The awakening of the Universal library, in every being
This is a call for light Gaia am your brother and Hilarion, and Sananda Melchisedek.
As you all know, ends the process of division here at Gaia, is the time to wake up your personal library, your DNA. How is this done?: Automatically, will be done by simple impregnation energy. The energies of March I have been preparing for it and in April will help you complete it, simply, is why some feel the need to retreat, and many who do not you hear this call, simply , the physical body gives you some discomfort for you to remain in seclusion and thus filter out incoming energies of your behavior patterns. It is good to get this far but this is how you will recognize that your physical body has own intelligence and wisdom to re place you in the right direction and point of your evolution.
closes a cycle, the community, and start the unit, you can not be one with nature if you are not yourselves, that you and we have said on more than one occasion.
And the great challenge today is to fail to plan and organize the lives of other beings, even in the name of love, each being to solve his personal network, whatever you do to avoid something, it turned out, only you can avoid or transform itself. It's the end of an era of therapies, known as someone making decisions for another human being, is the time to teach others to be built, no matter the method or discipline if that be making the commitment to himself.
Brothers, in the April / May period, beginning the toughest period, perhaps you have known, to identify all the things you do and do not belong to you, and it hurts because it's so easy to organize outside and so afraid of freedom .... well because when we organize out all the time interfering in the life of another being, are atavistic habits that even more elaborate, you have to take note of how many situations you are interfering.
es bueno que empecéis con un listado de todo aquello que creéis estar arreglando en el otro, y todo aquello que no estáis atendiendo en vosotros….
Para vibrar hay que ser sólido, para materializar hay que vibrar y es ahora, el momento de cerrar todas y cada una de las fugas de energía, por ello es muy posible que de aquellas que no toméis conciencia, o de aquellas que una y otra vez estáis solucionando, o bien se os eche de esa situación o se desborde, ya que no escucháis a vuestro yo superior pidiendo que termine esa situación, que priva a crecer a otro ser.
La biblioteca viviente o memoria universal, is in you, has received thousands of names in different cultures, but basically it is the union of your bodies energy and energy flowing through your cells. Ie the complete DNA. In order to be the book of life, every living being to conceive the dialogue with the realms, that is, every being, is in such serenity that is able to understand that the act or life for all, from a stone to a human being has a function and a creation, and therefore is equal to him, deserves your respect and serenity, in a short time, agree to a dialogue. Some of you are experiencing, they know when they enter homes as they feel, how they react, and recognize people, places or things and it's time to start walking, with complete awareness of balance. Among the capacity to be, to see to give and receive. And above all confidence in the ability of every self-managed.
we must therefore not fail to meet the beings who have not, but if you give them the time to ask us what they want, what they are good at this rate ... every being has an innate capacity self, which has been culturally and historically diminished, either because the incoming energies reminded everyone you can that the time and place here on Gaia, it is time to react and grow, for yourself.
Forget the information they receive, in general cases, are already in spherical time where things happen after a personal choice, nobody manipulates anyone be so if the other does not permit, when a being is at its center, ie with minimal concession in their fields, can be staggering. But do not take steps back, when they try to draw others from its center, will not succeed, at any time, as each must find his own, and can then if you lose yours.
light for the best in each case, good in one situation but not enact anything than the good or the truth, because then they will be interfering in the wake of that be ..
Breathe the maximum from 4 breaths in the morning or 9, only that, consciously and gradually unifying anger them, they will be expanding its electrical connection that will give them access to their internal communication and Hence the communication with the realms, thanks brothers for their effort, a personal effort to help us all beings in the universe, because every time a being awake, extending the balance of the universe, and that power is added to the building of life, from an atom in water vapor in the planet to the enormity of a galaxy everything is constant creation and everything is greatly needed in form.
Begin to build, forget the past, thanks again, starting from scratch today your life with endless possibilities thanks brothers in the light. M Sananda, Hilarion and Melchisedek
Thank you all, to spread this message to heart, and for all the help. If you have any questions my email is and above pipes are in:
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