This will require you to see what motivated them to take their old
elections. To prepared in the best way to see how they are used or not
structures his life. See what these
structures hold elections and continue to evaluate from a spectrum of choices that serve
them more effectively. APRIL

This last month is a period to move toward the exploration of new
elections. That for which you are willing to take responsibility
at this time. Learning to be more and more now in the
NOW, put them in the right direction.

If invested well every time, create your future more effectively. Construct
resonance through what they choose at all times.

If they commit to the truth, create their future from the truth. If
committed to value and have integrity, that is how they will create their future. Displaying
election commitments and will serve wonderfully in this
period. And if you have paid attention in previous months, be prepared to have
splendidly affordable energy for the establishment of more direct forms

As that being increasingly penetrates the physical body, will make
test and issue to, and communicate with the personality through
inspiration and reassessment. At first do this subtly so that the lower will
personality and not feel threatened. Revealing
first that no longer serves them, may feel inspired
to move and choose new directions that
placed more effectively in their path. Learn how you combine everything together
is what they'll do you in the fourth month of this first segment of
Year 2011 of the Truth and Integration.

encourage them to show a conscious, and continue to promote and
healing their own paradigm or approach to life. Seek the help and support they need
. Encourage others to make the choices that serve them most
, acting first as living examples to choose
reflect more love and commitment.

This is part of what they can expect to happen during early
Blessings, Gabriel


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