understand schedules, and that ability to reset our magnetic pulse again, neutralizing all those impulses that have made us blur, or not develop in our free will.
Recall that the energy principle is the transformation constant, continuous reaction and contact with new impetus and energy bodies with which we transmuting the energy or exchanged on a constant flow.
We know scientifically that this is an infinite stream. Is transmitted at a constant speed and in a uniform circular motion.
We will
as reference, energy schedules, typical of Karuna itself through the links Gnosa in flux as to orbital electrons in an atom.
And of course we will begin our work on balancing the physical chakras as they are the gateway to the different vertices, and union with the same ascending chakras metaphysical bodies known as the 7 bodies, everything and now we know they are infinite. Y new bodies, such as electricity that is waking up to the opening energy of the different portals, or new electro magnetic frequencies of the ascension process. Which in turn release energy and awaken to new centers or chakras that were waiting to be activated. Whether consciously or not.
RESET energetic processes
So the first thing we will get in contact with our energy sources, the primary source of contact with the ground, and secondly the energy flow of universe.
How? As follows:
implement, several breaths, each in ways that are more practical. And everyone connect with their guides, their beliefs or Reiki, metaphysics etc.
Once relaxed, not sleeping, get in touch with a point of light, we can create beams of visualization, or associate in a plane.
This is a beautiful spiral of energy that surrounds plant your feet in a similar direction clockwise, and with an upward direction. Allow this energy to touch and penetrate plant your feet.
you enter through the soles of your feet up and in the same sense of clockwise.
If we analyze the chemical composition of our skeleton, we find a mineral filler highly conductive. As alkaline phosphatase, etc. ...
Gradually, direct that energy, ancestry, contact one by one from the bones of your skeleton to form a sweep, even coming to your column, once there climb from the sacral area, imagine how curious, sacral, sacral bones. One by one our vertebrae, visualizing and relax, like disks that lie between them, spreading and light, displaying an aura of light, which keeps them in good position, between them, and to the cervical area and from this, it expands the shoulder blades, down to his shoulders and sternum.
Walking the chest, and illuminating our whole body bone to the tip of the skull in revitalizing energy sweep. Let this feeling you invade, and once as absorbéis emitís and light in a constant field.
breathe and feel like your brain absorbs this light, focused and give the order for the momentum energy of your thought, absorb light.
Directly after all the gray light, is the white mass, which is the most important part of our great unknown brain.
Our conscience will try to balance the two hemispheres in this sweep of golden light, a major function of this area, when there is balance joins ; to develop or provide all extrasensory perceptions, to what I call the other senses.
will care again in the brows, where the eyebrows, the gland was located pineal, turn our attention there again, with the expressed desire to absorb all this energy. While energy canalizáis in this gland, expresses the intention to trigger our body, the necessary changes in our body, hormonal changes appropriate for us at this stage, at this moment of evolution. The pituitary is the first point of contact with the pineal gland.
Once you feel like your energy is deposited in the center of the spine relaxed, see how the energy that falls your feet, create a strong link anchor, with the center of mother earth.
Before starting the program, choose a pattern or order , new to install in our energy centers.
That is very simple and concrete, making them ideal metaphysical decrees, which began with the I Am presence. This is because to verbalize, the blanket I am, I AM. Activate the energy directly from the verb, verb understood as an activity in a peremptory and decisive. And this resonates with what is known as Buddha or Christ body. Something like:
I am a being of light ... ... who lives with peace in your mind.
This statement or decree, shall be the basis of our programming, and will be written with golden light, in Dhaka one of our centers.
In the top of our heads, a sphere of golden light, stretching an electric filament, which activates the core of the crown chakra. I particularly small, I imagined that every time you open a chakra, opening a flower, to be deployed, depending on how it opened, the flower, or whether it was torn, faded etc., Wise as he was the center.
Everyone who use the system, light or symbol he deems necessary, those with the Usui Reiki 2 level, you can add a sei-he-ki, a center opening.
Once open and full of light, proceed to register the phrase in the center of our "flower", a phrase has been entered, proceed to reactivate the strands of this statement, our core is say how it will affect us, deploying four strands or groups of orbitals.
filaments Address:
Heading forward from our face forward, see how to deploy a thread, each in its own way, which will give us information about how our universe is inter-dimensional, in the future. I understand that the future is not a reality, which is unlinked to the present, therefore, to add momentum, we see that it triggers, i help a successful deployment of the thread, if you do not plain, with metaphysical aid of lights, with the violet flame, or asking the angels, who are unemployed! Guides etc.
back in balance, it will display the last time, we talk about our relationship with this statement in last space.
Once rehabilitated, and in balance, we will display a lateral strand , on the right side, we show how we interact with our ability to give in this chakra, and then deployed in the left side , the thread for the left side, we talk about our ability to receive, nobody panic, if you go small, we are given very rare, they would say in Latin America, receiving. For hands on it rebuilt.
Remember the crown chakra is the center, which displays the unification alo with all bodies. Our first external vertex connecting to the universe.
Once extended the four strands in the form of blades, turning down the boost to the next energy center. Located between the eyebrows, here again repeat the opening, registration and sweeping in the four directions, expresses the intention while scrolling lotus third eye, deepen your knowledge and increase discernment. There is a phrase that came to me recently, saying "think with your heart and feel with the mind"
again extended the energy boost and move the center of the throat, feel the love we will flooding, the throat is a portal, very special, I tell you I was always escacharra, before a change of life, to see if now you do not pass the threshold, a scooter, and I get no somatize. Is the threshold where the energy of what is above, so below are merged. There, repeat the entire process and once balanced, we will, to the next center of the heart and high heart. We will
as all our chakra is filled with emerald green light, each of us in his heart, is a piece of creative energy.
If you activate this facility, akasha memory will start naturally, without any need, of suffering, more roller coasters. And what is more important, knowing in what quantity and how we can reposition each of the processes stored there.
The last delivery of Harry Potter, when in the office of director, faces a Pensieve, ie his soul is a reflection of water, which transports you to the past, when the director was surprised, he fears the worst, but the director, explains, there is nothing wrong with looking into the soul, if you know you will to do with that information, the problem of multidimensionality is to place each and every one of the information.
Again, complete all registration and deployment, descend to the solar plexus, this deployment is of great importance, the chest is known as the seat of the unconscious, and each petal of your flower, represents or remember each and every one of your faces, how many are in progress? well, would now sacred, or sexual / creative center, the energy flow in this area helps us co-create "in our lives. That's why we have always been maimed in the center, so it is important to rebuild.
And finally, we will enroll the base, so that we connect with reality in our land.
Once there, if we do not always end, leave a short space where we can carry out simple observation.
breathe and we focus our auric field much more enhanced, feedback and stabilize us in this situation, i breathe slowly we become aware of each of our organs, those with Reiki can close the crown chakra with sei-he-ki again and then, stretching back to consciousness. Those who do not give the mental command of calm and seal this treatment.
But most of all thank you to their schools because they know that they have heard.
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